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Hi all,

Having learned the materials in Session 1, now please

discuss the following questions.
1. How do you distinguish between informal and
formal English language and why do you think it is
important to learn both languages?
2. Compare these two sentences.
         A)      Sorry, but we can’t meet this deadline.
        B)      We regret to inform you that we will not be
able to meet this deadline.
          What do you think is the difference between
sentence A and sentence B? Explain your answer based
on this week’s learning material
      3. How would you explain the difference between
slang and colloquialism? Please provide 2 (two)
examples of each.
 For question 1, 2, and 3, you can answer either in
English or Indonesian.
 Have a great discussion!


1. Base on video BBC English masterclass

The way to distinguish between informal and formal english is in language style.
in infomal we use more common words and more phrasal verbs, using
abbreviations,contractions,shortened forms of verbs.
meanwhile, in formal we can't use slang,colloquialism,contraction and we have to use good
and very important to know about use formal and informal language because of we can put
ourself when we talk with another people for have a good conversation.

2. Sentence A uses informal language because the sentence there is contraction word
"Can't". and
Sentence B uses formal language because this sentence have a good grammar.

3. slang and colloquialism are the part of informal language. but colloquialism is more formal
than slang, more general.
- take a look at these example of slang
Mood - Used to express something that is relatable.
Lit - When something is very good, enjoyable, or exciting, you can say it’s “lit”.
- example of colloquialism
A cuppa – A cup of tea
Veg – Vegetables



1. The difference between formal and informal language is the style of language.
In formal language use use more polite language. Like when we communicate with
professional or academic purposes. We can't use slang( bahasa gaul),Colloquialism ( bahasa
sehari-hari) ,Contraction(singkatan). And wehave to use good grammar.
Meanwhile, informal language is more casual and spontaneous. It is used when
communicate with friends or family either in writing or in conversation. We can't use
slang (ex : Creep - Orang yang melakukan hal aneh kepada orang lain tanpa tujuan yang
jelas.), Colloquialism ( Cheers – Ucapan terima kasih), Contraction( Going to – Gonna), And
we have to use good grammar.

Both of are very important to know about use formal and informal language because of we
can put ourself when we talk with another people for having a good conversation.

2. Compare these two sentences.

A. Sorry, but we can’t meet this deadline.

B. We regret to inform you that we will not be able to meet this deadline.

The difference between sentence A and sentence B

Sentence A : Sentence A is an answer to rejection in a good way but this sentence is included
in informal language because it uses a contraction “Can,t”.
Sentence B : This sentence is usually used when you want to refuse at a meeting with your
boss in person or via E-mail and use grammar ( Simple future tense).

3. The difference between slang and colloquialism

Slang is more informal than colloquial language. Slang is predominantly used by
certain groups of people while colloquial language is used in every day speech by
ordinary people. Slang words mean substitutes for formal words that are sometimes
simplified with other languages or words that are more comfortable to say in verbal
communication. The term “colloquial” refers to a style of writing that is
conversational (how we talk on a daily basis).

Example of Slang word :

 Crash (Stay or spend the night or stay at someone else's place)
I think hes’s going to crash at your birthday party.
 Give a ring (a term when a speaker wants to call someone else)
You should give him a ring someday. He’s need your help.
 Piece of cake (to express that a thing or an activity is an activity that is easy
and very easy to carry out with no effort)
This job is a piece of cake
Example of colloquialism word
 Chicken out (to lose one's nerve)
I chicken out for speaking in front of audiens
 Wicked (like very or really )
This ice cream is wicked good!


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