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Data Analytics for International Business BMG 880

Report of Tesco

Student name
Table of Contents
Data analytics.......................................................................................................................4
Tesco problem statement.....................................................................................................5
Theoretical Framework........................................................................................................5
Decision support systems (DSS).........................................................................................6
Executive support systems (ESS)........................................................................................6
Data Layer...........................................................................................................................7
Analytics Layer....................................................................................................................7
Reporting /Visual layer........................................................................................................7
Business Analytics in Grocery Supermarket Industry (Inventory Management)................7
Inventory management.....................................................................................................8
Inventory Analysis...........................................................................................................9
Data Analyses......................................................................................................................9
Data collection...................................................................................................................10
Data information................................................................................................................10
Tesco Dashboard...............................................................................................................11
Dashboard Justification.....................................................................................................11

List of figures
Figure 1: Data analytics process..........................................................................................4
Figure 2: Data analysis features...........................................................................................5
Figure 3: Dashboard of Tesco............................................................................................12
Figure 4: Sales of entertainment products.........................................................................12
Figure 5: Total Clothing Sales for April 2021...................................................................13
Figure 6: Loyalty of customers for Tesco..........................................................................13
Figure 7: Customer's purchasing behavior........................................................................14

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Figure 8: Horsemeat scandal % of Tesco..........................................................................15
Figure 9: Tesco Ratios.......................................................................................................15
Figure 10: Market share for the UK retail Industry...........................................................16
Figure 11: Inventory turnover of Tesco.............................................................................16

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Businesses are able to maintain a consistent supply of products by using effective
inventory management to maintain a record of both their incoming and exiting stock. In this way,
businesses are able to preserve a steady supply of goods. When a firm is able to maintain a closer
eye on its stock, it will be able to save more money in other areas (Coyle, 2013). By placing
Internet of Things sensors all over its stores and continually monitoring the temperature and
lighting, Tesco was able to enhance the efficiency of its energy consumption and lower its
overall environmental impact. Business intelligence (Coyle, 2013), often known as BI, is an
approach to data analytics that makes it feasible for everyone, regardless of their level of
technical ability, to access and investigate data. Tesco is the third-largest retailer in the world,
and it earns more than three billion pounds in yearly earnings. Tesco is the biggest retailer in the
world since more than eleven million customers buy there each and every day (Chopra, 2013).
This assignment teaches students how to utilize business intelligence and data analytics to
assist management decision making. Demonstrate your command of business analytics and data
intelligence technologies and approaches. Develop, install, and evaluate a business analytics
system to boost operational efficiency. Skillfully convey data analysis findings to superiors.
Improve decision making using BI and analytics How to analyze and build systems (Crouhy,
Business intelligence (BI) collects, stores, and analyses an organization's data. Data
mining, process analysis, performance benchmarking, and descriptive analytics make up
business intelligence. Through BI, a firm can make sense of the huge volumes of data it creates
and make smart business decisions (Khan, 2016).
Supply chain decisions depend largely on information since it gives a comprehensive
picture. Information technology can assist make the best supply chain decisions (Dean, 2016).
Our objective is to develop a performance dashboard for a case organization. Information
is key to supply chain efficiency. IT contains tools to analyze and act on information. It's
challenged by cutting-edge technologies like real-time data analytics, Big Data, and the Internet
of Things. Tesco is in nearly a dozen countries (Dien, 2010). Tesco has nearly 2,000
supermarkets in the UK, making it the largest. Food, drinks, clothes, electronics, financial
services, home appliances, healthcare, insurance, dental care, music, and telecommunications are
among its numerous items and services (Chopra, 2013).

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Data analytics
Analyzing data and drawing conclusions from it is the goal of data analytics. Several
data analytics methods and procedures have been transformed into automated, algorithm-driven
processes that operate on raw data without human intervention (Matsuno, 2002).
With the use of data analytics, a company may raise its efficiency, productivity, and
profit margins, as well as make better strategic choices. The word "data analytics" is quite all-
encompassing, including a wide range of specific approaches to analyzing data. Information of
any kind may be put through data analytics processes to get useful knowledge that can be put to
good use (Coyle, 2013).

Figure 1: Data analytics process

Data mining is a subfield of statistical analysis that uses modelling and finding of
previously unknown information for predictive rather than only descriptive purposes. With its
primary emphasis on business data, business intelligence encompasses analyses that rely
primarily on aggregation (Godbole, 2008). Descriptive statistics, exploratory data analysis
(EDA), and confirmatory data analysis (CDA) are the three main categories into which some
individuals place business analytics when discussing its statistical applications (CDA) (Coyle,

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Tesco problem statement
We can study brand perception. Tesco's branding activities attempt to improve its image
and attract new consumers. Branding characteristics that influence buyer behavior. Tesco's brand
identity affects how people view the firm. Give Tesco recommendations to improve brand-name
purchase behavior (Arnott, 2008). This study examines customers' impressions of Tesco stores in
the UK. Consumer perceptions describe how customers feel about a firm or its goods and
services. Tesco's challenges include a drop in product and service quality, the horsemeat
incident, and its inability to grasp foreign trends and cultures (Matsuno, 2002). High inflation
distorts financial data and hinders ratio analysis. Tesco has continued to operate well, but it
anticipates cost inflation to impair its profitability in the year to February 2023 since it may not
be passed on to consumers or completely reduced (Watson, 2010).
Theoretical Framework
In today's economy, business analytics is strong. Organizations across sectors create large
volumes of data, increasing the demand for data-literate employees who can read and analyze it.
Business intelligence tools include reporting, visualization, and analytics to understand data.
These tools and programs analyze corporate data to provide relevant, actionable information. BI
Tools are utilized in enterprises and software applications to get insight from operational and
financial data (Watson, 2010).
Dashboards, Reports, and, more lately, Self-Service are the core outputs of BI solutions.
Embedded BI integrates analytical capabilities into your applications. Business analytics
employs descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics. It includes solutions, strategies, skills,
and best practices for understanding business reality and planning. Business analytics packages
provide varying levels of statistical analysis (Xu, 2020).
Tesco adopted RFID in 2003. Tesco could follow items throughout shipping, transit, and
online activities. This offers security and identity. This gives Tesco enormous control over its
supply chain. Lower expenses, faster processes, and more staff productivity result (Watson,
Big data analytics is utilized in business for market expansion and customer happiness.
Tesco reduces heat and light expenses through big data analytics. The organization uses big data
to learn about its power supply, hourly units, and regular costs. Tesco's method saves money and
energy. Business Analytics (BA) can save costs, improve collaboration with suppliers and

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distributors, anticipate future output, and assist solve challenges, improving Tesco's value and
profit (Watson, 2002). Tesco must invest in BA to enhance inventory management and dealer
communication. Tesco's success depends on moving goods, information, and money in and out.
Distributed and sophisticated vehicle supply chains may result in excessive inventory costs,
supply and demand mismatches, poor customer satisfaction, lost profits, and diminished
flexibility (Watson, 2010).
Big Data and automated data collection improve Tesco's supply chain. Tesco has
drastically increased earnings by deploying automated data collecting technologies to feed its big
data analytics program. Dashboards let operational specialists and supervisors monitor events
and take action in this assignment. Dashboards display performance through charts and statistics.
Operational dashboards monitor operational activity management to ensure processes meet
productivity, quality, and efficiency requirements (Xu, 2020).
The theoretical framework uses evolution to explain how BA systems create value.
Decision support systems (DSS), Data layer, Analytics layer, Reporting/Visualization layer,
Executive support systems (ESS). A business analysis framework is a conceptual structure that
uses knowledge, process approaches, and critical analysis to determine business needs. Using
this framework, the person may grasp business pain areas and company improvement prospects.
Organizations' business analysis processes may vary. Approaches may vary. In the IT sector,
business analysts deliver software development and process optimization or organizational level
transformation solutions (Watson, 2010).
Decision support systems (DSS)
SAP Business Objects Polestar, included in SAP Business Objects Edge BI, is a guided
data navigation tool that enables TESCO to rapidly investigate data on a daily, weekly, monthly,
and annual basis with only a few keystrokes. As an added bonus, keeping tabs on the pay trend
over time is useful (Webster, 2002).
In addition, SAP allows TESCO to examine the percentage of applicants who are hired,
the number of people who apply, and the reasons why certain people stop applying. Give
TESCO the resources it needs to make smarter business choices by supplying it with reliable
HRMS data (Godbole, 2008).

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Executive support systems (ESS)
An ESS (or DSS more generally) is a software system controlled by one of many
decision makers that aids in decision-making by offering a collection of tools to structure
decision-making situations and enhance decision outcomes (Chopra, 2013).
Data Layer
Business intelligence (BI) is how to acquire, access, comprehend, analyze, and convert
raw data into actionable information to enhance business performance (Coyle, 2013).
As enterprises embrace BI, they must follow a robust BI architecture design to ensure the
success of their investment. BI architecture details how data, people, procedures, technology, and
management must come together to enable a BI system's seamless operation. Data may be
available in various places and formats; it must be gathered in one place from internal and
external sources. Data is kept in a warehouse and evaluated for decision making (Dien, 2010).
Analytics Layer
Businesses utilize analytics to study their data and turn results into insights that assist
executives, managers, and operational personnel make better, more educated business choices.
Three forms of analytics used by firms are descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive. Used
together, these analytics technologies may be a great asset to a firm (Watson, 2002).
Reporting /Visual layer
Dashboards are graphical user interfaces that give quick views of key performance
indicators (KPIs) pertinent to a specific goal or business activity. In other contexts, "dashboard"
means "progress report" or "report" and is a sort of data display. By using dashboards, company
leaders may save time and enhance decision making (Godbole, 2008).
Dashboards provide a comprehensive perspective of the whole organization by
graphically presenting sales, data inventories, site traffic, social media analytics, and other data
to the management. Dashboards improve the administration of marketing/financial plans since
they make marketing simpler and more dependable than manual methods. Many organizations
use web analytics to shape their marketing approach (Watson, 2002).
Dashboards provide for improved sales and financial reporting monitoring due to more
exact data. Finally, dashboards provide better customer service via monitoring since they keep
managers and clients informed on project progress through automatic emails and alerts (Watson,

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Business Analytics in Grocery Supermarket Industry (Inventory Management)
Data analytics uses the customer data collected by offline and online purchases. This data
paints the customer profile, and with regular supermarket purchases, companies may detect
purchasing trends to utilize. Knowing where and how consumers buy items, as well as their
spending patterns, helps supermarkets to produce well-targeted marketing promos and offers.
This keeps people coming back for more. Data analytics helps supermarkets measure marketing
efforts and overall profitability (Chopra, 2013).
Manufacturers in the grocery supermarket industry may use business analytics
technologies to get fresh insights and make better choices, helping them to preserve and grow
their market position and revenues. While some firms have employed BI for longer than others,
contemporary technology has sped up the way data is obtained and processed. Supply chain
management efficiency benefits retail enterprises. BI technologies enable supply chain
management, helping companies better manage supplies (Dean, 2016).
Grocery and food delivery firms with private fleets use big data to improve operational
strategy, logistics, procurement, vehicle maintenance, and more. Their fleet managers must make
do with less. Legacy ideologies are being altered by data, analytics, and telematics. Executive-
level decision-makers are discovering how data is impacting their business and financial choices
for the long-term competitive future of their firms (Dean, 2016).
Asset acquisition strategy is the best illustration of this progression. Grocery chains with
private fleets no longer follow the long-term truck ownership strategy. BI proves that shorter
asset lifecycles are the future of the organization (Webster, 2002).
Determining the proper pricing to attract enough consumers and remain competitive in
the grocery sector is tough. Data analytics helps grocery shops price things correctly. Through
real-time revenue growth and client input, businesses can decide the optimum pricing that
consumers like and enables them to maintain profits (Dean, 2016).
Inventory management
Today, replenishing products just when low is not feasible. Retailers typically want to
know what's running low and what to stock up on, particularly in the grocery business, where
things move rapidly (Chopra, 2013). Real-time data helps grocery businesses and supermarkets
to estimate sales and demand of their goods using predictive analytics, emphasizing which things

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to keep and which to toss. This decreases inventory costs, guarantees high-demand goods are
constantly in stock, and boosts potential income. Overall, it helps supermarkets and grocery
shops manage their inventory and have enough of each item (Chopra, 2013).
With the development of e-commerce, more consumers are buying groceries online,
leaving brick-and-mortar businesses behind. With real-time data analytics, businesses may
compete with e-commerce sites by using important shop data (Watson, 2010).
Inventory Analysis
Big data analytics can reveal more than stock levels and product popularity. It can
identify the most lucrative goods (which aren't always the most costly or the most popular),
enabling you to concentrate your marketing efforts on them and lower or remove less profitable
things (Crouhy, 2000).
Analytics can forecast when marketed items need to be refilled, resulting in fewer empty
shelves and unhappy consumers. By examining the first few hours of sales, you may obtain a
better picture of how things are moving, enabling you to more correctly estimate supply levels
(Dean, 2016).
Perishable inventory requires accurate forecasting. Some charity absorb supermarkets'
unsold merchandise, but shops still have a lot of trash. Grocery retailers can cut the 1.3 billion
tons of food lost each year. Big data analytics may be used to monitor inventory levels and
reduce excess without leaving shelves bare (Arnott, 2008).
Data Analyses
Although various groups, organizations, and specialists approach data analysis
differently, most may be reduced into a single description. Data analysis is the process of
cleansing, altering, and processing raw data to obtain usable, useful information. This technique
reduces decision-making risks by giving relevant insights and data via charts, graphics, tables,
and graphs (Dean, 2016).
The process of gathering, modelling, and analyzing data to enhance decision-making is
called data analysis. Data analysis uses tools and techniques to organize, evaluate, draw
conclusions, and make predictions about a dataset (Dean, 2016).
Brand is a product or service's unique selling point. The brand enhances product life
cycle. Consumers and corporations are linked through brands. In this study, the researcher
evaluates brand influence on consumer purchase. The report named Tesco Plc a top UK retailer.

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The store's generic brand is more profitable. To make a brand image effective and acceptable to
customers in retail, a supermarket must compete on price, quality, and value (Crouhy, 2000).
Nearly two-thirds of UK shoppers choose a retailer based on its brand name. Being loyal
to a brand relies on pricing, availability, affordability, quality, and alternatives that form a
favorable consumer reputation (Coyle, 2013).
Data collection
The database stores sales data and analyses trends. Tesco employs a Content
Management System to maintain supplier product details. This technique assures the quality of
website data and information by choosing important individuals to update it, instead of various
persons as previously (Arnott, 2008). This would decrease redundant and erroneous data storage.
Classifying data simplifies sales and consumer analysis. Diagrams and spreadsheets are used to
analyze data. Intelligent technologies use data mining to analyze client buying habits and
forecast behavioral trends. By collecting and analyzing data, businesses may better assess the
efficacy of different workflows and inform their decision-making. The data warehouse stores
information obtained from a wide variety of sources (Godbole, 2008).
We look at April 2021's numbers for Tesco's Total Clothing Sales and Entertainment
Product Sales. We investigate the loyalty of Tesco's customers as well as their purchasing
behaviors (Crouhy, 2000). We investigate the horsemeat scandal, Tesco ratios, and other topics.
Tesco's proportion in the retail industry in the UK and the amount of inventory it turns over each
year. Information is gathered from online sources covering product warehouse inventory in the
UK, down to the level of detail needed to provide a clear picture of the situation as it is at the
moment (Chopra, 2013).
Data information
Customers' preferences can be assessed by buying power, geography, age group, etc.
using sales data. Popular items and client preferences may also be used for marketing. The
pricing of competitors in the same consumer market may be utilized to offer consumers bargains
and establish competitive prices. This is a client retention approach that may boost company
earnings (Godbole, 2008).
Tesco's new price match strategy and coronavirus caused buyers to move from Aldi for
the first time in over a decade. Tesco's brand health has improved in key areas since 2021.
Several beef-looking goods included horse scandal 2011-2021 (Chopra, 2013).

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Ireland's Food Safety Authority found 29% horse in Tesco's frozen beef-burgers. The
shop reassured consumers. Company committed to strengthen supply chain and acquire more
UK beef. These ideas helped the supermarket's logistics (Chopra, 2013).
Tesco consumers are delighted with the company's services and are interested in its items.
Therefore, the corporation must improve goods and services to attract more consumers (Chopra,
Industry firms have invested much in online sales to increase their market share.
Economic oscillations effect a company's profitability, too (Crouhy, 2000).
Ratio analysis compares a company's performance from one year to another and with
other firms in the same industry. Retail superstore grocery industry of UK is a highly competitive
business, thus companies must carefully examine their strengths and limitations to discover and
exploit market possibilities (Dien, 2010).
Tesco Dashboard

Figure 2: Dashboard of Tesco

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Dashboard Justification
Sales projections for April 2021 in the categories of entertainment, clothes, and
electronics are shown in the accompanying charts and graphs. Here we see the statistical forecast
for April's sales of leisure products based on historical data (Khan, 2016):

Sales of entertainment products

Entertainment CD DVD Films Games MP3 Blu-ray Books Charts Downloads

Series1 Series2 Series3

Figure 3: Sales of entertainment products

There are several approaches to decision-making that may be informed by information.
Frequencies, graphs, and charts may give a graphical manner of showing information important
to management decision making if the data is already available in electronic format. Graphed
sales data, for instance (Arnott, 2008), may shed light on sales patterns, geographic hotspots, and
other insights that might inspire successful advertising approaches (Coyle, 2013).

Total Clothing Sales for April 2021

£15 £20 £10 £10 £10
70 67 34 90 80
Clothing Women Men Boys Girls Babies

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Figure 4: Total Clothing Sales for April 2021
Tesco's like-for-like sales totaled £12.42 billion, up 1.3% from 2020 and 8.7% from
2019. Tesco's 2010-2022 annual/quarterly sales and growth rate. Revenue is the money a firm
earns from selling products or services (Arnott, 2008). All expenditures and expenses are
removed from revenue to get net income. We operate the firm to produce sustainable value for
all stakeholders and will continue to push outstanding value for consumers (Matsuno, 2002).

Loyalty of customers for Tesco

New customer More than 1 years More than 5 years

Figure 5: Loyalty of customers for Tesco

The data showed that most Tesco customers remain loyal for over 5 years. Customers are
loyal because of the excellent goods and services. This implies Tesco has dominated the market
for years with its great goods and services (Crouhy, 2000). Tesco consumers are delighted with
the company's services and are interested in its items. To attract more customers, the company
must enhance products and services. Packaging color and quality must be checked. This ensures
the product's safety. Consumer feedback is important to spot weaknesses in the company's
products and services (Dean, 2016).

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Customer's purchasing behavior

Total respondents

Response (%)

Number of responses

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

CRM Marketing Strategies

Quality of products Customer Satisfaction

Figure 6: Customer's purchasing behavior

Tesco will improve customer experience over time. Consumer happiness is a significant
component in internet buying (Coyle, 2013). Tesco personnel can give an excellent service and
help to meet customers' needs and a better experience during a pandemic. Long-term, pleased
customers have higher faith in Tesco's service. The enhanced purchasing experience in Tesco e-
shop makes it simpler and more pleasant for consumers, even during pandemics, and fosters a
long-term connection between Tesco and customers (Crouhy, 2000).

Horsemeat scandal %
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Figure 7: Horsemeat scandal % of Tesco

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This analysis demonstrates how customers' views of Tesco altered in the year after horse
flesh was found in food goods in the UK. 48% indicated their opinions of huge retailers hadn't
altered after the incident (Coyle, 2013).

Tesco Ratios

2018 2019 2020 2021

Figure 8: Tesco Ratios

Industry average current ratio is 1.48 and quiet ratio is 0.44. The low ratios are due to the
company's trading activities. The company's current ratio was below industry average, while its quick
ratio was above. So, the organization requires better liquidity (Dien, 2010).

Market share for the UK retail




Tesco PLC

Market Share

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Column3 Column4

Figure 9: Market share for the UK retail Industry

Tesco, Asda, and Morrison lost market share to Sainsbury and Morrison's, according to the
data. Asda's strong promotions caused the market share loss. Upmarket clientele are targeted. In

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locations where rivals exist, such corporations have increases in efficiency outlets. The pie chart
depicts 2021 market share. In 2019, Tesco held 26.9% of the UK market. 46% of Aldi buyers also
shop at Tesco (Chopra, 2013).

Inventory turnover of TESCO

2021 2020 2019 2018

Inventory Turnover Receivable Turnover Total Asset Turnover

Figure 10: Inventory turnover of Tesco

Inventory turnover of 4 to 6 is excellent. Below 4 indicates overstocking. Tesco's high
inventory level shows strong management. Receivable turnover measures the company's debt
collection (Dean, 2016). Higher ratios suggest speedier debt collection. Tesco's ratio fell from
16.3 in 2021 to 13.5 in 2019. Total asset turnover is how the corporation sells its assets. Tesco's
4 year asset turnover ratio (Dean, 2016).
Tesco's supply chain network lacks UK vendors. If they can expand their position in
established UK’s to rising giants, they can cut prices and grow their market. Having a central
logistic Center in UK will allow them to expand up (Webster, 2002).
Tesco's requirement to keep tabs on and assess vehicle fuel efficiency is driven by
logistics. Aside from helping the environment, this may also be a cost-effective means of
spreading environmentally friendly business behavior (Xu, 2020).
With the help of BI, a firm can get the right information to the right people at the right
time. When it comes to making business choices, Tesco, as a manufacturer of both new and pre-
owned automobiles, may benefit from using business intelligence not only for the management
of their used vehicle inventory but also for that of their new product inventory (Watson, 2010).

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The analytics model created by Tesco takes into account environmental trends to ensure
adequate supply levels. The company can reliably estimate what customers in a given region will
want to buy by analyzing past purchase data and forecasted climate patterns, and then stocking
stores appropriately (Coyle, 2013).
In order to prevent more losses, Tesco has to implement the supply chain solutions
outlined in this research and reduce costs. When thinking about the possibility of expanding into
new markets like UK and USA, the supply chain's strengths may be strengthened even further. In
this manner, Tesco can continue serving customers all around the world for the foreseeable
future (Khan, 2016).
Tesco values its consumers' opinions highly, and as a result, it is always innovating to
better meet their needs. As an example, Tesco's Brand Guarantee shows that the company cares
about its consumers and is willing to go the extra mile to resolve any issues they may have.
Customers are given easy access to a variety of options and quick shipping thanks to well-
maintained stock levels. Tesco has to find a happy medium between satisfying its customers and
minimizing the expense of inventory (Chopra, 2013).
Tesco operates in a highly competitive oligopoly. The online retail markets in the United
Kingdom and China are two of Tesco Plc's most promising regions for expansion and
development (Crouhy, 2000). Therefore, Tesco will need to enhance its operations' capacity for
online grocery buying and be ready for the worldwide development of online retailing in the
future. Tesco has been able to increase its sales and gain an edge over rivals because to the
substantial resources the company has devoted to enhancing its information technology
infrastructure. Different technological processes are used to assess patrons and learn about their
preferences, attitudes, and requirements. It follows a set format, which is consistent throughout
all of its locations (Chopra, 2013).
The business intelligence dashboard will give updated information on utilized product
stock, enabling Tesco managers to get in-depth understanding about the number of their
particular products, the turnover of their inventories, and the manufacture of specific products in
the future (Coyle, 2013). In addition to this, it will provide the dealer with daily information on
the inventory of used products, so boosting the communication's effectiveness (Crouhy, 2000).

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