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Calculus Name___________________________________ ID: 1

©S `2G0H1b6_ UKKuMtzaR SSXoIfethw\abrseJ rLELcCE.t k TA[lEle mrciHgjhxt^sl orkeysjeErHvDeVdt.

HW 7.2 Derivatives of Exponential Functions Date________________ Period____

Differentiate each function with respect to x.
5x 4 3x 5
1) f ( x) = e 2) f ( x) = e

5x 2 4x 3
3) f ( x) = e 4) f ( x) = e

3x 2 4x 2
5) f ( x) = e 6) f ( x) = e

Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©E T2e0B1q6I FKDuktQas RS`oFfOtzwOayrYen kLdLcC].s F cAOlNlB srXi]ghhXtfsl Lr]eAsgebrjvUendo.L x GMwaedZef zwhiMtjho gIWnkfDiPnDiYtqed eCnaNlecZu\lKuosS.
2x 3
e 5x 2
7) f ( x) = e e
8) f ( x) = 2x 4 - 1

3x 2 2x 2
9) f ( x) = e (3x 5 - 4) 10) f ( x) = (3x 3 + 5) × e

3x 4 x4 + 3
e f ( x) =
11) f ( x) = 2 12) 5x 5
2x + 1 e

3x 3 x4
13) f ( x) = 2 14) f ( x) = 5

Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©Q x2M0\1L6V zKLuKtsae QSIo]f`tywdaYrpek oL]LrCT.O d xAsllly SrXiqgmhWthsi irFebs^efrNvYecdK.D q jMmahdFe\ fwNiOtmhf aIyncftixnciwtaeE MCfaVlccHuNlxubsl.
5x 2 2x 4
15) f ( x) = 3 16) f ( x) = 4

Solve each equation.

3b m
17) 3 = 243 18) 16 = 64

19) log 2 (2 p + 1) = log 2 (5 p - 2) 20) log 3 + log ( x - 7) = 1

Condense each expression to a single logarithm.

21) 20 log 2 u - 4 log 2 v log 5 u log 5 v log 5 w

22) + +
2 2 2

Expand each logarithm.

23) log 9 (a × b × c )
3 6
24) log 8 ()y

Solve each related rate problem.

25) A 17 ft ladder is leaning against a wall and sliding towards the floor. The foot of the
ladder is sliding away from the base of the wall at a rate of 7 ft/sec. How fast is the top
of the ladder sliding down the wall when the top of the ladder is 8 ft from the ground?

Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©H _2A0W1z6Z bKMuktxa[ LSfoZfjtvwEaurPeq bLYLBCA.U A HALlUly NrwiEgmhvtNsb xrGehsRe^rKvVe_dH.S Z _MXaWdDeM XwgiMtthV \IonMfkiTngijtVe\ gCIajl`cCumlsuQsZ.
Solve each optimization problem. You may use the provided box to sketch the problem setup if

26) A graphic designer is asked to create a movie poster with a 98 in² photo surrounded by a
4 in border at the top and bottom and a 2 in border on each side. What overall
dimensions for the poster should the designer choose to use the least amount of paper?

For each problem, find all points of relative minima and maxima.

x2 28) f ( x) = x 3 - 3x 2
27) f ( x) = +1

For each problem, find the open intervals where the function is concave up and concave down.

29) y = x 3 - 4x 2 + 3

30) y =

Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©` b2r0K1E6B `KmuhtHaB nSSoafatVwkaArmeb ILNL\CT.n n jAqlelj nrhiPg^h[ttsq mrGeysNeMrrvuegdA.X x CMXaBdZeZ SwAibtshF LIjnRfHimntiatZeE RCqaollcIu_lsu]sd.
Answers to HW 7.2 Derivatives of Exponential Functions (ID: 1)
5x 4 3x 5 5x 2 4x 3
1) f ' ( x) = e × 20x 3 2) f ' ( x) = e × 15x 4 3) f ' ( x) = e 3
× 10x 4) f ' ( x) = e × 12x 2
3x 2 4x 2 2x
2x 3
5) f ' ( x) = e × 6x 6) f ' ( x) = e × 8x 7) f ' ( x) = e
×e × 6x 2
2x 3
e + 2x 3
= 6x 2 e
5x 2 - (2x 4 - 1) 3x 2 3x 2
8) f ' ( x) = e (10x - 8x 3 ) 9) f ' ( x) = e × 15x 4 + (3x 5 - 4) × e × 6x
2 4
5x - 2x + 1 3x 2
= 2xe (5 - 4x 2 ) = 3xe (5x 3 + 6x 5 - 8)
2x 2 2x 2 4 4
10) f ' ( x) = (3x 3 + 5) × e × 4x + e × 9x 2 (2x 2 + 1) × e 3x × 12x 3 - e 3x × 4x
2x 2 11) f ' ( x) =
= xe (12x 3 + 20 + 9x) (2x 2 + 1) 2
4xe (6x 4 + 3x 2 - 1)
(2x 2 + 1) 2
5x 5 5x 5 3x 3
e × 4x 3 - ( x 4 + 3) × e × 25x 4 13) f ' ( x) = 2 ln 2 × 9x 2
12) f ' ( x) =
(e 5x ) 2

x 3 (4 - 25x 5 - 75x)
= 5x 5
x4 5x 2 2x 4
14) f ' ( x) = 5 ln 5 × 4x 3 15) f ' ( x) = 3 ln 3 × 10x 16) f ' ( x) = 4 ln 4 × 8x 3
2x 4 + 1
= 2x 3 × 4 ln 4
5 3 19) {1} 31
17) {}
2 {} 20)
3 { }
u 22) log 5 wvu 23) log 9 a + log 9 b + 3 log 9 c
21) log 2 4
24) 6 log 8 x - 36 log 8 y 105 26) 11 in wide by 22 in tall
ft/sec 25)
27) Relative minimum: 0, 1 ) 28) Relative minimum: (2, -4)
No relative maxima. Relative maximum: (0, 0)
( )
29) Concave up: , ¥ Concave down: -¥,
3 ( )
30) Concave up: (-1, ¥) Concave down: (-¥, -1)

Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©h X2S0C1q6S NKBubtHaG JSQoSfMtRwFaVreeU mLaLFCL.z i HAWlclM ArIiLgdhetksG qrReGsWeKrKvXeQdw.b P KMFamdtef twkiVtFhH JIQntfDiAnjistxex eCSaulec^ufl]ufsK.

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