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I was sitting in the chair in my house, doing whatever it is I do to kill time.

I do this mostly in the evening,

when I'm home alone. There's nothing wrong with staying at home too, some days during the day, but this
evening, I just have much more time than I need at home, and so I sit in a very comfortable chair. The chair is
very comfy, although it's only a plastic chair. But I would still much rather be sitting here than out at work. I do
the same thing every night, so I know what it's like. The evening was relaxing, as it usually is, with no problems
whatsoever. There wasn't anything seriously wrong with my day, but there really wasn't anything exhilarating
either, not like there would be on a Friday or a Saturday. So I just sit in the chair, and doing nothing is not as
easy as it sounds. There were thoughts in my mind, but I wasn't thinking about anything specific. I just sat there,
looking down at my stretched out legs. I was wearing a pair of jeans and some bushy brown socks for some
reason. I don't know why I wore the socks, and I wasn't thinking about it, either. I was just sitting there, doing
nothing. That was why it was such a surprise when my mother called me up that night. She was smiling wide,
trying to look cheerful. My mother always seem the same, no matter what she's wearing, acting happy and
smiling. I had no idea where she was coming from with this expression. She wasn't feeling alright, that much
was certain. She just seemed awfully happy to see me. She didn't sound like herself at all, not with then
wonderful smile that she always had. It was way too happy. She was only too happy, so she wasn't upset at all.
She wasn't upset, but she had reasons, I could almost feel it. But she asked if I could add her, and of course I
did, like I always did. The question was: Why were you calling me? "I just decided to call you. Cook dinner, I
guess." She sounded confused. I thought she was talking about dinner, but dinner wasn't very important in my
opinion. It was an old question, and I didn't know why she was asking about it now. "I am cooking dinner, and
you're telling me you only wanted to call me to call me." I wasn't even making sense. She sounded confused. I
wasn't feeling confused at all, but I was sounding very confused. She sounded confused then, with so many
questions. "Well, yeah.

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