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Name: ____________________________ Date: __________________

Year and Section: ____________________ Score: _________________

I. Activity Title: Division of integers

II. Learning Target:
 Give the rule for division of integers
 Perform division of integers

III. Concept Notes:

Rule for integers

 The quotient of two integers with the same sign is positive. The quotient of
two integers with different signs is negative.

IV. Illustrative Example

Example 1. divide the following integers.

a. 20/4 = 5 e. -48/ (-8) =

b. -352 /(16) = -22 f. 60 / (-15) =
c. -15/3= - 5 g. -96/(-8) =
d. -300 /(-20) = 15 h. -2025 /(45) =

V. Exercise

Part 1. Complete the sentence.

a) The quotient of two integers with the same sign is _______. The quotient of two
integers with different signs is ________.

Part 2. Divide the following integers.

a. (-24)/(+2) f. (-54)/(6)
b. (-15)/(-3) g. (-9)/(3)
c. (27)/(-9) h. (30)/(2)
d. (-26)/(-13) i. (-15)/(5)
e. (54)/(-2) j. (-88)/(11)

Name: ____________________________ Date: __________________

Year and Section: ____________________ Score: _________________

I. Activity Title: Law of exponent

II. Learning Target:
 Give the rule for law of exponent
 Perform law of exponent

III. Concept Notes:

Description Law Example

Exponent is 1 x1 = x 61 = 6
Zero Exponent x0 = 1 70 = 1
Negative 1 exponent x-1 = 1/x 4-1 = 1/4

Product rule xmxn = xm+n x2x3 = x2+3 = x5

Quotient rule xm/xn = xm-n x6/x2 = x6-2 = x4
Power rule (xm)n = xmn (x2)3 = x2×3 = x6
Product of powers (xy)n = xnyn (xy)3 = x3y3
Quotient of powers (x/y)n = (x/y)2 = x2 / y2
Negative exponent rule x  = 1/xn
x-3 = 1/x3



Part 1: Simplify each expression.

3 4 1 3 4 4
1.) 2 ⋅2 2.) 8 ⋅8 3.) t ⋅t
5 9 4 3 5
4.) x ⋅x 5.) 3 ⋅x ⋅x

Part 2: Find the product of the expressions.

2 2 3 2 5 3 8 2
6.) ( 6 x )( 4 x ) 7.) (3 x y )(-6 y ) 8.) (5 p )(−m p )

9.) (10 g 3 h8 v 6 )(11gh8 ) 10.) (4 f 9 h 3 )(−5 f 6 )(−3 h 2 )

11.) (−2 x y ) ( (−3 ) x y )

2 3 4 2 4 4
12.) *Challenge: (3 x a y b z c )(− y f z g )
Power to a Power

Part 1: Find the product. Expand if it helps you.

2 5 m 2
13.) (p ) = 14.) (x ) =

15.) (23 x)2 = 16.) 2 (3a

2 3
) =
2 2 3
17.) (2x ) 18.) (10 )

19.) (−3 2 x 6 )5 20.) (7 j 2 )3

( ) ( )
8 x2
3x 2
21.) 2 x
22.) 2 y2


Part 1: Simplify to find the quotients.

a8 7 11 7⋅b5
3 8 4
23.) a 24.) 7 25.) b

8 4 11
12⋅g ⋅h 4⋅p
4 3 5 6
26.) x 27.) g ⋅h 28.) 8⋅p
3 8
c9 2⋅x y 3 x 14 y 11
4 2 2
29.) 6 c 30.) 4⋅y 31.) 18 x

Negative Exponents

Rewrite without negative exponents and simplify.

32.) 6⋅c ⋅d
3 −2
33.) 6 x x
4 −10
34.) ( 20⋅x−3 )

( )
a12 b−3 5 x 13 y 5 z 2
5 5
36.) a b 37.) 3⋅52 38.) (g 3⋅g−2 )4

( ) ( )
3 −2
4 c−5 x−8 3
(2 x )⋅(x )
4 2
0 11
39.) 8 d 40.) y 41.) 8 x 11

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