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S. No.

Basic Question Interviewers' unstated tension (why they are asking this question)
1 Tell me about yourself/introduce yourself (Example) - Since the interviewer is meeting you for the first time, they want
to know who you are as a working professional.

- Also, introduction can serve as a base for the rest of the

interview, since that (and your CV) is all they know about you.
Hence, you can lead the interviewer to talk about your strengths
and accomplishments, things that you are most confident in talking
2 Why did you switch to Marketing as a Career Path? Want to know the thought process of the candidate
3 Why did you choose Kraftshala? Want to know the thought process of the candidate, what he was
thinking while choosing the institute or any sort of thing that they
like about the same
4 Walk me through your CV To see whether the candidate know what they have written in the
CV or just add some points from internet or peers
5 What do you consider as your most significant
achievement to date?
6 What mistakes have you made? Why did they occur?
How have you learned from them? What have you done
to keep similar things from occurring again?
7 When was the last time you got into a major argument
with team members/colleagues? What happened? What
was the issue involved? How were things resolved?
8 How do you handle multiple tasks? To see whether candidate is able to multi-task or not
9 Your top 2 strengths and top 2 weaknesses (with To understand how much the candidate knows about themselves
10 Tell me about a time when you had to take the initiative To check the problem solving or critical thinking skills
to solve a problem
11 Tell me about a time when you responded to
constructive criticism/feedback.

(Constructive criticism means negative feedback or

feedback where someone told you that you were not
good at something and needed to work on it)
12 Tell me about a time when you worked with a team.
S. No. Basic Question Interviewers' unstated tension (why they are asking this question)
13 Please describe your role, responsibilities, and
achievements in your last job?
14 What would you title your autobiography and why?


If you had a catchphrase or a slogan for yourself, what

would it be and why?
15 If you could have dinner with any two people from
history/present, dead or alive, who would you choose
and why?
16 How was your experience at Kraftshala?
17 Where do you see yourself after 5 years? To check whether the candidate has any future goals, or any
intention to stay in the company for a long period

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