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Section 2.

2 An Introduction to Problem Solving 57

2.2 An Introduction to Problem Solving


OBJECTIVES 1 Writing and Simplifying Algebraic Expressions

To prepare for problem solving, we practice writing algebraic expressions that can be
1 Write Algebraic Expressions simplified.
That Can Be Simplified. Our first example involves consecutive integers and perimeter. Recall that
2 Apply the Steps for Problem consecutive integers are integers that follow one another in order. Study the examples
Solving. of consecutive, even, and odd integers and their representations.
Consecutive Integers: Consecutive Even Integers: Consecutive Odd Integers:
1 2 2
2 4 4

6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 7 8 9 10 11
x x1 x2 x x2 x4 x x2 x4

Helpful Hint
You may want to begin this section by studying key words and phrases and their transla-
tions in Sections 1.2 Objective 5 and 1.4 Objective 4.

EXAMPLE 1 Write the following as algebraic expressions. Then simplify.

a. The sum of three consecutive integers if x is the first consecu-
tive integer. x 5x

b. The perimeter of a triangle with sides of length x, 5x, and

6x - 3. 6x  3

a. Recall that if x is the first integer, then the next consecutive integer is 1 more, or
x + 1 and the next consecutive integer is 1 more than x + 1, or x + 2.

first next consecutive next consecutive

In words: plus plus
integer integer integer
Translate: x + 1x + 12 + 1x + 22
Then x + (x + 1) + (x + 2) = x + x + 1 + x + 2
= 3x + 3 Simplify by combining like terms.
b. The perimeter of a triangle is the sum of the lengths of the sides.
In words: side + side + side
Translate: x + 5x + 16x - 32
Then x + 5x + 16x - 32 = x + 5x + 6x - 3
= 12x - 3 Simplify.

1 Write the following algebraic expressions. Then simplify.

a. The sum of three consecutive odd integers if x is the first consecutive odd integer
b. The perimeter of a trapezoid with bases x and 2x and sides of x + 2 and 2x - 3

x2 2x  3

58 CHAPTER 2 Equations, Inequalities, and Problem Solving

EXAMPLE 2 Writing Algebraic Expressions Representing Metropolitan Regions

The most populous metropolitan region in the United States is New York City,
although it is only the sixth most populous metropolis in the world. Tokyo is the most
populous metropolitan region. Mexico City is the fifth most populous metropolis in
the world. Mexico City’s population is 0.03 million more than New York’s, and Tokyo’s
is twice that of New York, decreased by 2.19 million. Write the sum of the populations
of these three metropolitan regions as an algebraic expression. Let x be the popula-
tion of New York (in millions). (Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and
Social Affairs)
If x = the population of New York (in millions), then
x + 0.03 = the population of Mexico City (in millions) and
2x - 2.19 = the population of Tokyo (in millions)

population population population

In words:
of New York of Mexico City of Tokyo
Translate: x + 1x + 0.032 + 12x - 2.192
Then x + 1x + 0.032 + 12x - 2.192 = x + x + 2x + 0.03 - 2.19
= 4x - 2.16 Combine like terms.
Tokyo New
Mexico York In Exercise 57, we will find the actual populations of these cities.

2 The three busiest airports in Europe are in London, England; Paris, France;
and Frankfurt, Germany. The airport in London has 12.9 million more arrivals and
departures than the Frankfurt airport. The Paris airport has 5.2 million more arrivals
and departures than the Frankfurt airport. Write the sum of the arrivals and depar-
tures from these three cities as a simplified algebraic expression. Let x be the number
of arrivals and departures at the Frankfurt airport. (Source: Association of European


2 Applying Steps for Problem Solving

Our main purpose for studying algebra is to solve problems. The following problem-
solving strategy will be used throughout this text and may also be used to solve
real-life problems that occur outside the mathematics classroom.

General Strategy for Problem Solving

1. UNDERSTAND the problem. During this step, become comfortable with the
problem. Some ways of doing this are to:
Read and reread the problem.
Propose a solution and check. Pay careful attention to how you check your pro-
posed solution. This will help when writing an equation to model the problem.
Construct a drawing.
Choose a variable to represent the unknown. (Very important part)
2. TRANSLATE the problem into an equation.
3. SOLVE the equation.
4. INTERPRET the results: Check the proposed solution in the stated problem and
state your conclusion.

Let’s review this strategy by solving a problem involving unknown numbers.

Section 2.2 An Introduction to Problem Solving 59

EXAMPLE 3 Finding Unknown Numbers

Find three numbers such that the second number is 3 more than twice the first number,
and the third number is four times the first number. The sum of the three numbers is 164.

1. UNDERSTAND the problem. First let’s read and reread the problem and then
Helpful Hint propose a solution. For example, if the first number is 25, then the second number
The purpose of guessing a solution is 3 more than twice 25, or 53. The third number is four times 25, or 100. The sum of
is not to guess correctly but to gain 25, 53, and 100 is 178, not the required sum, but we have gained some valuable infor-
confidence and to help understand mation about the problem. First, we know that the first number is less than 25 since
the problem and how to model it. our guess led to a sum greater than the required sum. Also, we have gained some
information as to how to model the problem.
Next let’s assign a variable and use this variable to represent any other unknown
quantities. If we let
x = the first number, then
" + 3 = the second number
c c
3 more than
twice the second number
4x = the third number

2. TRANSLATE the problem into an equation. To do so, we use the fact that the sum
of the numbers is 164. First let’s write this relationship in words and then translate
to an equation.
first added second added third
In words: is 164
number to number to number
Translate: x + 12x + 32 + 4x = 164
3. SOLVE the equation.

x + 12x + 32 + 4x = 164
x + 2x + 4x + 3 = 164 Remove parentheses.
7x + 3 = 164 Combine like terms.
7x = 161 Subtract 3 from both sides.
x = 23 Divide both sides by 7.

4. INTERPRET. Here, we check our work and state the solution. Recall that if the first
number x = 23, then the second number 2x + 3 = 2 # 23 + 3 = 49 and the third
number 4x = 4 # 23 = 92.
Check: Is the second number 3 more than twice the first number? Yes, since 3 more
than twice 23 is 46 + 3, or 49. Also, their sum, 23 + 49 + 92 = 164, is the required sum.
State: The three numbers are 23, 49, and 92.

3 Find three numbers such that the second number is 8 less than triple the
first number, the third number is five times the first number, and the sum of the three
numbers is 118.

Many of today’s rates and statistics are given as percents. Interest rates, tax rates,
nutrition labeling, and percent of households in a given category are just a few exam-
ples. Before we practice solving problems containing percents, let’s briefly review the
meaning of percent and how to find a percent of a number.
60 CHAPTER 2 Equations, Inequalities, and Problem Solving

The word percent means “per hundred,” and the symbol % denotes percent.
This means that 23% is 23 per hundred, or . Also,
41, = = 0.41
To find a percent of a number, we multiply.
16, of 25 = 16, # 25 = 0.16 # 25 = 4
Thus, 16% of 25 is 4.
Study the table below. It will help you become more familiar with finding percents.

Percent Meaning/Shortcut Example

50% or half of a number 50% of 60 is 30.
25% or a quarter of a number 25% of 60 is 15.
10% 0.1 or of a number (move the decimal point 1
10 10% of 60 is 6.0 or 6.
place to the left)
1% 0.01 or of a number (move the decimal point 2
100 1% of 60 is 0.60 or 0.6.
places to the left)
100% 1 or all of a number 100% of 60 is 60.
200% 2 or double a number 200% of 60 is 120.

Suppose you are finding 112% of a number x. Which of the following is a correct description of the result? Explain.
a. The result is less than x. b. The result is equal to x. c. The result is greater than x.

Next, we solve a problem containing a percent.

EXAMPLE 4 Finding the Original Price of a Computer

Suppose that a computer store just announced an 8% decrease in the price of a par-
ticular computer model. If this computer sells for $2162 after the decrease, find the
original price of this computer.
1. UNDERSTAND. Read and reread the problem. Recall that a percent decrease
means a percent of the original price. Let’s guess that the original price of the comput-
er is $2500. The amount of decrease is then 8% of $2500, or 10.0821+25002 = +200.
This means that the new price of the computer is the original price minus the de-
crease, or +2500 - +200 = +2300. Our guess is incorrect, but we now have an idea
of how to model this problem. In our model, we will let x = the original price of the
the original price 8, of the the new
In words: minus is
of computer original price price
Answer to Concept Check:
c; the result is greater than x Translate: x - 0.08x = 2162
Section 2.2 An Introduction to Problem Solving 61

3. SOLVE the equation.

x - 0.08x = 2162
0.92x = 2162 Combine like terms.

x = = 2350 Divide both sides by 0.92.
Check: If the original price of the computer was $2350, the new price is
+2350 - 10.0821+23502 = +2350 - +188
= +2162 The given new price

State: The original price of the computer was $2350.


4 At the end of the season, the cost of a snowboard was reduced by 40%. If the
snowboard sells for $270 after the decrease, find the original price of the board.

EXAMPLE 5 Finding the Lengths of a Triangle’s Sides

A pennant in the shape of an isosceles triangle is to be constructed for the Slidell High
School Athletic Club and sold at a fund-raiser. The company manufacturing the pen-
nant charges according to perimeter, and the athletic club has determined that a pe-
rimeter of 149 centimeters should make a nice profit. If each equal side of the triangle
is twice the length of the third side, increased by 12 centimeters, find the lengths of the
sides of the triangular pennant.
1. UNDERSTAND. Read and reread the problem. Recall that the perimeter of a tri-
angle is the distance around. Let’s guess that the third side of the triangular pennant
is 20 centimeters. This means that each equal side is twice 20 centimeters, increased
by 12 centimeters, or 21202 + 12 = 52 centimeters .
52 cm

20 cm

52 cm

This gives a perimeter of 20 + 52 + 52 = 124 centimeters . Our guess is incorrect,

but we now have a better understanding of how to model this problem.
Now we let the third side of the triangle = x.

2x  12 the first side = twice the third side increased by 12

= 2 x + 12
2x  12 or 2x + 12
the second side = 2x + 12
first second third =
In words: + + 149
side side side
Translate: 12x + 122 + 12x + 122 + x = 149
62 CHAPTER 2 Equations, Inequalities, and Problem Solving

3. SOLVE the equation.

12x + 122 + 12x + 122 + x = 149
2x + 12 + 2x + 12 + x = 149 Remove parentheses.
5x + 24 = 149 Combine like terms.
5x = 125 Subtract 24 from both sides.
x = 25 Divide both sides by 5.

4. INTERPRET. If the third side is 25 centimeters, then the first side is

21252 + 12 = 62 centimeters, and the second side is 62 centimeters.
Check: The first and second sides are each twice 25 centimeters increased by 12 cen-
timeters or 62 centimeters. Also, the perimeter is 25 + 62 + 62 = 149 centimeters, the
required perimeter.
State: The lengths of the sides of the triangle are 25 centimeters, 62 centimeters, and
62 centimeters.

5 For its 40th anniversary, North Campus Community College is placing rect-
angular banners on all the light poles on campus. The perimeter of these banners is
160 inches. If the longer side of each banner is 16" less than double the width, find the
dimensions of the banners.

EXAMPLE 6 Finding Consecutive Integers

Kelsey Ohleger was helping her friend Benji Burnstine study for an algebra exam.
Kelsey told Benji that her three latest art history quiz scores are three consecutive
even integers whose sum is 264. Help Benji find the scores.
1. UNDERSTAND. Read and reread the problem. Since we are looking for consecu-
tive even integers, let
x = the first integer . Then
x + 2 = the second consecutive even integer
x + 4 = the third consecutive even integer .
first second even third even
In words: + + = 264
integer integer integer
Translate: x + (x + 2) + (x + 4) = 264

x + 1x + 22 + 1x + 42 = 264
3x + 6 = 264 Combine like terms.
3x = 258 Subtract 6 from both sides.
x = 86 Divide both sides by 3.
4. INTERPRET. If x = 86, then x + 2 = 86 + 2 or 88, and x + 4 = 86 + 4 or 90.
Check: The numbers 86, 88, and 90 are three consecutive even integers. Their sum is
264, the required sum.
State: Kelsey’s art history quiz scores are 86, 88, and 90.

6 Find three consecutive odd integers whose sum is 81.

Section 2.2 An Introduction to Problem Solving 63

Vocabulary, Readiness & Video Check

Fill in each blank with 6 , 7 , or = . (Assume that the unknown number is a positive number.)
1. 130% of a number the number. 2. 70% of a number the number.
3. 100% of a number the number. 4. 200% of a number the number.
Complete the table. The first row has been completed for you.

First Integer All Described Integers

Three consecutive integers 18 18, 19, 20
5. Four consecutive integers 31
6. Three consecutive odd integers 31
7. Three consecutive even integers 18
8. Four consecutive even integers 92
9. Three consecutive integers y
10. Three consecutive even integers z (z is even)
11. Four consecutive integers p
12. Three consecutive odd integers s (s is odd)

Martin-Gay Interactive Videos Watch the section lecture video and answer the following questions.

1 13. In Example 2, once the phrase is translated, what property is used

to remove parentheses?
2 14. The equation for Example 3 is solved and the result is x = 45.
Why is 45 not the complete solution to the application?

See Video 2.2

2.2 Exercise Set

Write the following as algebraic expressions. Then simplify. See 5. The total amount of money (in cents) in x nickels, 1x + 32
Examples 1 and 2. dimes, and 2x quarters. (Hint: The value of a nickel is 5 cents,
the value of a dime is 10 cents, and the value of a quarter is
1. The perimeter of a square with side length y.
25 cents.)
6. The total amount of money (in cents) in y quarters,
y 7y dimes, and 12y - 12 nickels. (Use the hint for
Exercise 5.)
7. A piece of land along Bayou Liberty is to be fenced and
2. The perimeter of a rectangle with length x and width subdivided as shown so that each rectangle has the same
x - 5. dimensions. Express the total amount of fencing needed as
x an algebraic expression in x.

3. The sum of three consecutive integers if the first is z. ?
2x  1 ?
4. The sum of three consecutive odd integers if the first integer
is x.
64 CHAPTER 2 Equations, Inequalities, and Problem Solving

8. A flooded piece of land near the Mississippi River in New 12. Twice the sum of a number and 3 is the same as five times
Orleans is to be surveyed and divided into 4 rectangles of the number, minus 1, minus four times the number. Find the
equal dimension. Express the total amount of fencing need- number.
ed as an algebraic expression in x.
Start the solution:
1. UNDERSTAND the problem. Reread it as many times
as needed.
? ?
? ? 2. TRANSLATE into an equation. (Fill in the blanks
3x  15 below.)
x x x
x the sum five four
is the
9. Write the perimeter of the floor plan shown as an algebraic of a times times
Twice same minus 1 minus
expression in x. number the the
and 3 number number
x  10 T T T T T T T T
2 2 (x + 3) = 1
Finish with:
13. A second number is five times a first number. A third num-
x3 ber is 100 more than the first number. If the sum of the three
numbers is 415, find the numbers.
10. Write the perimeter of the floor plan shown as an algebraic 14. A second number is 6 less than a first number. A third num-
expression in x. ber is twice the first number. If the sum of the three numbers
is 306, find the numbers.
x8 Solve. See Example 4.

15. The United States consists of 2271 million acres of land.
Approximately 29% of this land is federally owned. Find the
18 number of acres that are not federally owned. (Source: U.S.
? General Services Administration)

x  14

Solve. For Exercises 11 and 12, the solutions have been started for
you. See Example 3.
11. Four times the difference of a number and 2 is the same as 2,
increased by four times the number, plus twice the number.
Find the number.
16. The state of Nevada contains the most federally owned
Start the solution: acres of land in the United States. If 90% of the state’s
1. UNDERSTAND the problem. Reread it as many times 70 million acres of land is federally owned, find the number
as needed. of acres that are not federally owned. (Source: U.S. General
2. TRANSLATE into an equation. (Fill in the blanks Services Administration)
four Nevada
difference is the twice
Four increased times
of a same 2 plus the
times by the
number as number
and 2
4 # (x - 2) = 2
17. In 2010, 8476 earthquakes occurred in the United States.
Finish with:
Of these, 91.4% were minor tremors with magnitudes of
3. SOLVE and 4. INTERPRET 3.9 or less on the Richter scale. How many minor earth-
quakes occurred in the United States in 2010? Round to
the nearest whole. (Source: U.S. Geological Survey National
Earthquake Information Center)
Section 2.2 An Introduction to Problem Solving 65

18. Of the 1543 tornadoes that occurred in the United States 26.
during 2010, 27.7% occurred during the month of June. How 3x
many tornadoes occurred in the United States during June
2010? Round to the nearest whole. (Source: Storm Predic- x
(x  10)
tion Center)
19. In a recent survey, 15% of online shoppers in the United 27.
States say that they prefer to do business only with large,
(4x) m (5x  1) m
well-known retailers. In a group of 1500 online shoppers,
how many are willing to do business with any size retailers?
20. In 2010, the restaurant industry employed 9% of the U.S. (5x  3) m
workforce. If there are estimated to be 141 million Ameri-
cans in the workforce, how many people are employed by the Perimeter is 102 meters.
restaurant industry? Round to the nearest tenth of a million. 28. (2x) cm
(Source: National Restaurant Association, U.S. Bureau of
Labor Statistics)
The following graph is called a circle graph or a pie chart. The (3.5x) cm
circle represents a whole, or in this case, 100%. This particular (3x  7) cm
graph shows the number of minutes per day that people use email
at work. Use this graph to answer Exercises 21 through 24.

Time Spent on Email at Work Perimeter is 75 centimeters.

More than 29. (2.5x  9) in.

3 hours
2–3 Isoceles
9% Less than
hours x in. Trapezoid x in.
15 minutes

1–2 1.5x in.

8% Perimeter is 99 inches.
15–60 minutes 30. (9.2x  3) ft
7.3x ft
7.3x ft
Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project
(9.2x  3) ft
21. What percent of email users at work spend less than 15 min-
utes on email per day? Perimeter is 324 feet.
22. Among email users at work, what is the most common time
Solve. See Example 6.
spent on email per day?
23. If it were estimated that a large company has 4633 employ- 31. The sum of three consecutive integers is 228. Find the
ees, how many of these would you expect to be using email integers.
more than 3 hours per day? 32. The sum of three consecutive odd integers is 327. Find the
24. If it were estimated that a medium-size company has integers.
250 employees, how many of these would you expect to be 33. The ZIP codes of three Nevada locations—Fallon, Fern-
using email between 2 and 3 hours per day? ley, and Gardnerville Ranchos—are three consecutive even
Use the diagrams to find the unknown measures of angles or integers. If twice the first integer added to the third is
lengths of sides. Recall that the sum of the angle measures of a tri- 268,222, find each ZIP code.
angle is 180°. See Example 5. 34. During a recent year, the average SAT scores in math
25. for the states of Alabama, Louisiana, and Michigan were
3 consecutive integers. If the sum of the first integer, second
(x  6) integer, and three times the third integer is 2637, find each
x score.
66 CHAPTER 2 Equations, Inequalities, and Problem Solving

MIXED PRACTICE 39. The B767-300ER aircraft has 88 more seats than the B737-
200 aircraft. The F-100 has 32 fewer seats than the B737-200
Solve. See Examples 1 through 6.
aircraft. If their total number of seats is 413, find the number
Many companies predict the growth or decline of various technolo- of seats for each aircraft. (Source: Air Transport Association
gies. The following data is based on information from Techcrunchies, of America)
a technological information site. Notice that the first table is the 40. Cowboy Stadium, home of the Dallas Cowboys of the NFL,
predicted increase in the number of Wi-Fi-enabled cell phones (in seats approximately 9800 more fans than does Candlestick
millions), and the second is the predicted percent increase in the Park, home of the San Francisco 49ers. Soldier Field, home
number of Wi-Fi-enabled cell phones in the United States. of the Chicago Bears, seats 8700 fewer fans than Candlestick
35. Use the middle column in the table to find the predicted Park. If the total seats in these three stadiums is 211,700,
number of Wi-Fi-enabled cell phones for each year. how many seats are in each of the three stadiums?
41. A new fax machine was recently purchased for an office in
Increase in Wi-Fi-Enabled Hopedale for $464.40 including tax. If the tax rate in Hopedale
Year Cell Phones Predicted Number is 8%, find the price of the fax machine before tax.
2010 2x - 21 42. A premedical student at a local university was complaining
that she had just paid $158.60 for her human anatomy book,
5 including tax. Find the price of the book before taxes if the
2012 x + 2
2 tax rate at this university is 9%.
2014 3x + 24 43. The median compensation for a U.S. university president was
$436,000 for the 2008–2009 academic year. Calculate the salary
Total 290 million of a university president who received a 2.3% raise.
44. In 2009, the population of Brazil was 191.5 million. This
36. Use the middle column in the table to find the predicted
represented a decrease in population of 3.7% from 2000.
percent increase in the number of Wi-Fi-enabled cell phones
What was the population of Brazil in 2000? Round to the
for each year.
nearest tenth of a million. (Source: Population Reference
Percent Increase in
45. In 2010, the population of Swaziland was 1,200,000 people.
Wi-Fi-Enabled Cell Phones Predicted
From 2010 to 2050, Swaziland’s population is expected to
Year since 2009 Percent Increase
increase by 50%. Find the expected population of Swaziland
2010 x in 2050. (Source: Population Reference Bureau)

2011 2x + 10 46. Dana, an auto parts supplier headquartered in Toledo,

Ohio, recently announced it would be cutting 11,000 jobs
2012 4x - 25 worldwide. This is equivalent to 15% of Dana’s workforce.
Find the size of Dana’s workforce prior to this round of
job layoffs. Round to the nearest whole. (Source: Dana
Recall that two angles are complements of each other if their sum is
37. The occupations of biomedical engineers, skin care spe-
90°. Two angles are supplements of each other if their sum is 180°.
cialists, and physician assistants are among the 10 with the
Find the measure of each angle.
largest growth from 2008 to 2018. The number of physician
assistant jobs will grow 7 thousand less than three times the 47. One angle is three times its supplement increased by 20. Find
number of biomedical engineer jobs. The number of skin the measures of the two supplementary angles.
care specialist jobs will grow 9 thousand more than half
the number of biomedical engineer jobs. If the total growth
of these three jobs is predicted to be 56 thousand, find the
predicted growth of each job. (Source: U.S. Department of x
Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics)
48. One angle is twice its complement increased by 30. Find the
38. The occupations of farmer or rancher, file clerk, and tele- measure of the two complementary angles.
marketer are among the 10 jobs with the largest decline
from 2008 to 2018. The number of file clerk jobs is predicted
to decline 11 thousand more than the number of telemar-
keter jobs. The number of farmer or rancher jobs is pre-
dicted to decline 3 thousand more than twice the number
of telemarketer jobs. If the total decline of these three jobs
is predicted to be 166 thousand, find the predicted decline
of each job. (Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of
Labor Statistics)
Section 2.2 An Introduction to Problem Solving 67

Recall that the sum of the angle measures of a triangle is 180°. 57. The sum of the populations of the metropolitan regions of
New York, Tokyo, and Mexico City is 75.56 million. Use this
49. Find the measures of the angles of a triangle if the measure
information and Example 2 in this section to find the popu-
of one angle is twice the measure of a second angle and the
lation of each metropolitan region. (Source: United Nations
third angle measures 3 times the second angle decreased
Department of Economic and Social Affairs)
by 12.
58. The airports in London, Paris, and Frankfurt have a total of
x 177.1 million annual arrivals and departures. Use this infor-
mation and Practice 2 in this section to find the number at
2x ? each airport.
59. Suppose the perimeter of the triangle in Example 1b in this
50. Find the angles of an isoceles triangle whose two base angles
section is 483 feet. Find the length of each side.
are equal and whose third angle is 10 less than three times a
base angle. 60. Suppose the perimeter of the trapezoid in Practice 1b in
this section is 110 meters. Find the lengths of its sides and
x x 61. Incandescent, fluorescent, and halogen bulbs are lasting
longer today than ever before. On average, the number of
51. Two frames are needed with the same perimeter: one frame bulb hours for a fluorescent bulb is 25 times the number of
in the shape of a square and one in the shape of an equilat- bulb hours for a halogen bulb. The number of bulb hours for
eral triangle. Each side of the triangle is 6 centimeters longer an incandescent bulb is 2500 less than the halogen bulb. If
than each side of the square. Find the side lengths of each the total number of bulb hours for the three types of bulbs
frame. (An equilateral triangle has sides that are the same is 105,500, find the number of bulb hours for each type.
length.) (Source: Popular Science magazine)

Incandescent Fluorescent bulb Halogen

x bulb CFL bulb
fluorescent lamp

52. Two frames are needed with the same perimeter: one frame
in the shape of a square and one in the shape of a regu-
lar pentagon. Each side of the square is 7 inches longer
than each side of the pentagon. Find the side lengths of
1870 1938 1990 1964
each frame. (A regular polygon has sides that are the same

x 62. Falkland Islands, Iceland, and Norway are the top three
countries that have the greatest Internet penetration rate
(percent of population) in the world. Falkland Islands has
a 6.8 percent greater penetration rate than Iceland. Norway
has a 2.3 percent less penetration rate than Iceland. If the
sum of the penetration rates is 284.1, find the Internet
penetration rate in each of these countries. (Source: Internet
53. The sum of the first and third of three consecutive even inte-
World Stats)
gers is 156. Find the three even integers.
63. During the 2010 Major League Baseball season, the num-
54. The sum of the second and fourth of four consecutive inte-
ber of wins for the Milwaukee Brewers, Houston Astros,
gers is 110. Find the four integers.
and Chicago Cubs was three consecutive integers. Of these
55. Daytona International Speedway in Florida has 37,000 more three teams, the Milwaukee Brewers had the most wins. The
grandstand seats than twice the number of grandstand Chicago Cubs had the least wins. The total number of wins
seats at Darlington Motor Raceway in South Carolina. To- by these three teams was 228. How many wins did each team
gether, these two race tracks seat 220,000 NASCAR fans. have in the 2010 season?
How many seats does each race track have? (Source:
64. In the 2010 Winter Olympics, Austria won more medals
than the Russian Federation, which won more medals than
56. For the 2010–2011 National Hockey League season, the pay- South Korea. If the numbers of medals won by these three
roll for the San Jose Sharks was $5,986,667 more than that countries are three consecutive integers whose sum is 45,
of the Montreal Canadiens. The total payroll for these two find the number of medals won by each. (Source: Vancouver
teams was $113,103,333. What was the payroll for these two 2010)
teams for the 2010–2011 NHL season?
68 CHAPTER 2 Equations, Inequalities, and Problem Solving

65. The three tallest hospitals in the world are Guy’s Tower in The average annual number of cigarettes smoked by an American
London, Queen Mary Hospital in Hong Kong, and Galter adult continues to decline. For the years 2000–2009, the equation
Pavilion in Chicago. These buildings have a total height of y = -94.8x + 2049 approximates this data. Here, x is the number
1320 feet. Guy’s Tower is 67 feet taller than Galter Pavilion, of years after 2000 and y is the average annual number of cigarettes
and the Queen Mary Hospital is 47 feet taller than Galter smoked. (Source: Centers for Disease Control)
Pavilion. Find the heights of the three hospitals.
77. If this trend continues, find the year in which the average
66. The official manual for traffic signs is the Manual on Uni- annual number of cigarettes smoked is zero. To do this, let
form Traffic Control Devices published by the Government y = 0 and solve for x.
Printing Office. The rectangular sign below has a length
78. Predict the average annual number of cigarettes smoked
12 inches more than twice its height. If the perimeter of the
by an American adult in 2015. To do so, let x = 15 (since
sign is 312 inches, find its dimensions.
2015 - 2000 = 15) and find y.
79. Predict the average annual number of cigarettes smoked
by an American adult in 2020. To do so, let x = 20 (since
2020 - 2000 = 20) and find y.
80. Use the result of Exercise 78 to predict the average daily
number of cigarettes smoked by an American adult in 2015.
Round to the nearest whole. Do you think this number rep-
resents the average daily number of cigarettes smoked by an
adult? Why or why not?
REVIEW AND PREVIEW 81. Determine whether there are three consecutive integers
such that their sum is three times the second integer.
Find the value of each expression for the given values. See Section 1.3.
82. Determine whether there are two consecutive odd integers
67. 4ab - 3bc; a = -5, b = -8, and c = 2 such that 7 times the first exceeds 5 times the second by 54.
68. ab + 6bc; a = 0, b = - 1, and c = 9 To break even in a manufacturing business, income or revenue R
69. n2 - m 2; n = - 3 and m = - 8 must equal the cost of production C. Use this information to an-
70. 2n2 + 3m 2; n = - 2 and m = 7 swer Exercises 83 through 86.

71. P + PRT; P = 3000, R = 0.0325, and T = 2 83. The cost C to produce x skateboards is C = 100 + 20x. The
skateboards are sold wholesale for $24 each, so revenue R is
72. lwh; l = 37.8, w = 5.6, and h = 7.9 given by R = 24x. Find how many skateboards the manu-
3 facturer needs to produce and sell to break even. (Hint: Set
the cost expression equal to the revenue expression and
solve for x.)
73. For Exercise 36, the percents have a sum of 300%. Is this 84. The revenue R from selling x computer boards is given
possible? Why or why not? by R = 60x, and the cost C of producing them is given by
74. In your own words, explain the differences in the tables for C = 50x + 5000. Find how many boards must be sold to
Exercises 35 and 36. break even. Find how much money is needed to produce the
75. Find an angle such that its supplement is equal to 10 times break-even number of boards.
its complement. 85. In your own words, explain what happens if a company
makes and sells fewer products than the break-even number.
86. In your own words, explain what happens if more products
than the break-even number are made and sold.
(90  x)

(180  x)
x x

76. Find an angle such that its supplement is equal to twice its
complement increased by 50.

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