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Fraser, H. M. (2012).

Design works: How to tackle your toughest innovation challenges

through business design: University of Toronto Press.


Evaluating your enterprise strategy
To evaluate the chosen strategy for How to Win as a means of creating
value and advancing competitive advantage. This is the ultimate test of your
strategy, inspired by Roger Martin’s work on Activity Systems as a strategy


Ask yourself the following questions:

Does your envisioned strategy create value?

■ How will the envisioned strategy create value for end users? How will this
system of activities meet users’ unmet needs in a new and meaningful way?
■ How do the activities create value for the enterprise?
■ How does the strategy create value for other key stakeholders? How will
they win? (See the Value Exchange tool.)

Is your strategy a breakthrough?

■ To what extent does your new Activity System enable you to deliver a new
and meaningful proposition to the market?
■ How does it change the rules of the game vis-à-vis the competition and
within the current Landscape of Players?
■ Does it represent a meaningful evolution of your current strategy?

Is it distinctive?
■ Is your market-inspired idea and set of enterprise activities distinctive in the
market relative to known competitors in this game? (See Activity Systems:
Visualizing competitive strategies.)

■ Could it preempt other (anticipated) players on the landscape?
■ Does this strategic Activity System give you a distinct advantage?

Does the system fit?

■ How do the activities complement and reinforce each other? Is it a cohesive
and synergistic set of activities?
■ How does it leverage what you are already good at doing? Does it fit with
your current strategy or does it represent a significant departure from your
current strategy? (See the tips in the Activation Planning tool on how to
manage different scenarios.)

Does this system create a sustainable advantage?

■ How long can you sustain an advantage with this strategy?
■ How likely is it to be imitated?
■ What aspects of your envisioned system are difficult for others to replicate?

Now is the time to be objective and analytical rather than enthusiastic because
you are in love with your ideas and vision. If your system “fails the test,”
revisit it and design ways to make it stronger and more distinctive.
This is best done as a group, with candor and objectivity. This will solidify
your collective commitment.
Get the objective input of others; it is helpful to call on senior mentors and
trusted advisors.

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