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RANCHEZ, Jan Karlo Thomas V.

September 30,


MAEd English

EDUC 402 (Psychological Foundations of Education)

Short reflection on Information Processing Theory.

Information Processing Theory seeks to explain how information is stored in

memory. It is predicated on the notion that individuals do not just react to environmental

stimuli. Instead, information is processed by individuals. Based on what this theory is

saying, I am going to apply this by first, knowing the level of my students and aligning

my lessons and strategies to their level. I believe this is the most basic that I shall do so

that information processing will work effectively to my students. If the material that I

have presented will not match to their current level then it would give them a hard time

to process information. Thus, learning may occur with much difficulty or worse, there will

be no learning at all. After knowing my student’s level, I must make my presentation of

my lessons/topic interesting for my students. It has always been a part of a teacher’s

strategy as to how are we going to present our lessons in the most interesting manner.

If I can present my lesson in an engaging, interesting, and fun way, then aside from

students’ engagement and participation, there will also be a possibility that the lessons

that we are going to discuss will retain in their minds. Present lessons not just through

discussion or lecture way. I can also utilize interactive games, presentations, simulation

activities, actual field research, and many more.

As I also present the lesson in an interesting manner, I would also like to relate

my lessons into real life scenarios specifically to scenarios that are close to my

students’ experiences so that it would be easier for them to grasp and understand the

concept and they may be able to remember it well because as they learn, they are also

reflecting and relating their personal experiences in the lesson. Through these ways, I

believe I can apply the Information Process Theory effectively and truly learning will


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