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4/6/22, 20:25 Grammar: probability: Revisión del intento

Área personal / Mis cursos /

2022-C-2-714-470-ING-002 /
Tema 3 /
Grammar: probability

Comenzado el Thursday, 2 de June de 2022, 19:41

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Thursday, 2 de June de 2022, 19:45
Tiempo 3 minutos 44 segundos
Puntos 80.00/80.00
Calificación 100.00 de 100.00

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4/6/22, 20:25 Grammar: probability: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 1

Se puntúa 80.00 sobre 80.00

Use the words in parentheses to rewrite the sentences.

1. There's a chance that John will be able to afford to go on a cruise next year. (may)

John may be able

 to afford to go on a cruise next year.

2. It's possible that Jack and I will go on the Australian Adventure Tour. (may)

Jack and I may go

 on the Australian Adventure Tour.

3. Perhaps I'll visit Mexico next summer. (might)

I might visit

 Mexico next summer.

4. There's a good chance that it will be sunny this weekend. (probably)

It'll probably be

 sunny this weekend.

5. It's possible that you will save up enough money to go on the adventure tour next year. (could)

You could save up

 enough money to go on the adventure tour next year.

6. There's a small chance that we won't go on vacation this year. (might)

We might not go

 on vacation this year.

7. There's a good chance that John will ask me to go to Spain with him. (probably)

John will probably ask me

 to go to Spain with him.

8. It's certain that we'll go to Mauritius next month. (definitely)

We'll definitely go

 to Mauritius next month.

◄ Grammar: Will or be going to

Ir a...

Modal Verbs: Probability ►

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