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Discharge Plan of COPD


-Instruct patient and significant others the specific information

regarding medication that has being prescribed by the physician.
Inform the exact time, frequency and considerations to be taken during
administering medications.


-Encourage the patient to do the pursed lip breathing exercise. This

exercise will help by moving oxygen in and carbon dioxide out of the
lungs. This will also help by removing or reducing the amount of air
trapping in the lungs, thus making the patient easier to breathe.

-Encourage family members and significant others to motivate patient

with healing and help ease the pain during exacerbations and
hospitalizations. And also avoid environmental stressors as much as
possible for the fast recovery of the patient.


-Instruct the patient and significant others with the treatment

regimen prescribed by the physician.

-Instruct the patient and SO’s regarding the medications on taking it

in the right time as needed and prescribed.

-Encourage the significant others to provide and promote emotional

support, prayer, and care for the patient.


-Teach patient and significant others with the importance of aseptic

technique for food preparation by washing hands thoroughly, put
sanitizers, and other sterility procedures to maintain clean and avoid
the growth of bacteria by contaminating what is given to the patient.
-Instruct patient to maintain personal hygiene and take enough rest

-Instruct significant others to position the patient in high-fowler’s

position during flare-ups and exacerbations. This is to help and allow
lung expansion thus moving air for gas exchange in the lungs.

-Teach the patient how to use the inhalers and how frequent if will be


-Instruct patient and significant others to have follow up check-ups

if symptoms gets worst, no improvements and or experiencing serious
signs of medical care attention.

-Instruct significant others to seek for emergency and medical care

when patient experiences difficulty in breathing.


-Encourage the patient to eat small frequent meals to avoid crowding

the stomach thus making for instance hard to breath.

-Instruct significant others to prepare foods that are healthy and

high in nutrients needed for the patient.


-Encourage the patient to participate in religious activities.

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