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Studies Case Use Internet in Island Java

Andy Sun Mustard 1 , Ismaini Zain 2

Body Center statistics, e-mail: andhie@bps.go.id
Institutes Technology Ten November,
e-mail: andhie@bps.go.id, 2 ismaini_z@statistika.its.ac.id


A special method is needed to analyze censored data that has a spatial correlation. If use regression
linear, will produce estimation parameter which no valid, no fulfillment assumption of normality and
cloud the interpretation of the model. Spatial Tobit regression model was used to analyze data use
Internet in Island Java. Estimate parameter use method MCMC Gibbs sampler with approach
inference Bayesian. The result, use Internet in Island Java is influenced by the percentage of the
population living in urban areas, the percentage of the population graduate of SENIOR HIGH
SCHOOL to on, average long school, percentage house ladder which have phone handheld, and
percentage of village/kelurahan that gets a cell phone signal.

Say key : data censored, correlation spatial, Tobit spatial, MCMC, use Internet


Special method is required for analyzing censored data with spatial dependence. Using linear
regression will results in invalid parameter estimations, normality assumption violations, and obscure
the model interpretation. Spatial Tobit regression model is used to analize the data of internet usage
in Java. MCMC Gibbs sampler method with Bayesian inference approach was used for parameter
estimation. As a result, internet usage in Java Island is influenced by the percentage of population
living in urban areas, the percentage of population graduated from senior high school, the average
length of school, the percentage of households with mobile phones, and the percentage of villages
receiving cell phone signal.

Keywords: censored data, spatial dependence, spatial Tobit, MCMC, internet usage

Analisis Regresi Tobit Spasial…./Mustari AS, Zain I | 1

PENDAHULUAN (BPS, 2011), a value equivalent to amount
Use model regression linear classic account Facebook which made by
for analysis data censored which have population Indonesia on year 2011 (Social
correlation spatial is decision which not baker, 2011).
enough appropriate. Term data censored Needed method special for To do
used for explain group data which have analysis use Internet, with assumption that
amount unknown value at upper bound or data use Internet in Island Java is data
below. Long (1997) explains that if use censored which have correlation spatial.
model regression linear on the entire Fischer and Brittle (2010) say that censored
censored data, will produce score parameter data modeling involving region should use
which overestimates on slope and analysis spatially, the most suitable method
underestimates on intercepts . Whereas if is spatial Tobit regression. In addition, Lee
remove or cut observation which value no (2010) also stated that Tobits approach
is known, will produce coefficient spatial more recommended for analysis
parameter which underestimates on slope region which involve data censored.
and overestimates on intercepts . Data cut Analysis regression Tobit spatial used if the
off cause happening correlation Among response variable in the spatial model
variable predictor with residuals, so that involve data which believed have score
produce estimation which no consistent. censored (LeSage & Pace, 2009).
Effect correlation spatial could appear on Study this mean for form a spatial
formation model regression linear which Tobit regression model and look for method
use data territory ( cross data section ). This estimation parameter from model regression
results in no fulfillment assumption error Tobit spatial. Data which used as variable
which independent and identical distribute response is percentage of population aged 5
normal, so as to produce parameter years and over who accessed the internet
estimates which no valid and blur for three months final in island Java on year
interpretation model (Marsh, 2010. Sensor given to region district/city
Mittelhammer, & Huffaker, 2000). with percentage user Internet more big from
Correlation spatial could observed from 16 percent, which considered as the
grouping the value of specific to data minimum percentage internet users who
originating from the region which close by, want to be reached by something
for example data level use Internet district/city.
district/city in Island Java.
height level use Internet on the island METHODOLOGY
of Java, mainly found in cities city big as
center service education and entertainment, a. Reference
such as DKI Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Bandung, Overview Model
and Surabaya, then followed by region
Regression Tobit
district/city other in surroundings.
Phenomenon dependencies spatial this Suppose is something variable
could applied for analysis data censored response with information complete and is
which have correlation spatial, where is the sample data from , so variable response
district/city with the use of Internet that censored could defined
category tall could considered as data of as following:
unknown value. As much 34 from 118
district/city in Java Island has the (1)
percentage of users Internet which more tall
than 16 percent

2 | Jurnal Aplikasi Statistika & Komputasi Statistik V.9.1.2017, ISSN 2086-

where , is something depicted as region dark on curve. If score
constraint constant, and is a lot observation which no is known the cut, so part
(Tobin, 1958) 1 . information which could explain
If score unknown when population will is lost where curve
, then it contains something distribution Becomes more pointed (panel
variable latent which no could observed on B). Panel C describe data censored which
whole i t s range . Panel A on Picture group on score so it doesn't
2.1 shows the distribution of change the
, with score variable latent information
related distribution population.

Picture 1. Latent Variable Illustration, cut off, and Censored (Long, 1997 )

Model Tobit formed with more use data cross section as following:
formerly assume existence connection
linear between with variable predictor (4)
which declared by: where , is a vector
(2) variable response which have correlation
spatial, is variable matrix predictor, and
dimana , , is vector parameter regression. As for
is is coefficient correlation spatial
predictor variable lag from variable response, is
vector , is vector coefficient correlation spatial error, and is a
parameter, and is a lot variable, with spatial weighing matrix
contains variable latent which represents with element diagonal worth
the censored value 2 . Score censored can be zero. Equality this also normal called as
smaller than a limit lower ( model regression spatial autoregressive
), more big from limit on ( moving
average (SARMA).
), or both. ,
When censored on limit on
, so model regression Tobit declared
with equality as following:

(3) , and

Model Regression Spatial

On year 1988, Anselin develop the
general form of the model regression
spatial ( general spatial models )
The Tobit regression model was first introduced by 2
As explained by Long (1997) and Greene (2008).
James Tobin (1958), re-explained by Long (1997),
DeMaris (2004), Greene (2008), and
Lee (2010).
Analisis Regresi Tobit Spasial…./Mustari AS, Zain I | 3
1992). LeSage (1999) explains that
algorithm MCMC Gibbs sampler will give
convenience estimation parameter for the
spatial Tobit regression model than must
Equality (4) in on Becomes form model solve amount equality integral to the
regression spatial lag when , which maximum likelihood method. Method
explain the occurrence of spatial correlation MCMC Gibbs sampler aim for look for
effects between lag variable response. score estimation from use something
When , equality (4) Becomes form distribution posterior conditional, where the
model regression spatial error, which value of other assumed has is known.
explains the occurrence of effect correlation Distribution posterior from parameter
spatial between lag variable response and determined through principle from theorem
between lag variable predictor. Statistics Bayes which declared by:
test Lagrange used for determine form from
model regression spatial (Anselin, 1999).
To see whether or not there is an (7)
effect correlation spatial lags, used where is function likelihood of ,
hypothesis opponent is the marginal distribution of
with statistics Lagrange Multiplier test or yang no involve parameter, and is
LM-lag Test as following: distribution prior of yang
obtained from previous research
nor based on study theoretical on problem
For see existence or whether or not effect which currently researched (Casella &
spatial error, used hypothesis Berger, 2002).
opponent with LM-err . test Hastings (1970) develop Metropolis
statistics Test as follows: method for finding estimates parameter
(6) through an initiation value beginning ,
which based on by distribution where is
where , , the candidate ? score
is known. Score from being resurrected
from distribution candidate, then accept as
if .
, and . Statistics test where and
follows the asymptotic distribution ,
until rejected when
or p-value more small from value . (8)
Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Study Previously
MCMC is something technique Research using the model spatial
method simulation which awaken a number Tobit regression in between performed by
of samples from the data distribution that Langyintuo and Mekuria (2008) who use
known (Chib & Greenberg, 1996). Idea method maximum likelihood for shape
base from technique MCMC is than count model Tobit SARMA on data farmer in
something function density opportunity Mozambique. Kaliba (2002) develop model
, more good take sample random in Tobit SARMA use module application
amount big from for knowing Maximum Likelihood 4 from the program
form probability the by appropriate. With package GAUSS (developed by Aptech
large random sample size, the mean and systems, 1995) on data rural in
standard deviation can be calculated by
accurate (Casella & George,

4 | Jurnal Aplikasi Statistika & Komputasi Statistik V.9.1.2017, ISSN 2086-

Tanzania. Temporary LeSage and Pace stay one house, age, level education, and
(2009) use data simulation which status profession (Michailidis,
resurrected by Koop to form model Tobit Partalidou, Nastis,
spatial use approach Bayesian MCMC ( Klavdianou, & Charatsari, 2011).
Markov Chain Monte Carlos ) with Based on results on study before,
algorithm Gibbs Sampling. As for study model regression Tobit spatial built in this
which use model Tobit spatial on data research will use algorithm MCMC as
information and communication technology method estimation the parameters. Level
(ICT) not yet ever found. use Internet in district/city in Island Java
Development ICT something country used as variable response with variable-
have connection which positive with variable predictor as following; percentage
economic growth . It means, ICT of population living in the area urban areas,
development will have an effect chain to percentage of young population, percentage
increase growth economy (Kominfo, 2010). of the population graduated from high
Rao and Pattnaik (2006) state that growth school and above, average long school,
ICT has open opportunity for Public for percentage house stairs that have a
more utilise socio-economic development computer, percentage house ladder which
facilities and culture in a more modern way. have phone mobile, and percentage
Development ICT has a significant village/village which get phone signal
economic impact large, good by direct nor mobile.
no directly, improve welfare and
development facility social economy b. Method Analysis
(THAT, 2010). Internet access is an Source Data and Variable Study
indicator which most represent level
development ICT something country, Source data which used in study this
besides sector economic is data processed results Susenas 2010
growth and Podes 2008 which
telecommunications, cell phone ownership collected by Body Center Statistics (BPS).
or computer mastery. Spatial weighing matrix
compiled using the queen method
Using data from 154 countries,
contiguity , i.e. district /city area
Howard and Mazaheri (2009) found that
which border each other 's territory
gap use ICT (cell phones, computers and
will have correlation spatial while
bandwidth internet) is affected by; foreign
which each other separated no have
investment, trading, amount population,
population urban, literacy rate, correlation. Value if area and
consumption, telephone cable, as well as each other border region,
nine variable other which explain regulation Becomes if no each other border.
government. Andonova and Serrano (2007) As for map digital which used based on
explain that development ICT and growth results activity updating map 2010
utilization Internet more many influenced Population Census.
by factor attention government and Object study which made as variable
regulation which apply in region the. response is level internet usage in 118
Michailidis et al. disclose that user Internet districts/cities on the island of Java, namely
in rural Greece is affected by the level the percentage of the population aged 5
income, price from access Internet, years and over who have ever accessed
ownership PC, the place stay, as well as internet in the last three months. Sensor
variable social demographics like; type sex, given to region district/city with percentage
amount population young which population user Internet in on 16 percent
with consider score on value
. The predictor variables that used
is as follows:

Analisis Regresi Tobit Spasial…./Mustari AS, Zain I | 5

: Percentage residents who stay in statistics test Breusch-Pagan (BP) with
area urban. hypothesis as follows:
: Percentage of young population
(13- 24 year). (homoscedasticity)
: Percentage of population who there is at least one
graduated from SMA on. (heteroscedasticity)
: Average long school.
Score from BP-Test is as following:
: Percentage of households that
have computer. (12)
: Percentage of households that with element vector is
have a cell phone.
: Percentage of villages/kelurahan , where is residual
that get signal phone mobile. observation to the results of linear
regression ,
Model Regression Tobit Spatial
, , is
Model regression Tobit spatial is the matrix of observations with
application of the spatial regression model element column first is vector one, and is
on the censored data. So with combine the number of predictor variables (Breusch
equality (4) to in (1), will obtained & pagan, 1979). rejected if
something model general regression Tobit
spatial as following.
️y * ️️ I ️W _ 1 X_ Complete Data Censored
 Estimation of regression
model parameters Tobit spatial
i conducted with assumption beginning
y   iW  iW_  if y * <  that variable response is data with
 if y * ️
complete information ,
 no

(9) Test heteroscedasticity for determine matrix
where is a constant value limitation which using
given to if censored, . Equality

is model general from regression spatial

which Becomes spatial lag when and
Becomes spatial error when , where
with is
multiplier which state heterogeneity from
error variance . On condition
homoscedasticity, matrix becomes
(LeSage, 2000).
When value and ,
equation (9) becomes a Tobit regression
model spatial lag as follows:
When value and , to be
model Tobit regression spatial error:

6 | Jurnal Aplikasi Statistika & Komputasi Statistik V.9.1.2017, ISSN 2086-
censored, and have correlation spatial.
Whereas in accordance
equality (1), data which
having complete
information is a variable
response which follow
distribution normal
. Score
from when is
an unknown observation
or considered as variable
latent. So that value must
be equipped use a value
. Variable
response that
complete then defined as

observation censored
conducted with method
awaken variable random
which distribute normal
. Value is the element to-
from vector that
used to replace observation

Analisis Regresi Tobit Spasial…./Mustari AS, Zain I | 7

censored when . According to variable predictor entered to in model, used
LeSage (1999), value average from 3 : Wald's test statistic with hypothesis as
(14) follows:
by value variance from is: :
: ,
(15) Statistics test that used is:
Estimation Parameters (20)
In accordance with assumption is the result
beginning that variable response is
data with information which complete, no parameter estimate, and
censored and has a spatial .
correlation , then
relationship with variable predictor The decision to refuse was
represented by model regression spatial taken
in accordance with equality (4) in on. when the value or p-value is
LeSage (2000) and Lacombe (2008) more small from value .
formulate distribution conditional
posterior of each parameter is
as following: Usage Internet at Island Java
(16) Level use Internet seen from score
percentage population age five year to on
which once access Internet in in three
month final. Use Internet biggest on year
(18) 2010 could found in city student
Yogyakarta that is as much 36,20 percent,
(19) followed by Jakarta South, Regency
sleman, and city industry Tangerang South,
where , , and
each as much 33.20 percent, 29.52 percent
. and 29.29 percent. Flat- flat use Internet per
Estimate parameter method MCMC district/city in Island Java as big as 12.02
Gibbs sampler conducted with method percent. Region with the value of internet
awaken number random which follows the usage around average is Regency
conditional posterior distribution of each Mojokerto, Bandung, Madison, and City
parameter as many as desired iteration. As Pasuruan. Temporary region with
for the algorithm Metropolis within Gibbs percentage the smallest internet users are in
used on form distribution posterior which the Regency Lacquer and bangkalan, each
no standard, that is for parameter or as big as 2.23 percent and 2.54 percent.
parameters (LeSage, 2000). For
determine worthy or whether or not

Information score average and variance from
8 | Jurnal Aplikasi Statistika & Komputasi Statistik V.9.1.2017, ISSN 2086-
variable random this latent explained also in
(2000) as well as LeSage and Pace (2009).

Analisis Regresi Tobit Spasial…./Mustari AS, Zain I | 9

Figure 2. Use Internet County/City in Island Java Year 2010

Map thematic use Internet on Picture

2 show that high category internet usage a value of the level of internet usage that is
lot there is on region urban like DKI Jakarta not is known the considered same with 16
and its surroundings, the row of Yogyakarta percent, so that obtained variable
towards Surakarta, as well as the Bandung percentage of internet users as data
area, Semarang, Surabaya and censored. Thing this in accordance with
surroundings. High internet usage in cities draft on equality (1) on.
center for students, industry, and business Descriptive data level use Internet as
then followed by region other in variable response which censored could
surroundings. Region which touch direct seen on Table 1 in lower this. Score
with cities the have a high percentage of maximum from percentage Internet users
internet users a little more low, temporary per district/city are the same with 16
region the next that intersects indirectly percent, with average and each standard
immediately has a lower value again. deviation of 9.97 percent and 4.63. Variable
For modeling regression Tobit spatial, which have variation score biggest is
percentage value of internet users from 34 percentage urban population with standard
district/city considered no is known. They deviation of 30.84 and the length of the data
is region with level use Internet which more range from 9.27 percent until 100 percent.
big of 16 percent, that is, as the minimum Variable average long school have variation
limit percentage user Internet which want to smallest with standard deviation as big as
achieved by something district/city. Score- 1.52. That's because the unit of the variable
in size year, temporary variable other in
percentage units.

10 | Jurnal Aplikasi Statistika & Komputasi Statistik V.9.1.2017, ISSN 2086-

Table 1. Descriptive Variable Study
Variable Flat- Standar
Descripti Minimum Maximum
Research flat d
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Percentage user Internet 2.23 16.00 9,968 4,626

Percentage population urban 9.27 100.00 57,991 30,837
Percentage population age young 12.44 25.00 17,395 2,567
Percentage population high school graduate to 5.30 50.26 21.349 11.105
Average long school 4.21 11.55 8.052 1.518
Percentage of households that
2.20 40.22 11,433 9,127
have computer
Percentage house ladder have phone mobile
44.87 94.89 71,923 12,050
Percentage village/village get signal phone
50.00 100.00 88,892 10,026

Modeling regression linear multiple existence condition multicollinearity

with method ordinary at least squared between predictor variable. Even though it
(OLS) conducted for explain the produces model which fit with score
relationship between the predictor variables coefficient determination which very tall,
on the level of internet usage in Java. On model regression linear multiple which
degrees trust 95 percent, results test obtained not appropriate to use as a basis
parameter only produce two from seven analysis. This is because it is not fulfilled
influential predictor variables to variable assumption of non multicollinearity and the
response. Score variance inflation factor number of information from variable
(VIF) which very tall on variable and predictor which wasted.

Table 2. Linear Regression Model multiple and Score Variance Inflation Factor

Parameter Coefficie Test Parameter Statistics

nt VIF
Statistics p-Value
Test t
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

-13,729 -4,158 0.000 –

0,022 1,960 0,053 5,705
-0,022 -0,298 0,766 1,701
0,107 1,585 0,116 27,368
0,797 1,936 0,055 18,952
-0,026 -0,531 0,597 9,827
0,083 2,671 0,009 6,872
0,094 4,582 0,000 2,072

Analysis of Variance (test ) – 132.47 0.000 –

Analisis Regresi Tobit Spasial…./Mustari AS, Zain I |

Coefficient Determination ( 0.894 – – –

10 | Jurnal Aplikasi Statistika & Komputasi Statistik V.9.1.2017, ISSN 2086-

According to Gujarati (2004), one one by one variable which no take
condition multicollinearity could handled effect by real (Draper & Smith, 1998).
with method To do election variable, good Results test effect correlation spatial
by adding a new predictor variable nor with and heteroscedasticity show that form
reduce which already there is. Another way model which will formed is regression
that can be done is by using another model Tobit spatial lag in condition
that is more suitable for explaining the homoscedasticity. Use hypothesis
relationship between predictor variable of , score statistics test LM-lag show
response. Model Spatial Tobit regression is conclusion for reject on degrees trust
more appropriate for explain factors which 95 percent. Temporary score statistics test
influence tall as well as diversity low use LM-err show that
Internet between district/city in Island Java failed rejected
which influenced by spatial by area- area on value . As for
surrounding. results test heteroscedasticity which use
Modeling Regression Tobit Spatial Breusch Pagan test statistics conclude not to
reject the hypothesis : homoscedasticity
Based on equality (9) in on, model on degrees trust
regression Tobit spatial for use Internet 95 percent. Condition the apply on every
district/city in Island Java is asT following: stages formation model use method

  w T y   w T y  W T W
 y
backward elimination .
Parameter estimation is done by more
 i formerly awaken amount
y   xT _ b  
 +
_ T
Xβ i if y < 16 figures random , at where value
i  i i I am
 when used to replace data which
  16 grandson yes censored. Algorithm MCMC used on data
yes  16 which has complete
Spatial Tobit modeling is done with more for estimation parameter model
formerly test effect correlation spatial and regression Tobit spatial lag, that is Gibbs
heteroscedasticity, to determine form sampler for estimation and as well
correlation spatial which there is as well as as Metropolis within Gibbs for
condition heteroscedasticity which will estimation . Score used
taken into account in algorithm MCMC. because condition homoscedasticity
Method backward elimination conducted fulfilled . Variable elimination
for produce model regression Tobit spatial decided based on p-value from
best with method abort statistics test Wald which more big than
score .

Table 3. Testing the Effect of Spatial Correlation, Heteroscedasticity, and Parameter Estimation
Results for Modeling Regression Tobit Spatial use Method Backward Elimination

Test Stage I (7 Variables) Stage II (6 Variables) Phase III (5 Variables)

Statistics / Nilai p-value Nilai p-value Nilai p-value
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
LM-lag 12,1942 0,0000 12,2410 0,0000 11,8122 0,0000
LM-err 1,5595 0.2117 1,5765 0.2093 1,4396 0.2302
Breusch Pagan 9,7859 0,2010 9,4602 0,1493 7,9076 0,1614
-0,1662 0,0000 -0,1693 0,0000 -0.1700 0,0000
-13,9281 0,0000 -13,8073 0,0000 -13,7268 0,0000
0,0115 0,0000 0,0122 0,0000 0,0117 0,0000
0,0107 0,2779

Analisis Regresi Tobit Spasial…./Mustari AS, Zain I |

0,1549 0,0000 0,1529 0,0000 0,1435 0,0000

12 | Jurnal Aplikasi Statistika & Komputasi Statistik V.9.1.2017, ISSN 2086-

0,7565 0,0000 0,7574 0,0000 0,7548 0,0000
-0,0143 0,2102 -0,0139 0,2067
0,0918 0,0000 0,0929 0,0000 0,0931 0,0000
0,0831 0,0000 0,0828 0,0000 0,0827 0,0000
1,9561 – 1,9671 – 1.9580 –
0,8420 – 0,8403 – 0.8394 –

The predictor variable excluded from normal, so it can be concluded that

model is (percentage of population aged assumption normality from error model
young) and (percentage house ladder actually fulfilled. Next assumption related
who owns a computer). At the final stage to the problem of homogeneous error
backward elimination obtained five variance deemed to have been met,
variable predictor which by real influence considering the results test Breusch Pagan
diversity use Internet in Island Java. Based previously which shows that the conditions
on equality (21) and results estimation are not met heteroscedasticity as well as
parameter presented in table 3 above, the process simulation MCMC which based on
model regression Tobit spatial lag which by condition homoscedasticity. As for
formed is: assumption no the presence of
autocorrelation in the error has also been
 n fulfilled,
bukanlah because modelregression
fashion model which formed
Tobit spasial error.
13 , _ 727 0.17 we y y y 0, 012 x 1 i
y j1,ji_ Interpretation Model
i   0.144 x . 0, 755 x + 0, 093 x + 0, 083 x
 16
3i 4i 6i 7i
Equality (22) in on explain
; y i<
16 _ ; y i ️16
 that for districts/cities with
(22 percentage user Internet which not
) enough
Model this used for explain residual used for test assumption normality of the
factors and the surrounding area that affect error model. Residual plot seen is at in around line
the level of internet usage in something probability
district/city, when value less than 16
percent. As for districts/cities with level of
use high internet is considered a benchmark
measuring development ICT which want to
Probability Plot of Residual
95 P-Value >0,150

0,1 -4 -2 0 2 4 6

Figure 3. Normal Probability Plot Graph of

Residual Spatial Tobit Regression
Model lag

Chart plot probability normal from

Analisis Regresi Tobit Spasial…./Mustari AS, Zain I |
of 16 percent, internet usage rate in
the region is influenced by the
region other in surrounding as well
as variables as following:
 Percentage population which
stay in urban ( ). If variable
considered constant, so every
increase percentage population
which stay in urban as big as
one percent will result in
increase percentage user
Internet as big as 0.012
 Percentage of population
graduating from high school
on ( ). If variable other
considered constant, so every
increase percentage of
population graduating from
high school on as big as one
percent will result in increase
percentage user Internet as big
as 0.144 percent.
 Average old school ( ). When
variable other considered
constant, so every increase in
the average length of school
for one year will result in
increase use Internet
something district/city as big
as 0.755 percent.

14 | Jurnal Aplikasi Statistika & Komputasi Statistik V.9.1.2017, ISSN 2086-

 Percentage house ladder which have the ease of internet access provided through
phone handheld ( ). If variable device phone handheld and breadth network
other considered constant, so every phone mobile has by real push enhancement
increase in the percentage of level use Internet. In side other, use Internet
households that have a cell phone as it turns out no by real accessed through
big as one percent will result in computer or dominated by population age
increase percentage user Internet as big young. Internet could accessed by anybody
as 0.093 percent. and through media whatever, especially
 Percentage village/village which get phone mobile.
signal phone mobile ( ). Besides influenced by fifth the above
variables, the level of internet usage
If the other variables are held constant, district/city in Island Java also influenced
so every increase percentage by area other which touch region. As
village/village which get signal cell example, the level of internet usage in the
phones by one percent will cause District The Thousand Islands can be
increase use Internet by 0.083 percent. explained through model Tobit regression
Score coefficient determination show spatial lag the following:
that as big as 83.94 percent variations in
internet usage in Java explained by five (23)
variable predictor in model, the rest by where
variable other. The effect of spatial lag
from other areas is intersect the area can be
seen on model regression Tobit spatial lag is the predictor variable
each each district/city, that is model vector of Island one thousand
when . As for for district/city dan
with category use high internet, then the
percentage value population aged 5 years
and over who have ever access Internet in is vector parameter. Level use Internet in
three month final considered same with 16 Island One thousand influenced by internet
percent or when . use in City Jakarta North and Regency
Percentage of population living in Tangerang. If variable other considered
urban indicates level progress and constant, so use Internet in Island One
completeness of public facilities in area the. thousand is as big as -0.085 time from
As for percentage population graduate of combined use Internet in Tangerang ( ) and
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL to on and City Jakarta North (
average long school reflect quality source ). By details, each 84 Tobit regression
power man in area the. Thus, increasing the model spatial lag when the value of
percentage Internet users can be done percentage of internet users less than 16
through effort enhancement quality source percent can be seen on attachment.
power human from the aspect of education. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION
Besides that, construction of public
facilities in rural areas can also encourage Model regression Tobit spatial is a
level use Internet in district/city. spatial regression model that applied on
Variable characteristics device and data censored, with form model general
network in area indicates importance from regression Tobit spatial is:
development technology phone mobile for
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Model regression Spatial Tobit lag for 84 district/city with score :
1. Kepulauan :
2. Bogor :

3. Sukabumi :
4. Cianjur :
5. | Bandung
Jurnal Aplikasi
: Statistika & Komputasi Statistik V.9.1.2017, ISSN 2086-
6. Garut :
7. Tasikmala :
8. Ciamis :
9. Kuningan :
10 Cirebon :
11 Majalengk :
. a
12 Sumedang :
13 Indramayu :
14 Subang :
15 Purwakart :
. a
16 Karawang :
17 Bandung :
. Barat
18 Kota :
. Banjar
19 Cilacap :
20 Banyumas :
21 Purbaling :
. ga
22 Banjarneg :
. ara
23 Kebumen :
24 Purworejo :
25 Wonosobo :
26 Magelang :
27 Boyolali :
28 Klaten :
29 Wonogiri :
30 Karangan :
. yar
31 Sragen :
32 Grobogan :

Analisis Regresi Tobit Spasial…./Mustari AS, Zain I |

33 Blora :
34 Rembang :
35 Starch :
36 Holy :
37 Japan :
38 Demak :
39 Semarang :
40 friend ng :
41 Kendal :
42 stem :
43 Pekalonga :
. nn
44 Malang :
45 Tegal :
46 Brebes :
47 City :
. Pekalonga
48 City :
. Tegal
49 West :
. Progo
50 Mounta :
. in
51 Pacitan :
52 Ponorogo :
53 Trengale :
. k
54 Help me :
. no
55 Blitar :
56 Kediri :

16 | Jurnal Aplikasi Statistika & Komputasi Statistik V.9.1.2017, ISSN 2086-

57 Poor :

Analisis Regresi Tobit Spasial…./Mustari AS, Zain I |

58 Lumajang :
59 Jember :
60 Banyuwan :
. gi gi
61 Bondowos :
. o
62 Situbondo :
63 Proboling :
. go
64 Pasuruan :
65 Sidoarjo :
66 Mojokerto :
67 Jombang :
68 Nganjuk :
69 Madison :
70 Magetan :
71 Ngawi :
72 Bojonegor :
. o
73 Tuban :
74 Lamongan :
75 Gresik :
76 Bangkalan :
77 Sampang :
78 Power n :
79 Sumenep :
80 City :
. Pasuruan
81 Pandeglan :
. g
82 Lebak :

18 | Jurnal Aplikasi Statistika & Komputasi Statistik V.9.1.2017, ISSN 2086-

Analisis Regresi Tobit Spasial…./Mustari AS, Zain I |
83 Tangerang :
84 attack :

20 | Jurnal Aplikasi Statistika & Komputasi Statistik V.9.1.2017, ISSN 2086-

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