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General Mathematics
Quarter 1 – Module 2: Evaluating Functions: Week 2

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master the key
concepts of functions specifically on evaluating functions. The scope of this module permits it to
be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary
level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the
order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. recall the process of substitution;

2. identify the various types of functions; and
3. evaluate functions.

1 Evaluating Functions

Finding the value of “x” for most of the students is what Mathematics is all about. Sometimes, it
seems to be a joke for the students to evaluate an expression, like what is shown by the illustration.
Find x.
Here it is!

If you want to learn how to find the value of “y”, well then, you are in the right page.
WELCOME to your second module!

What’s In

Before we begin, let’s go back to the time when you first encounter how to evaluate expressions.

Do you still remember?

Given the following expressions, find its value if x = 3.

1. x−9

2. 3x+ 7

3. x2 +4x−10

4. 2x2 −6x + 26

5. 3x2 −6

We have learned that, in an algebraic expression, letters can stand for numbers.
And to find the value of the expression, there are two things that you have to do.

1. Replace each letter in the expression with the assigned value.

First, replace each letter in the expression with the value that has been assigned to it. To make
your calculations clear and avoid mistakes, always

enclose the numbers you're substituting inside parentheses. The value that's given to a variable
stays the same throughout the entire problem, even if the letter occurs more than once in the

However, since variables "vary", the value assigned to a particular variable can change from pr
oblem to problem, just not within a single problem.

2. Perform the operations in the expression using the correct order of operations.
Once you've substituted the value for the letter, do the operations to find the value of the
expression. Don't forget to use the correct order of operations: first do any operations involving
exponents, then do multiplication and division, and finally do addition and subtraction!

If in the activity above, you do the same process in order to arrive with these answers, then, this
module seems to be very easy to you.


Given the following expressions, find its value if x = 3.

1. x−9

= x−9 Since x = 3, we just replaced

= (3)−9 x by 3 in the expression,
then subtract by 9.

2. 3x+ 7

=3x +7 Following the steps, we just

=3(3) +7 replace x by 3, multiply it by the
=9 +7 numerical coefficient 3, then add

3. x2 + 4x −10

After replacing x by 3, we
= x +4x −10 get the squared of 3 which
is 9 , add it to the product
= (3) +4(3) −10
of 4 and 3, then lastly, we
=9 +12 −10 subtracted 10 from its
=11 sum.

4. 2x2 −6x +26

2 Simply each term inside
= 2 x −6 x + 26 the parenthesis in order to
= 2(3) −6(3) + 26 arrive with 18 subtracted
by 18 plus 26
=18 −18 + 26
= 26

5. 3x3 −6
3 Get the cubed of 3 which is
=3x −6
3 27 , then multiply it to 3 to
=3(3) −6 get 81 then subtract 6
=3(27) −6
= 75

Types of Functions

What’s New

Before you proceed to this module, try to look and analyze some of the common types of functions
that you might encounter as you go on with this module.

Types of Function Description Example

Constant Function A constant function is a function that has the same y=7
output value no matter what your input value is.
Because of this, a constant function has the form f (x) = b, where
b is a constant (a single value that does not change).

Identity Function The identity function is a function which returns f (2) = 2

the same value, which was used as its argument. In
other words, the

Polynomial Function A polynomial function is defined by y = a0 + a1x

+ a2x2 +...+ anxn, where n is a
non-negative integer and a0 , a1, a2 ,…, n R.

✓ Linear Function The polynomial function with degree one. It is in y = 2x +5

the form y = mx+b
✓ Quadratic Function If the degree of the polynomial function is two, then y = 3x2 + 2x + 5
it is a quadratic function. It is expressed as y = ax2
+bx+ c , where a ≠ 0
and a, b, c are constant and x is a variable.

✓ Cubic Function A cubic polynomial function is a polynomial of y = 5x3 + 3x2 + 2x +
degree three and can be denoted by f (x) = ax3 +bx2
+ cx + d , where
a ≠ 0 and a, b, c, and d are constant & x is a
Power Function A power function is a function in the form y = axb f (x) = 8x5
where b is any real constant
number. Many of our parent functions such as
linear functions and quadratic functions are in fact
power functions.

Rational Function A rational function is any function which can be

represented by a rational fraction p(x) x2 −3x +2
say, in which numerator, p(x) and q(x)
f (x) = 2 4
denominator, q(x) are polynomial functions of x,
where q(x) ≠ 0.

Exponential function These are functions of the form: y = abx , y = 2x

where x is in an exponent and a and b are constants.
(Note that only b is raised to the power x; not a.) If
the base b is greater than 1 then the result is
exponential growth.

Logarithmic Function Logarithmic functions are the inverses of y = log7 49

exponential functions, and any exponential function
can be expressed in logarithmic form. Logarithms
are very useful in permitting us to work with very
large numbers while manipulating
numbers of a much more manageable size. It is
written in the form
y = logb x x  0, where b  0 and b 1

Absolute Value The absolute value of any number, c is represented

Function in the form of |c|. If any

function f: R→ R is defined by f (x) = x , it is y = x −4 +2
known as absolute value function. For each non-
negative value of x, f(x) = x and for each negative
value of x, f(x) = -x, i.e., f(x) = {x, if x ≥ 0; – x, if x
< 0.
Greatest Integer If a function f: R→ R is defined by f(x) = [x], x f (x) = x +1
Function X. It round-off to the real number to the integer less where x is the
than the number. Suppose, the given interval is in greatest integer
the form of (k, k+1), the value of greatest integer function
function is k which is an integer.

What is It

Evaluating function is the process of determining the value of the function at the number assigned
to a given variable. Just like in evaluating algebraic expressions, to evaluate function you just need
to a.) replace each letter in the expression with the assigned value and b.) perform the operations in
the expression using the correct order of operations.

Look at these examples!

Example 1: Given f (x) = 2x − 4, find the value of the function if x = 3.

Solution: f (3) = 2(3) − 4
f (3) = 6−4 f (3) = 2
✓ Substitute 3 for x in the function.
✓ Simplify the expression on the right side of
Answer: Given f (x) = 2x − 4, f (3) = 2 the equation.
Example 2: Given g(x) = 3x2 + 7 , find g(−3).

g(−3) = 3(−3)2 +7 g(−3) = 3(9)+7 ✓ Substitute -3 for x in the function.

g(−3) = 27+7 g(−3) = 34 ✓ Simplify the expression on the right side of

the equation.
Answer: Given g(x) = 3x2 + 7 , g(−3) = 34

Example 3: Given p(x) = 3x2 +5x − 2, find p(0) and p(−1).


p(0) =3(0)2 +5(0)−2

p(0) =3(0)+0−2
Treat each of these like two separate
problems. In each case, you
substitute the value in for x and
simplify. Start with x = 0, then x=-1.
p(0) = 0+0−2 p(0) =−2

p(0) =3(−1)2 +5(−1)−2

p(0) =3(1)−5−2

p(0) =3−5−2 p(0)


Answer: Given p(x) = 3x2 +5x − 2, p(0) =−2, p(−1) =−4 Example 4: Given f (x) =
5x +1, find f (h+1) . This time, you substitute (h + 1) into

Solution: the equation for x.
✓ Use the distributive property on the
f (h +1) = 5(h +1)+1 f (h +1) = 5h +5+1 f (h +1)
right side, and then combine like
= 5h +6
terms to simplify.

Answer: Given f (x) = 5x +1, f (h+1) = 5h+6

Example 5: Given g(x) = 3x−2 , find g(9).


g(9) = 3(9)−2 g(9) = 27−2 ✓ Substitute 9 for x in the function.

✓ Simplify the expression on the right side of
= 25 g(9) =5
the equation.

Answer: Given g(x) = 3x−2 , g(9) = 5

Example 6: Given h(x) = , find the value of function if x=−5


h(−5) = h(−5) = ✓ Substitute -5 for x in the function.

✓ Simplify the expression on the right side of

the equation. (recall the concepts of integers
h(−5) = h(−5) = and simplifying fractions)

Answer: Given h(x) = , h(−5) =

Example 7: Evaluate f (x) = 2x if x = .


2 = 2
  ✓
3 Substitute for x in the function.
f 3
 = 2 ✓
Simplify the expression on the right side of
3 the equation. (get the cubed of 2 which is 8,
 = 8 then simplify)

= 4• 2
2 = 2 2
 


f 3

Answer: Given f (x) = 2x, f  3= 2 2 


Example 8: Evaluate the function h(x) = x +2where xis the greatest integer function given x=
Solution: ✓ Substitute 2.4 for x in the function.

h(2.4) = 2.4 + 2 ✓ Simplify the expression on the right side of

h(2.4) = 2 + 2 the equation. (remember that in greatest
h(2.4) = 4 integer function, value was rounded-off to
the real number to the integer less than the
Answer: Given h(x) = x +2, h(2.4) = 4

Example 9:Evaluate the function f (x) = x −8 where x −8 means the absolute value of x−8 if x= 3.
Solution: f (3) = 3−8 f (3) = −5 f (3)
✓ Substitute 3 for x in the function.
✓ Simplify the expression on the right side of
the equation. (remember that any number in
the absolute value
Answer: Given f (x) = x −8 , f (3) = 5
sign is always positive)

Example 10: Evaluate the function f (x) = x2 − 2x + 2 at f (2x −3).


f (2x −3) = (2x −3)2 −2(2x −3)+2 f (2x −3) = (4x2 −12x +9)−4x +6+2 f (2x −3) = 4x2
−12x +9−4x +6+2 f (2x −3) = 4x2 −12x −4x +9+6+2 f (2x −3) = 4x2 −16x +17


Substitute 2x−3 for x in the function.

✓ Simplify the expression on the right

side of the equation.

What’s More

Your Turn!
Independent Practice 1: Fill Me
Evaluate the following functions by filling up the missing parts of the solution.

1. f (x) = 3x −5, find f (2) Solution:

f (2) = ___________________
f (2) = 6−5 f (2) =

2. g(x) = 32x , find g(6) Solution:

g(6) = _________________
g(6) =312 g(6) =

3. k(a) = a −2, find k(−9)

k(−9) = ______________
k(−9) = 9−2 k(−9) =

4. p(a) =−4a − 2, find p(2a)


p(2a) = ______________ p(2a)

= ______________

5. g(t) = t2 − 2, find g(−2)


g(−2) = ________________
g(−2) = ________________
g(−2) = ________________

Independent Assessment 1: Evaluate!
Evaluate the following functions. Write your answer and complete solution on separate paper.

1. Given w(n) = n −1, find the value of the function if w = -1.

2. Given f (x) = x −3, find f (9.3).

3. Evaluate the function w(x) =−2x +3 if x = -1.

4. Evaluate: f (x) =−x −1, find f (a2)

5. Given f (x) = 4x −5, find f (2x +3)

Independent Assessment 2: Find my Value!

a. Evaluate the following functions. Write your solution on a separate paper.
1. g(x) = 5x −7; g(x2 +1)
Answer: _______________________

2. h(t) = x2 +2x+4; h(2)

Answer: _______________________

3. k(x) = ; k(−3)
Answer: _______________________

4. f (x) = 2x2 +5x −9; f (5x −2)

Answer: _______________________

5. g(p) = 4x ; x =
Answer: _______________________

b. Fill in the blanks to show how we evaluate functions.

Evaluating function is the process of ___________________________ of the function at the

_________________ assigned to a given variable. Just like in evaluating algebraic expressions, to
evaluate function you just need to ________________________________ in the expression with
the assigned value, then _________________________________ in the expression using the
correct order of operations. Don’t forget to _______________________ your answer.

CHED. General Mathematics Learner's Materials. Pasig City: Department of Education - Bureau of
Learning Resources, 2016.

Orines, Fernando B. Next Cantury Mathematics 11. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House, 2016.

Oronce, Orlando A. General Mathematics, 1st Ed. Quezon City: Rex Book Store Inc., 2016.

Online Sources:

Checked by:

Mr. Antonio D. Basco

JPI San Jose

Mr. Roldan Liwanag

JPI Plaridel

Mr. Robert Francisco

JPI Sta. Maria

Mrs. Virginia Guilinao

JPI Muzon


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