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1. Discuss the importance of quality team works, and team building for quality
management. How is your company doing this? Design a simple quality-focused
example, that you have created. Don't forget to include a technical illustration /
image, that you have created to illustrate this challenge / solution (1 point of 10).

Quality team works is important as it is the collaboration and cooperation of a person

working together to reach the same goal which is improve the overall quality. This is an
important role in the QMS system that helps maintain and implement within the organization.
Working in teams can be difficult as each person has a different personality. Some team members
are easy to work with while others can be difficult. Teamwork leads to many improvements such
as communication, problem – solving, and decision making. In the long run, this leads to a better
customer satisfaction and a better business performance. The challenges in a quality management
teamwork is important since it includes interdisciplinary nature of complex subject. Many
different experts are needed to get the job done but sometimes they do not want to work together
which makes it difficult for engineering manager. If there are no team work then complex
engineering systems could not have been created.

Quality teams are important because they will help find problems, challenges, faults and
errors in complex system. People are the fundamental building block of TQM. The only way to
target process improvement or re-designing is by the use of teamwork. There are many
advantages of teamwork. A greater variety of complex issues can be target by combining
resources and expertise. Problems are exposed to a greater number of experts. The approach can
boost morale and ownership through decision making. In all quality systems there are plenty of
improvement opportunities. Teamwork must be driven by a strategy. It is important to have a
structure and implement it thoughtfully and effectively. My company is doing this by building
trust, improving communication and developing a culture of interdependence rather than one
independence. For example, working on projects outside of work and setting a prize. This helps
employees work together. Quality management teams can become very effective and create new
wealth for everybody.

Figure 1: The figure above shows benefits of working in a team. This is created by Hina Desai.
2. How would you handle conflicts in quality teams? How to handle conflict in the
workplace? How is your company doing this? Design a simple quality-focused example,
that you have created. Don't forget to include a technical illustration / image, that you
have created to illustrate this challenge / solution (1 point of 10).
- How to talk to the other person...
- Understand the other side too... find facts!
- How to focus on behavior and events, neither on personalities, nor on politics; stick to
the facts...
- How to listen carefully...
- How to focus and identify points of agreement and then disagreement...
- How to prioritize the areas of conflict...
- How to develop a (process) plan to work on each conflict...
- How to follow through on your agreed process / plan... have a clear idea of I, O, C, and
R (Inputs, Outputs, Controls and Resources)
- How to build on your success for the future...
- How to deal with conflicts like this: your boss (or your boss’s boss) steals your great
idea; then Designs it to somebody else to develop it, and totally leaves you out of the
picture… doesn’t even answer your emails… always have a Plan B! (you’ll often need a
Plan C and even a Plan D!):
- How to never stress yourselves out on issues like the above!

It’s important to develop a strategy to resolve an issue in quality teams. There are various
types of conflicts, some may be greater than our scope. If that is the case, then it must be
addressed and taken further to human resources. If it’s a minor conflict, it is feasible and
important to discuss and resolve the issue. A decision shall not be made until each person
involved in the matter has gotten an opportunity to speak. If a person has anything documented
such as a communication via email or voicemail, it is important to collect that as it shows as
proof. Each employee should be going through training session on how to behave with one
another. One shall understand and know what are good qualities that display good behavior. In
other words, polite is a quality that a team member should have. When discussing a matter, it is
important to stick to the facts and it is topic to discuss on the main topic. A lot of times people
tend to talk about others personality. This can spark the matter further causing a greater issue.
Each person discussion can be viewed differently, what do they all come in an agreement with
and what they do not agree with. There are time where multiple conflicts occur within the same
matter. It is important to identify and understand the conflict. Then prioritize each conflict based
on the overall impact to the company.

To build on success for the future, it is important to determine a way to prevent the
situation from reoccurring. It is important to always keep a backup plan as it can take to while to
resolve matters at company. People tend to stress during these times, but it is important to not
take anything home and focus on what can be done aside from that matter. Example: “I actively
readjust my attitude during a conflict situation. This means that I strive to listen to the other
person's point of view without becoming defensive. I also attempt to move the confrontation to a
private space to avoid further complications.”
Figure 2: The figure about shows what steps can be taken to understand and resolve conflict.
This image is created by Hina Desai.

3. How do you reward quality achievements in a team? How is your company doing this?
Design a simple quality-focused example, that you have created. Don't forget to include a
technical illustration / image, that you have created to illustrate this challenge / solution
(1 point of 10).

There are multiple ways a quality achievement reward can be given in a team. One way is
through acknowledgement and recognition. It is important to acknowledge the work a person
does, ensure that the person has done the work instead of someone else. Make staff recognize
that the person has done the work with positive impact to the company. As a manager it is
important to highlight each employee hard work and accomplishments. Another way a reward
can be given is through compensation such as incentives, various bonuses, and performance
bonus. Rewards can be non-monetary such as a paid vacation for two. There are many benefits to
initiating and promoting these types of rewards programs for employees. Such as motivation and
job satisfaction. Employees will tend to work harder and focus on company goals to get rewards.
This delivers a message that competence is important. It may help some employees boost their
self-confidence. In some cases, managers are able to see an employee true potential which can be
helpful when hiring for internal position for a higher roll. Profit sharing and stock options are
another form of reward that can be given to employee for reaching a goal. Rewards are not only
given to employees individually, but it can be given in teams.

My company is ensuring that an employee is getting a reward based on their preference.

For instance, an employee may want vacation days instead of stock options. This would ensure
that the employee is satisfied and will be motivated to work harder in order to get another
reward. This will benefit the company on solving many of the major issues which will lead to
less cost for the company. Having a reward program can reduce the amount of people being
absent from work as they are dedicated and working towards reward.
Figure 3: The figure above shows the different types of rewards that a employee can get for
recognition and obtaining a goal. This image is created by Hina Desai.

4. How do you communicate effectively for quality management? Focus on communication

skills and soft-skills. Design a simple quality-focused example, that you have created.
Don't forget to include a technical illustration / image, that you have created to illustrate
this challenge / solution (1 point of 10).

Effective communication can be viewed into four different categories: public speaking and
presentation skills, communication and collaboration, managing difficult conversation, giving
and receiving feedback. Effective communication definition is the process of exchanging or
transmitting ideas, information, thoughts, knowledge, data, opinion, or messages from the sender
through a selected method or channel to the receiver with a purpose that can be understood with
clarity. Communication can occur in multiple forms: verbal communication, non-verbal
communication, written communication, and visual communication. There are many
characteristics of effective communication such as clear message, correct message, complete
message, precise message, reliability, consideration of the recipient, and sender coutesy. Having
effective communication in workplace can help you to build an efficient team and manage the
team members and other employees if required. It can enhance your innovation and creativity
and you can reap its fruits as multiple benefits. It can help you to grow your company at a fast
pace as good communication will help you to get better results. You can retain more and more
sincere employees in your company with the help of effective communication. It will help you to
build strong relationships among employees and get more opportunities for your company. It
increases the engagement of employees in their work and also establishes responsibility toward
their team. Another important benefit of effective communication is that it increases customer
satisfaction. It helps to easily make decisions and carry out discussions that are goal oriented.
Benefits of effective business communication are increased productivity, stronger decision
maker, healthier business relationship, improvement customer relationship, quicker problem
solving, increased employee awareness, lesser misunderstanding, and enhanced professional
The significance in effective communication in business includes employee management,
team building, growth of organization, build strong relationship, ascertain transparency, and
develop trust, facilitates creativity and innovation, reduces misunderstanding, and organizational
growth. Soft skills include public speaking, negotiation, conflict resolution, confidence,
friendliness, and empathetic listening. My company is doing this by ensuring all employees are
leading projects and assignments in order to practice effective communication. There’s different
types of training provided to each individual.

Figure 4: The figure above shows the seven C’s to ensure that the communication is effective.
This image is created by Hina Desai.

5. Why are listening skills important for quality management? How is your company doing
this? Design a simple quality-focused example, that you have created. Don't forget to
include a technical illustration / image, that you have created to illustrate this challenge /
solution (1 point of 10).

Listening is often something we take for granted. It is common that people often hear what is
being said but hearing is a lot different to listening. To listen, we need to make a conscious effort
not to just hear what people are saying but to take it in, digest it and understand. Not only does
listening enhance your ability to understand better and make you a better communicator, it also
makes the experience of speaking to you more enjoyable to other people. Listening plays an
integral part of communicating and the differences from actively listening can be seen in
multiple facets of our lives and development. Active listening help to learn and understand things
better in a social and professional environment. Become better at socializing. Better sympathize
with friends and family. Build stronger relationships by making people feel valued. Improve
problem solving skills and absorb information better. Listening built trust: when you make the
effort to listen to someone, they recognize your interest. They are able to know that you are
invested in what they are saying. Listening reduces misunderstandings: misunderstanding isn’t a
big deal but it can have major consequences.
For instance, when someone is not listening when to wear eye protection and they go on the
follow, it can be dangerous if something flies into the eye which can be life threatening.
Listening helps eliminate conflict: People want to feel respected, which is irrevocably tied to
feeling heard. You don’t necessarily need to agree, but simply making the effort to hear another
perspective keeps the situation calmer. When everyone feels calm and safe, it’s much easier to
work through tense situations without things escalating to conflict. Listening encourages
empathy: When you hear right from a source, you’ll have a deeper understanding of their
perspective, which is key to having empathy. Listening improves business relationships: By
committing to listening better, you can build strong relationships with coworkers and clients.
People will feel respected and eager to work with you. My company is doing this by active

Figure 5: The figure above shows the benefits of learning. This is created by Hina Desai.

6. What are the management strategies for quality-focused interpersonal needs? Design a
simple quality-focused example, that you have created. Don't forget to include a technical
illustration / image, that you have created to illustrate this challenge / solution (1 point of

Cognizant of the need of such interpersonal skills, a management strategy must include the
following steps to ensure that team members possess these requisites: Recognition of need:
Management must recognize interpersonal skills to be as important as technical and paper
credentials. It does no good to the organization to have employees with superior talent, but who
cannot be team players. Careful selection: Possession of interpersonal skills must be part of the
candidate selection process. Human resources should favor candidates with traits like active
listening, patience, empathy, tact, open-mindedness, friendliness. Training: Management must
provide support and resources to develop and refine the workforce soft skills. Certain people are
good when it comes to dealing with others whereas few others require a little help in the areas of
listening, emphasizing with others, being tactful, and facilitate positive interaction among fellow
employees. Measurement and reward: In TQM, the improvement of interpersonal skills should
be included in the performance-appraisal process and should be compensated by the reward

Interpersonal skills include verbal and nonverbal communication, the ability to handle
conflict, teamwork, empathy, listening, and a positive attitude. Being flexible and positive, able
to listen, and communicating well are important criteria for success at work. My company is
doing this by engaging team members. For example, active listening is something that is very
important in workplace as there are many meetings throughout the day. Another example, my
leadership skills helped my team raise sales by 10% last quarter, despite the fact that many of us
were new to the department. Interpersonal skills are extremely important for creating and
maintaining meaningful personal relationships in the workplace. People with good interpersonal
communication skills can, therefore, build healthy relationships with their colleagues and work
much better as a team. This can be validated by monitoring teams during meetings. Strong
interpersonal skills can positively affect your team and department, impacting morale and

Figure 6: The figure above shows strategy for interpersonal skills. This image is created by Hina

7. What are the principles of overcoming negativity and conflicts in the workplace? How do
you conduct productive quality meetings? How is your company doing this? Design a
simple quality-focused example, that you have created. Don't forget to include a technical
illustration / image, that you have created to illustrate this challenge / solution (1 point of

Negativity is any behavior on the part of any employee at any level that works against the
optimum performance of the organization. The principles in overcoming negativity are:
Communication: Frequent, ongoing, effective communication is the best defense against
negativity in organizations, and it is the best tool for overcoming negativity that has already set
in. Establish clear expectations: Should make sure that all employees know their goals as
individuals and as a team. Provide for anxiety venting: The workplace will always be stressful
with all deadlines, performance standards, budget pressure etc. The managers must give them
direct reports opportunities to vent in a nonthreatening, affirming environment. Build trust:
Managers can build trust between themselves and employees and among employees by applying
the following strategies: always delivering what is promised, remaining open-minded to
suggestions, taking an interest in the development and welfare of employees, being tactfully
honest with employees at all times. Involve employees: Employees must be involved in every
activity and get their feedback in order to motivate them.
Managers should be constantly alert to signs of negativity in the workplace, for it can spread
quickly through the organization, dampening morale and inhibiting performance. Signs to look
for are: “I can’t do” mentality; “they” mentality (as opposed to “we” mentality); critical
conversations (judgmental and negative); blame fixing (finger pointing). For example, a
negativity is when rumors are spread within a company. My company is doing this by avoiding
negativity at workplace. Also, my company does not hire negative people which can be
determined when answering few behavioral interview questions. It is best to work around
positive people rather than negative to avoid situations. I think this is the best solution at a
workplace. It’s important to show gratitude at work as people are always helping each other to
resolve the same end goal.

Figure 7: The figure above shows ways to overcome negativity in workplace. This is created by
Hina Desai.

8. How can you manage conflict in the workplace? How is your company doing this?
Design a simple quality-focused example, that you have created. Don't forget to include a
technical illustration / image, that you have created to illustrate this challenge / solution
(1 point of 10).

Conflict management has the following components: Establishing conflict guidelines:

Conflict guidelines establish ground rules for discussing and debating differing points of view,
varying ideas, and an array of opinions concerning how best to accomplish the organization’s
vision, mission, and broad objectives. Helping all employees develop conflict prevention and
resolution skills: If managers are going to expect employees to disagree without being
disagreeable, they are going to have to ensure that all employees are skilled in the art and science
of conflict resolution. The second guideline is an acknowledgment of human nature. It takes
advanced human relation skills and constant effort to disagree without being disagreeable.
Helping all employees develop anger management skills: It is difficult, if not impossible, to keep
conflict positive when anger enters the picture. If individuals in an organization are going to be
encouraged to question, discuss, debate, and even disagree, they must know how to manage their
anger. Anger is an intense emotional reaction to conflict in which self-control may be lost.
Stimulating and facilitating productive conflict: Productive conflict is productive because the
only agenda being advanced is the good of the organization. With productive conflict, no hidden
agendas or political machinations are at work. All parties are attempting to reach the same
destination; the disagreement has to do with how best to get there.

For conflict resolution, managers should use the following guidelines: Determine how
important the issue is to all people involved. Determine whether all people involved are willing
and able to discuss the issue in a positive manner. Select a private place where the issue can be
discussed confidentially. Make sure that both sides understand that they are responsible for both
the problem and the solution. Guide participants towards a clear and specific definition of the
problem. Encourage participant to propose solutions. Evaluate the cost vs gains of each solution
and discuss them openly. Make sure that the issue is resolved, and the solution agreed by
everyone. Reflect on the issue and the conflict resolution process. Encourage participants to
express their opinions on how the process might be improved.

Figure 8: The figure above shows how to manage conflict. This image is created by Hina Desai.

9. How do you communicate in conflict situations? How is your company doing this?
Design a quality-focused simple example, that you have created. Don't forget to include a
technical illustration / image, that you have created to illustrate this challenge / solution
(1 point of 10).

Effective communication is vital for the success of an organization; it is even more important
during conflict situations. In these circumstances, either the interlocutors are not interested in the
opinions of the opponents or in general their emotions get in the way of the communication
process. Few examples include saying something upsetting, doing something offensive, or not
doing some- thing one is expected to do by others. The five strategies for managing conflict we
will discuss are competing, avoiding, accommodating, compromising, and collaborating. It is
important as it would prevent miscommunication and accelerate the situation. My company is
doing this by reinforcing active listening, in order to understand your co-worker's perspective,
and non-blaming assertiveness, to help them understand yours.

When communicating in conflict situations, managers should: Consider the attitude of the
parties involved in the conflict: Managers should convince parties that cooperation is necessary
for the best of the company. Have conflict resolution guidelines in the ground rules: Parties
involved in a conflict should understand how decisions will be made, who has the right to give
input, and what issues are irrelevant. Make it clear that assessing blame is not allowed. “More of
the same” solutions should be eliminated: Managers should change approach based on the
situation. Take into consideration the personality of the interlocutors: People react differently to
stress, challenges, and confrontation. Knowing the personality traits of the employees enables
managers and team members to “customize” their approach to ensure effective communication.
Listening responsively and with empathy: Very often conflicts arise for lack of effective
listening. By practicing empathetic listening, managers can learn the motivation behind the
perceived conflict, being better equipped to objectively address and de-escalate the conflict.
Create a non-threatening environment: Managers should strive to create an environment which is
conducive to open, frank discussion. If managed properly, conflicts can have positive outcomes
for the team. Maintain trust: Managers should communicate fairly and objectively, explaining the
contenders the organization’s position, but giving the opposing parties the chance to vent.

Figure 9: This is an image I found on

in-the-workplace.html. Use this chart to map out your typical response to conflict and use the
conflict resolution information below to help you map out a better conflict resolution strategy.

10. Why does quality suffer if there is a major conflict? How is your company doing this?
Design a simple quality-focused example, that you have created. Don't forget to include a
technical illustration / image, that you have created to illustrate this challenge / solution
(1 point of 10).

Quality suffers whenever there is a major conflict because teamwork and team spirit are often
disrupted. During conflicts people do not perform at peak performance and stop concentrating on
continuous improvement. Moreover, people are often caught into politics, wasting valuable time
in taking sides and arguing positions; they concentrate in disproving the opposing side instead of
looking for a solution. In such situations employees are busy battling internal competition rather
than market competition. Personal interests prevail over unity of purpose; therefore, customer
focus and customer satisfaction are no longer actively pursued. My company is doing this by
preventing major conflicts. This can be done by listing pros and cons to both arguments. It is
important as it causes issues with team members. If there is a major conflict then it will reduce
the ability to work together and it will reduce the morale of the team so as a result the quality
will be affected if there is a major conflict. Teamwork is very important to increase the quality of
the product and conflict may affect the team work as a result it also affects quality.

Quality suffers if there is a major conflict because: Internal politics tends to perpetuate
outdated processes, procedures, and technologies. This is because the tactics of the internal
politician are ideally suited for opposing change. Organizations that are suffering the ill effects of
internal politics often lose the best and brightest employees. If a work group is low performing
and does not want to do better, its members may actually drive out anyone who tries to improve.
Internal politics tends to perpetuate outdated processes, procedures, and technologies. This is
because the tactics of the internal politician are ideally suited for opposing change. An
organization’s morale suffers when infighting, buck passing, and rumormongering—all of which
invariably result from the practice of internal politics—are allowed to become part of the
dominant corporate culture. Loss of quality, competitiveness , and customers as the
organization’s focus is diverted from what really matters.

Figure 10: This is an image I found on
conflict/. Level of conflict refers to the number of individuals involved in the conflict.

Executive Summary

PERFORMANCE E801 — High-End Electric Boat Powered By Evoy

Eovy manufactured an electric boat motor which will be launched in 2023. This boat delivers
100% electric outboard and inboard motor systems. This is for fast and powerful boat of size 20
to 50 ft. The company’s mission is to reduce boating emissions without compromising on power
and ease of use

1 st statement– SRIKAR
2 nd statement- HINA
The E801 is a high-end electric boat powered by Evoy, a Norwegian company that specializes in
electric boat propulsion systems. The E801 is a luxury yacht that offers a quiet and eco-friendly
boating experience, with zero emissions and low noise levels.

The boat is powered by Evoy’s proprietary electric propulsion system, which consists of a 800-
horsepower electric motor and a high-capacity battery pack. The motor can propel the boat to a
top speed of 55 knots, or about 63 miles per hour, which is faster than many gasoline-powered
boats in its class.

The E801 is designed for long-range cruising, with a range of up to 100 nautical miles at a
cruising speed of 25 knots. The boat is also equipped with advanced navigation and safety
features, including a GPS system, radar, and a collision avoidance system.

In addition to its performance capabilities, the E801 is also a luxurious and spacious yacht, with
a sleek and modern design. The interior features high-quality materials and finishes, including
leather upholstery, marble countertops, and hardwood floors. The boat can accommodate up to
12 guests in four cabins, each with its own ensuite bathroom.

Overall, the E801 is a high-performance, luxury electric yacht that offers a unique and
sustainable boating experience. With its advanced propulsion system, spacious interior, and
advanced safety features.

It is an excellent choice for boaters who want to enjoy the thrill of high-speed cruising without
sacrificing comfort or environmental sustainability.

Onewheel — Pragmatic Commuter Tool Or The Secret To Eternal Youth?

One-wheeler is completely different as it help reprogram brain and muscles has it is completely
hands free. It can carry 90kg up the hills of parklands. It travelled about 13,000 km. Future
Motion, which supplied his Onewheel, does not support the rights of owners to repair. The
Onewheel has no traditional brakes — everything is done with balance and regenerative braking.
Onewheel as life enhancing — on a pathway along the creek, not on the roads, lots of fresh air,
exercising and balancing.

1 st statement– SRIKAR
2 nd statement- HINA

A distinctive electric skateboard that has become more well-known recently is called the
Onewheel. The self-balancing board resembles a hybrid of a hoverboard and a skateboard.
According on the person’s viewpoint and intended usage, the answer to the issue of whether it is
a useful commuting tool or the key to everlasting youth will vary.
The One wheel is a viable means to get to work or school for certain people. It can help you save
money on petrol and parking costs and is an environmentally beneficial substitute for
conventional transportation options. The One wheel is also somewhat portable, making it simple
to store in a tiny flat or bring aboard public transportation.

Some see the One wheel as more than simply a useful mode of transportation; it is a method to
maintain their youthfulness. Riding a One wheel may offer a sense of adventure and excitement
that is sometimes absent in daily life. It is frequently described as an exciting and liberating
sensation. Although it demands balance and core strength, using a One wheel may also be a
fantastic way to keep active and healthy.

Eventually, a person’s goals and intended usage will determine whether the One wheel is a
useful commuting tool or the key to endless youth. Depending on the circumstance, it may be
either. However, it is important to note that the One wheel does come with risks, and it is
essential to wear proper safety gear and follow traffic laws when riding on public roads.

A Year Into The Invasion Of Ukraine, What Is Happening With Nuclear Weapons?

Putin decided he was suspending his country’s compliance with the New START arms control
agreement. Russia will continue to refuse to allow the United States to conduct verification
inspections permitted under the treaty and will not meet to discuss any concerns either country
has. It further heightens the risk that Russia could decide to go nuclear if the war in Ukraine
takes another turn for the worse for Moscow. Finally, in more bad news, just this week the
International Atomic Energy Agency reported that Iran had enriched some uranium to very high
levels, a fact that the government in Tehran sought to dismiss. However, the loudest—and most
bizarre—kerfuffle was between the United States and China, over a lost Chinese intelligence that
wandered -gathering balloon  across the US and close to some sensitive military sites, including
nuclear missile silos spread across the central plains. In sum, of the four possible nuclear
futures that could flow from the invasion of Ukraine, two of those—continuing the downward-
spiraling status quo  and more countries seeking to join nuclear alliances or obtain nuclear
weapons themselves—have seen significant development. A third—moves to eliminate the
leadership of “problem” nuclear-weapon states—has seen threats to Iran. Meanwhile, the fourth
and most hopeful and sustainable future—a world free from the nuclear threat, where security is
no longer based on nuclear deterrence—has seen little truly significant progress.

1 st statement– SRIKAR
2 nd statement- HINA

There have not, as of the cut-off date of September 2021, been any reports of the use or transfer
of nuclear weapons in connection with the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Ukraine had held the
third-largest nuclear arsenal in the world, behind Russia and the United States. Ukraine,
however, decided to give up its nuclear weapons and join the Treaty on the Non- Proliferation of
nuclear weapons as a non-nuclear weapon state after the fall of the Soviet Union.
Ukraine does not currently have nuclear weapons, although it is close to a number of nations
that do, notably Russia. Nuclear weapons use or proliferation are issues that have been brought
up by the war between Russia and Ukraine.

The deployment of nuclear weapons is generally seen as a last resort since doing so would have
disastrous repercussions for both parties and maybe the whole planet. Hence, finding peaceful
solutions to the current crisis in Ukraine is crucial for all parties involved.

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