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5/10/22, 15:56 Grammar: Will or be going to: Revisión del intento

Área personal / Mis cursos /

2022-C-3-714-470-ING-002 /
Tema 3 /
Grammar: Will or be going to

Comenzado el Wednesday, 5 de October de 2022, 15:53

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Wednesday, 5 de October de 2022, 15:56
Tiempo 3 minutos 20 segundos
Puntos 90.00/90.00
Calificación 100.00 de 100.00 1/3
5/10/22, 15:56 Grammar: Will or be going to: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 1

Se puntúa 90.00 sobre 90.00

Fill in with "will" or "be going to" in the correct form.

1. A: This adventure tour is a great idea!

    B: I


 book it today, then.

2. A: This was the best vacation ever.

    B: We

 come back one day, that's a promise.

3. A: Shall I call the travel agent, Sarah?

    B: No, we

are going to

 have dinner now. Do it later.

4. A: Shall we go to the Dinosaur Museum?

    B: I can't. I
am going to

 help my brother move house.

5. A: What time

are we going to

 meet on Friday?
    B: I'm not sure yet. I

 call you later and tell you.

6. A: It's 2 PM! We have to leave now or we

are going to

 be late!
    B: OK. I'm coming!

7. A: What are you doing this summer?

    B: I
am going to

 hike around Europe.

8. A: Care for a swim?

    B: Yes, I


 come with you to the pool. 2/3
5/10/22, 15:56 Grammar: Will or be going to: Revisión del intento

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