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Running head: CACHE HANDLING 1

Cache handling

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Cache handling 2

Attackers have the ability to exploit the cache by manipulating some cache keys for example

HTTP headers. Payload can cause harm to computers especially because they are always present

in the computers without any harm, until they are executed into the cache (Chen et at, 2020).

Some attack vectors can be used to deliver attack, for example downloading the email

attachments that deliver payload after clicking and installation; setting off a particular group of

behavior condition; opening files that cannot be executed for example PNG files, viruses and

some malicious malwares that trick computer users to ultimately execute the payload.

Mitigating payloads proves hard due to the fact that they are dormant and harmless without

execution. However, computer users ought to be wary while downloading any kind of data from

the internet and it is necessary to scan download files first, regardless of their sources. Along

with regular security measures, there are specific processes in handling cache, which will

minimize the ability of the attacker to execute payload in cache.

Validation to ensure only authenticated data into the cache is allowed, is necessary whenever

there is a requested reputation. Due to the fact that the attack is aware of the computer or device

details, the only secure action is declining any sort of unfamiliar inquiries. This will ensure that

the attacker is denied data and as a result failure to deliver payloads.

Fuzz is another strategy that can prove successful, even though it is considered a bigger scope of

measures of computer security threat. Fuzz depends on the spot on level of security that it

delivers on as a way of detecting vulnerabilities that could be used by attackers to deliver cache

attack of the computer systems. The function of fuzz property is to detect malicious messages

that are a resultant of the processing reputation ((Khan et al., 2020).

Cache handling 3

Carrying out reputation processing demands the authenticity of queries (Kumar & Sivathanu,

2020). Confirming if the query might have changed calls for action. The reputation is removed

to allow the updated reputation for the properties because the cache is connects the trust

boundaries within the rear database retrieving. The same procedure applies the next time an

enquiry is made; the rear database requests for reputation from its processor, a feedback is then

sent to the system’s cache, preparing it for retrieval, and new data or feed is detected.

If there is a new feed in the cache, the reputation refreshes. A change in the reputation within the

cache will trigger deletion and the front-end commanded to refresh a new query ready for

reputation. The reputation process targets any harmful acts that can harm the cache through the

Cache handling 4


Chen, Y., Yan, Z., & Niemi, V. (2011, November). Implementation of a reputation system for

pervasive social networking. In 2011IEEE 10th International Conference on Trust, Security and

Privacy in Computing and Communications (pp. 857-862). IEEE.

Khan, M. N. I., De, A., & Ghosh, S. (2020). Cache-out: Leaking cache memory using hardware

trojan. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 28(6), 1461-1470.

Kumar, A. V., & Sivathanu, M. (2020). Quiver: An informed storage cache for deep learning.

In 18th {USENIX} Conference on File and Storage Technologies ({FAST} 20) (pp. 283-296).

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