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Name: Deleña, Axel Antonio F.

Course/Year: BSN3-A

Questions to Ponder #1: Give your best answers. Share your answers with the class.

1. Why should the nurse avoid giving antitussive agents to clients with a head injury?


The nurse should avoid giving antitussive agents to clients with a head injury because the risk of
respiratory depression is higher in these patients. The nurse should be aware that there are several
factors that can cause respiratory depression in patients with head injuries, including hypoxia (low
oxygen levels in the blood), hypercarbia (over-expansion of the lungs), and cerebral edema (brain
swelling). Antitussives are cough suppressants that are used to relieve coughs and sore throats. They
work by constricting the airways and reducing mucous production in the throat. Antitussives can be
used safely even if a patient has head injuries because they do not depress central nervous system
function or cause drowsiness or sedation. However, they may increase the risk of respiratory
depression during recovery from traumatic brain injury if taken too soon after trauma.

2. Why are some bronchodilators administered with food and some are not? Because:

There are many different ways bronchodilators can be administered and many different types
of bronchodilators. Some bronchodilators are taken orally, while others are inhaled by the patient. The
type of bronchodilator that is administered and how it is taken can affect its effectiveness. It is not
uncommon for patients to be prescribed bronchodilators that are administered with food. This is
because some bronchodilators are metabolized at a slower rate than others, and this may result in a
delay in the drug's effects. On the other hand, some bronchodilators are administered without food and
this is often done so that they can be taken on an empty stomach.

3. Why are opioids regulated? Because:

Opioids are regulated because they are highly addictive, and it can be difficult to regulate drugs
that have this potential for abuse. Additionally, the fact that these drugs affect the central nervous
system makes them dangerous to use in any circumstance other than pain management—therefore,
they should only be used as directed by a doctor or nurse and not self-prescribed.
Questions to Ponder #2: Give your best answers. Share your answers with the class.

1. Why should the nurse instruct the patient to avoid coughing or clearing the throat

following a bronchoscopy?

The nurse should instruct the patient to avoid coughing or clearing their throat following a
bronchoscopy because it can cause problems. When a patient has a bronchoscopy, it is necessary to
avoid coughing or clearing the throat. This is because the patient may inhale air into the lungs, which
could cause damage to the delicate tissue in their airways. This could lead to further complications,
such as respiratory failure or pneumonia. If this happens, it will be more difficult for the nurse to
manage the patient's care and recovery.

2. Why is chest radiography required pre- and post-thoracentesis?

Chest radiography is required pre and post - thoracentesis because it is the only way to verify
that a patient has received the correct amount of contrast and that the procedure was performed
properly. Chest radiography is also used as an aid in monitoring patients during the post-thoracentesis
recovery period. It can be used to make sure that patients are not developing any complications such as
pneumonia or sepsis, which can be life-threatening. Chest radiography also allows doctors to monitor
heart function and make sure that any foreign material is cleared from the lungs before resuming
breathing on their own.

3. Why is continuous bubbling in the water-seal drainage bottle not a good sign?

Continuous bubbling in the water-seal drainage bottle is not a good sign. The reason why
continuous bubbling in the water-seal drainage bottle is not a good sign is because it can indicate that
there are problems with the seal itself, which can be caused by a number of different things. For
example, cracks or holes in the bottom of the bottle may cause continuous bubbling, as well as bacteria
growing on the inside of the seal. If you have any concerns about your water-seal drain system, you
should contact a professional plumber immediately to inspect your home's plumbing system for any
problems or leaks that could be causing this type of problem.
Questions to Ponder #3: Give your best answers. Share your answers with the class.

1. What measures could the nurse provide to help a patient who is on voice rest?

The nurse can help a patient who is on voice rest by ensuring that they are getting
enough fluids, and that they are eating at least three meals per day. In addition to this, the
nurse can help patients on voice rest by providing them with a quiet environment in which they
can relax, such as dimmed lights or a quiet room.

2. How may the nurse promote the nutritional well-being of a patient with odynophagia/dysphagia
secondary to pharyngitis?

The nurse should promote the nutritional well-being of a patient with oropharyngeal
dysphagia/dysphagia secondary to pharyngitis by implementing a number of strategies. First,
the nurse should encourage the patient to eat a low-fat diet and avoid any foods that cause
choking. The nurse should also encourage the patient to drink plenty of fluids and eat small
meals at regular intervals. Second, the nurse should instruct the patient on how to use a spoon
or fork properly when eating. This includes learning how to lift food from their plate using their
fingers and then using their mouth in order to eat it. Third, the nurse should explain that
swallowing as much air as possible while eating will help prevent esophageal spasms. This is
especially important for patients who have had prior esophageal surgeries (such as removing
part of the esophagus). The nurse should also explain that eating slowly may help prevent food
from getting stuck in their throat or causing choking episodes later on down the line when they
are no longer able to chew their food properly anymore because they have lost all.
Questions to Ponder #4: Give your best answers. Share your answers with the class.

1. What is the significance of classifying pneumonia based on how it is acquired?

The significance of classifying pneumonia based on how it is acquired is that it helps to

create a framework for understanding disease. In the case of pneumonia, this means that we
can understand how and why the illness occurs and what drives it forward. For example, if we
classify pneumonia based on whether or not it is acquired by a person in contact with an
infected individual, we can understand how contagious the disease actually is. If we classify
pneumonia based on whether or not it causes inflammation, we can understand how our body
reacts to an infection. And if we classify pneumonia based on whether or not it causes fluid
accumulation in the lungs, then we can understand how much damage has been done to your
lungs by this infection—and how much more damage needs to be repaired before you will be
able to recover fully from your illness.

2. Why should nurses emphasize to patients with tuberculosis to comply with the
multi-drug therapy?

Nurses should emphasize to patients with tuberculosis to comply with the multi-drug
therapy because it is the most effective way to treat the infection. Compliance is essential for
patients with tuberculosis because adherence to medication regimen can prevent the
development of drug resistance and allow the patient's body to fight off the infection.
Additionally, compliance is important because it reduces patient burden and improves health
outcomes. Patients who do not follow their prescribed treatment regimen will be at risk for
developing drug resistance and becoming resistant to other medications in the future. This may
lead to poor outcomes such as death or severe disability due to treatment failure, which is not
acceptable when dealing with a serious illness such as tuberculosis.
Question to Ponder #5: Give your best answers. Share your answers with the class.

1. What is the significance of setting IATF-EID protocols in terms of CoViD – 19


The significance of setting IATF-EID protocols in terms of Covid 19 pandemic is that it

will help prevent the spread of the virus and make it easier to isolate infected people. The
effectiveness of IATF-EID protocols also has implications for other pandemics, like SARS and
Ebola. In both cases, there was a lot of uncertainty about how well people could be isolated
from each other in a hospital setting and how much personal contact with other people would
affect the spread of disease. By setting these protocols, countries have been able to limit the
spread of disease and keep their citizens safe. With CROV19, we have seen that there are many
ways that isolation can be effective at preventing contagion. For example, individuals who have
been exposed to COVID19 but have yet to develop symptoms can be isolated safely without
causing them undue stress or discomfort. Also, given the difficulty that health care workers face
when trying to isolate patients in an emergency situation, health care providers are often
willing to cooperate with their colleagues from other departments such as nursing or social
work so that they may ensure that a patient is safe from further contact with others while still
being able to provide care."
Name: Deleña, Axel Antonio F. Date:
Year: BSN-3A Activity #: _________________

NCM 112 – ANSWER SHEET for all Exercises (Unit 2, Respiratory Disorders)

Exercise #1


2. 500 ML

Exercise #2



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