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Top Managers :

1.Encourage teamwork:
Teamwork is the key to improved employee motivation. Working
as a team ensures everyone feels valuable and plays a part in
achieving a goal.
It also means you can share ideas, solve problems and plan
together with colleagues. This can take place as an intranet
messenger chat, a virtual meeting or face-to-face.

2.Provide a Positive communication:

Positivity breeds motivation. Positively presenting new ideas and

projects encourages employees to support the success of the
company. When everyone understands the company goals the
level of employee motivation can increase dramatically.

This also applies to problem-solving. If there’s an issue it’s more

likely to be solved if it’s addressed positively rather than with

3. Ask employees for feedback:

This is another way to enhance motivation is by using intranet surveys.
Your employees can be your most important focus group when you launch
a new product, plan to expand or introduce new systems. And don’t only
ask for the feedback, show you’ve listened, and considered people’s
opinions. This will make employees feel they’re an important part of the
HR Department :

Encourage innovation and creativity:

Boredom destroys motivation. Allow employees to express their creative
side and bring their ideas to projects. Just because someone works in
accounts or the technical department doesn’t mean they don’t have
innovative ideas.
Encourage employee engagement motivation by inviting them to contribute
ideas for new products, branding or a logo. Offer a prize for the winner.
Being recognized for skills other than those we’re employed for can
encourage a high level of motivation.

Management Departments :

1.Express clear company goals:

Another motivating factor for employees is clearly defining the goals of the company.
This means employees understand the bigger picture and where they fit into the

The impact of employee motivation on employee performance is important. If an

employee knows why they’re doing their job and how it contributes to the company
objectives they feel confident in their role and will work more efficiently.

L&D Department :

1. Provide regular training:

Training can be inspiring and shows an understanding of the importance of

employee motivation. It shows an employer is dedicated to helping their
employees to learn as much as they can about their job and how to do it better.
Training outside of roles can also be a great motivator.

Employees :
Prepare a clear roadmap of your vision or goal

Work in a fair way and create trust among the people you work with

Breakdown the goal and set the targets

Have a strategy, but be prepared to change course


This final chapter will discuss the results, recommendations and

conclusion of this study.

At this chapter we discussed the results of our research and wrote
recommendations that may be applied to increase motivation in the
organization and increase the organizational performance and what
department really should do this.

After analyzing the following data, we have found that organizational
performance and motivation are related to each other. Any change or
problem in motivation will show a decrease in the organizational
performance. This implies that as motivation decreases, organizational
performance decreases as well, and any reduction in problems of
motivation can be attributed to reduction in organizational
performance. All organizations improve their motivation process so
that employees are always satisfied to increase the level of
performance in organization.

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