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15/3/23, 19:01 LEVEL 2 - FINAL EXAM - MARCH 2023

Área personal / Mis cursos / Ingles 2B Lun, mie y vie. 18h A. Rodriguez/S. Galetti (feb-2023)-CA / March 13th


Pregunta 1

Sin responder aún

Puntúa como 5,00

Read about a a summer holiday and then do the exercise that follows

Decide if the sentences below are TRUE or FALSE

1. They had a wonderful vacation last summer. TRUE

2. The hotel was very expensive. FALSE

3. The view from their room was incredible. TRUE

4. He really wanted to visit the Louvre. TRUE

5. They didn't try national food. FALSE 1/4
15/3/23, 19:01 LEVEL 2 - FINAL EXAM - MARCH 2023

Pregunta 2

Sin responder aún

Puntúa como 20,00

Choose the correct alternative

I usually GO on holiday with MY brother and his girlfriend. We always HAVE holidays IN Ja

STAY at hotels because we DON´T HAVE a holiday house or apartment.

But last summer I TRAVELLED to Barcelona. I DIDN'T TAKE a plane, I went BY train. I STAYED fo

small hotel in the city center. The hotel WASN’T expensive but MY room was OK.

IN the mornings I VISITED all the famous tourist sights and the most famous museums. I TOOK a lot
with a friend from the hotel!!!

IN the evenings, we HAD dinner in small restaurants and went to discos. We MET very interesting

We also made some good friends. We HAD a lot of fun! OUR plan is to go again, but this time to Alicante 2/4
15/3/23, 19:01 LEVEL 2 - FINAL EXAM - MARCH 2023

Pregunta 3

Sin responder aún

Puntúa como 20,00

Write about a holiday when you were a child. Write about 100 words.

           

When I was a child, I went to Puerto Iguazu with my mother, my father and my brother by car.
We went for one week and we stayed in a small aparment near the center, it was comfortable. We usually went out to restaura
of the time, my mother cooked at home.
We saw the Iguazu Falls from the Argentine and Brazilian side, and we took a boat ride under the falls. We visited the Wand
we went to Jungle Fly, which is an adventure park, we did trekking and zip line jumping there.

And those were my best holidays!

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15/3/23, 19:01 LEVEL 2 - FINAL EXAM - MARCH 2023

Pregunta 4

Sin responder aún

Puntúa como 5,00


Listen to the conversation and decide if the sentences below are TRUE or FALSE

1. She had a lot of fun on her vacation. TRUE

2. She went with all her family. TRUE

3. They don´t have a house on the beach. TRUE

4. They went to the same hotel last year. TRUE

5. They stayed on vacation for a week. FALSE


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