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 Double dot: doble puntillo  Concerto: concierto (a composition for soloist

 Disonance: disonancia and orchestra)

 Ear training: entrenamiento auditivo  Cover: slang for the performance of a song
 Decibel: decibelio written by someone other than the

 Double stop: performer.

 Articulation: articulación (the degree to which  Arpeggio: arpegio (a broken chord)

notes are separated or connected, such as  Bend: doblar

staccato or legato.)  Cue: entrada (a gesture made by a conductor
 Classical: clásico (music of a “serious” (non- for a performer to make an entrance)
pop) nature.)  Bridge: puente (a transitional section in a
 Bassoon: fagot (a double-reed instrument piece of music)
which low pitch.)  Arrangement: arreglo (a different version of a
 Bass: bajo, contrabajo (the lowest part in composition)
music.)  Altered: alterado (a chord in which a note(s)
 Capo: principio, cejilla (the head, beginning, has been raised or lowered chromatically)
or top. Also a device placed across the strings  Augmented: aumentado (in music, raised,
of an instrument to raise the pitch.) enlarged)
 Balance: equilibrio (the harmonious  Accompaniment: acompañamiento
adjustment of volume and sound quality (secondary music material, supports more
between instruments and/or voices.) important material)
 Choir: coro sacro (a group of singers of sacred  Concertmaster: concertino (first-chair violinist
music.) in an orchestra)
 Beat: tiempo (a rhythmic unit of time.)  Chorus: estribillo, coro popular (the refrain of
 Attack: ataque (the beginning of a note or a song. Also a group of singers of secular
phrase.) music.)

 Accent: acento  Cymbals: platillos (percussion instruments of

 Coda: coda (closing section of a piece.) circular brass plates)

 Chart: the score or parts of an instrumental  Cluster: group of notes with the interval of a

ensemble, usually pop or jazz. second

 Caesura: sudden pause or break in the music,  Compound: a type of interval larger than an

shown by the symbol // octave (9th, 11th, 13th). Also a kind of time

 Combo: a small group of instrumentalists, signature in which the basic beat is divisible

used specially in jazz by 3 (6/8, 9/8, etc.)

 Acoustics: the science of sound. Also, the  Chops: slang for a player´s ability.

physical properties of an instrument or room  Baritone: barítono (a male singing voice

as related to sound. higher than bass but lower than a tenor.)

 Baton: a conductor´s wand (batuta de un

director.)  You are rushing: estás corriendo.
 You are a little flat: estás un poco bajo.  Harmonics/overtone: the pure individual
 You are slightly out of tune: estás tones which make up a complex tone.
ligeramente desafinado.  Horn: jerga: “instrument” (en general). The
 You are dragging/laid back: estás brass instrument with conical tube wound
arrastrando. round itself. Also, Musician’s slang for his or
 You are playing behind the beat: estás her instrument.
tocando por debajo del pulso. / You are  Interlude: a short piece used to bridge the
playing a hair the beat: lo contrario. acts of a play.
 Your pitch is flawless/careless: sin problema  Intonation: entonación (the accuracy of
(afinación). pitch.)
 You are playing in the pocket: está  Jam: sesión improvisada (slang for a gathering
controlado (perfecto). of musicians to play or improvise.)
 You are sharp:  Groove: slang for when music is perfectly in
 You are late: synch (sincronización).
 You are grooving: salirse un poco del tiempo  Hold: a fermata or pause.
pero ok.  Flugdelhorn: fliscorno.
 The timing of the different sections doesn´t  Form: the structure or organization of a piece
match: las secciones no van juntas. of music.
 You must play on top of the beat: ir justo en  Fundamental: the lowest note in a harmonic
el pulso. series.
 You tend to play early: tiendes a adelantarte.  Funk: a rhythmic style with much
 Play with a fuller tone: tocar con un sonido syncopation.
más lleno.  Fugue: a piece in which two or more parts are
 You are playing rubbish!: X built upon a recurring theme.
 Double time: top play twice as fast.  Gig: bolo (a musician’s slang for a job.)

 Flat: to be below normal pitch.  Fret: presionar las cuerdas contra el mástil

 Ensemble: a group of performers. (the act of pressing the fingers down on the

 Fake book: cancionero (a song book fingerboard.)

containing chord changes, lyrics, and melodies  Kettledrumb: a percussion instrument with a

for many songs.) tunable head. Also called timpani.

 Flam: apoyatura (a drum rudiment. Small  Leap: salto (salto mayor de una 2ª) (A skip of

grace note before the main note.) more than a 2nd.)

 Embouchure: the position and use of lips,  Lydian: A medieval mode beginning on the

tongue, and teeth when playing a wind 4th degree of a diatonic scale. F to F on the

instrument. white keys of a piano.

 Fingerboard: diapasón (the surface of the

neck on string instruments where the fingers  Licks: motive (slang for a short musical idea or

press down on the strings.) phrase.)

 Key: tecla (palanca que se presiona en un
instrument) (A lever pressed by the finger on
an instrument (e.g. piano, sax).
 Leading tone/note: the seventh degree of a
diatonic scale; leads the ear to the tonic note.
 Double step/Two step: pasodoble.
 Pick up: anacrusa.
 Slang: bolo, “trabajillo”.

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