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In the previous reporter she has introduced what does it mean to say a team.

So, continuation I
would like to talk about various types of teams. As you can see, we have basically four types of
teams when it comes to organization. So, we have PST, SMWT, CFT and VT.
So, let’s begin with problem solving teams. Well as you can see from the picture of people, or
the employees they need to solve some specific problem which is this question mark. So, these
problem-solving teams the members usually meet few hours each week, sometimes weekly or
daily. So, these five guides which are over here have the regular jobs within the organization but
for instance for three hours per week they are assigned to this problem-solving team so they meet
up and they discuss ways of improving quality or efficiency and I think its quite intuitive when
there are some more complex problems it is better to organize your employees this ways and of
course these members share some ideas, suggest work processes for improvement and but what
is very important is that these teams usually have no authority for implementation of solution so
they just basically discuss the way they share the ideas and suggest so they maybe write some
reports and then there are other people outside this problem solving team who will be
implementing the solution.

The 2nd type of teams is SMT so this is usually at in my mind I remember it by construction
companies so construction is quite often the construction companies operate with the way of self-
managed work teams so these take responsibilities of their former supervisors as you can see
from the picture there are five team members but usually there is no real supervisor, so they take
the responsibilities themselves and the main point is that they not only solve the problems but
they also implement these solutions so they basically comes to build some house they solve the
problem so they find out the way how to lets say repair the house and then the exactly same
group of people exactly same team also is going to implement this solution so they go through
everything from planning, in scheduling work and finally taking action however these are some
disadvantages those are bad conflict management when you have no real supervisor will the
conflicts will occur and there is no one really to resolve this and there is a higher absenteeism
other than different type of teams.

the more interesting one which is the cross-functional teams. Employees from several
departments come together and create the team. So you can see it over here we have one two
three four five departments so for instance this can be the production department, ya bi ang
purchasing, marketing sales research and development and they simply come together and form
one team quite often this is product teams. So when there is a new product to be designed you
would like to have opinion from all of your departments when it comes to this new product and
these are the employees from same hierarchical level but different work areas they come together
they exchange information and they develop some new ideas and these kinds of teams are
usually used to solve very complex problems such as new product development.
So last but not the least virtual teams these are as you can see virtual teams uses technology to
unite physically dispersed members and the for these technologies you can use some wide area
networks video conferencing or email and you can imagine it that these teams or members of the
teams are really dispersed throughout the continent. Thanks to video conferencing they can
operate as a team however there is also a disadvantage which is suffer because of less social
rapport and less direct interaction among members so quite often it happens that these members
of the team they never really meet physically and they cannot develop the social interaction and
social relationship and also the team will not be operating effectively.
So those are the four types of teams when it comes to organization

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