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3/6/22, 17:23 Vocabulary: Adjectives: Revisión del intento

Área personal / Mis cursos / 2022-C-2-714-470-ING-002 / Tema 3 / Vocabulary: Adjectives

Comenzado el Friday, 3 de June de 2022, 09:16

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Friday, 3 de June de 2022, 09:23
Tiempo 6 minutos 28 segundos
Puntos 77.00/88.00
Calificación 87.50 de 100.00

Pregunta 1
Parcialmente correcta

Se puntúa 77.00 sobre 88.00

Choose the correct word.

1. Crete is a beautiful  island in the Mediterranean Sea that lots of tourists visit each year.

2. The trees are crowded  and there's lots of traffic.

3. The city has lots of modern  skyscrapers.

4. Los Angeles is famous for its exciting  nightlife. Everyone enjoys it.

5. The streets are really dirty  . We should pick up the litter.

6. There are some dangerous  areas where you shouldn't go to at night.

7. We need a expensive  hotel. We don't have a lot of homework.

8. My neighborhood is really noisy  . Sometimes I can't sleep at night.

◄ Grammar: too/enough 1/2
3/6/22, 17:23 Vocabulary: Adjectives: Revisión del intento
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Grammar: Will or be going to ► 2/2

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