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10/2/23, 22:31 Autonomous Activity "Reported Speech": Revisión del intento

Área personal / Mis cursos / INGLÉS MODULO VI / CONSTRUCTION / Autonomous Activity "Reported Speech"

Comenzado el Friday, 10 de February de 2023, 22:27

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Friday, 10 de February de 2023, 22:31
Tiempo empleado 4 minutos 3 segundos
Calificación 8,00 de 10,00 (80%)

Pregunta 1
DO NOT USE CONTRACTIONS NOR CAPITAL LETTERS. Complete the sentences with reported speech: 

Se puntúa 2,00 “Can you buy me this red dress?”. She asked me if i could buy  the red dress.
sobre 2,00

Pregunta 2 DO NOT USE CONTRACTIONS NOR CAPITAL LETTERS. Complete the sentences with reported speech: 
“I’m seeing Maria this weekend”. She said was seeing  Maria this weekend.
Se puntúa 0,00
sobre 2,00 1/3
10/2/23, 22:31 Autonomous Activity "Reported Speech": Revisión del intento

Pregunta 3
Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence with reported speech:
“Andrea's arriving today.”
Se puntúa 2,00
sobre 2,00 → She told me that Andrea was arriving _______, but I found out the next day that her visit was cancelled.

a. ago

b. today

c. that day

Pregunta 4
Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence with reported speech:

Se puntúa 2,00
“My dad ran a marathon at the age of 65.”
sobre 2,00 → She told me that her dad ___ a marathon at the age of 65.

a. was running
b. has run

c. had run 2/3
10/2/23, 22:31 Autonomous Activity "Reported Speech": Revisión del intento

Pregunta 5
Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence with reported speech:
“I've written three pages of the report.”
Se puntúa 2,00
sobre 2,00 → He said that he ___ three pages of the report.

a. wrote
b. had written

c. was writing

◄ Live worksheets Verb Patterns Ir a... Verb Patterns – Class Workshop ► 3/3

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