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types of assertion

Grade 11
Fourth Quarter
round 1:
guess the word
(Find the secret words hidden
in the images)
types of assertion

Grade 11
Fourth Quarter
define the types of assertion

familiarize with the types of assertions and its

objectives expressions

recognize the importance of formulating

assertions in our daily undertakings

is a statement used to make a

declaration or to express
strong belief on a
particular topic.

can also be formulated after

reading a story or
a poem, and even after
watching a play.
purpose of assertion

It is for the writer to convey directly

an idea or
feeling and to convince the reader to
accept the
writer’s interpretation of a particular
literary work.
1.basic assertion
Simple expression of standing up for
personal rights, beliefs, feelings or
basic assertion

When being interrupted,

"Excuse me, I'd like to
finish what I'm saying."
2. Empathic Assertion
Recognition of other person's situation
or feelings followed by another
statement standing up for speaker's
Empathic Assertion
"I know you are feeling angry and
frustrated while you wait for a response.
But, the best I can do is give you a
ballpark estimate of how long It will
3. Escalating Assertion
Start with a "minimal" assertive response...
Other fails to respond...
Gradually escalate the assertion?--
increasingly firm without being aggressive
Escalating Assertion
From the first example,
"I know what you have to say is important but
I really want to finish what I was saying."
"I really want to finish before you begin to
Escalating Assertion
It may even include the mention of some type
of resulting action on your part, made only
after several basic assertive statements.
escalating Assertion
"If you don't complete the work on my car by
5:00 tomorrow, I'll be forced to call the Better
Business Bureau.
4. confrontive assertion
is a statement made when an agreement has
been violated
confrontive assertion
Describe what was to be done... Describe
what actually occurred... Express what you
confrontive assertion
"I told you to complete the forms by November 15,
and you agreed to do so.

Now it is January 15 and you are telling me that you

forgot the forms but you still expect to complete our
business on time.

What is it that you want me to do?

5. i-language
i-language assertion
can help you constructively focus that anger
and be clear about your own feelings.
i-language assertion
Description of behavior: "When you __________ ,"

How it affects you life: "It affects __________ ,"

Describe your feelings: "and I feel __________ ;"

Describe your desire: "Therefore, I would like __________ ."

i-language assertion

"When you shout

the effect is I am unable
to work with you and I
feel angry.
6. Positive Assertion
Expressing positive feelings about yourself or
someone else.

"I'm glad you came back to see me."

"I did a good job working with that upset student."

7. Repeated Assertion
• Sometimes called "Broken Record."
• The opposite of escalation
• Simple, calm, repetition--saying what
you want over and over again, rote
Repeated Assertion
"You said you would complete this form and there
is missing information."...
"The form has not been completed."
"I have to have this form completed."
8. fogging assertion
Acknowledging possibility of truth to what
other person is saying--agreeing in concept
but not necessarily in fact.
fogging assertion
a useful technique if people to use when
people are behaving in a manipulative or
aggressive way.
fogging assertion
"I know these rules may appear to make no
sense, but they are the procedures I must use.”
round 2
quiz time:
multiple choice
Prepare a 1/4 sheet of paper
and answer each question
by writing the appropriate
Question 1
“I feel so annoyed when you speak ill to me. So,
you better talk to me nicely.” What type of assertion
is used?

a. Basic Assertion
b. Emphatic Assertion
c. Escalating Assertion
d. I-Language Assertion
Question 2
“If you listen to me earlier, it won’t happen to you.”
What type of assertion is used?

a. Basic Assertion
b. Emphatic Assertion
c. Escalating Assertion
c. I-Language Assertion
Question 3
“When I don’t get enough sleep, it affects mynerves,
and I feel irritated. Therefore, I try to go to bed
earlier.” What type of assertion is used?

a. Basic Assertion
b. Emphatic Assertion
c. Escalating Assertion
d. I-Language Assertion
Question 4
I know you are tired, but I really need to talk to
you regarding this matter.” What type of assertion
is used?

a. Basic Assertion
b. Emphatic Assertion
c. Escalating Assertion
d. I-Language Assertion
Question 5
5. “I am delighted to see you by tomorrow at
9:00 am.”
What type of assertion is used?

a. Basic Assertion
b. Emphatic Assertion
c. Escalating Assertion
d. I-Language Assertion
Question 6-10
List at least 5 types of assertion discussed
well done!
Thank you for participating.

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