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Felicia Carvalho


Your Classroom

This assignment was the first instance I made a classroom layout using PowerPoint. I
completed two field observation packets in two previous CSN courses requiring
classroom layout diagrams. Diagrams were drawn on binder paper, scanned images,
and painstakingly edited in the Paint program. I will never use this method again with
the skills I learned in this assignment. The line, rectangle, polygon, text, and fill tools
made creating a classroom with software less intimidating. Line and rectangle tools
automatically set colors like blue or green. I learned how to use the drop-down menu to
change the color to black, and program it to "Set it as the default shape." I learned how
to rotate polygons when arranging student stacking chairs and how to adjust the angle
of a curved line.

2.5.a Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that foster
independent learning and accommodate learner differences and needs.

Hurdles were faced while creating the classroom layout. The line and rectangle tools
auto-selected colors like blue or green, a property not realized until I saved my file to a
pdf and zoomed in. Before I learned how to set the default to black, I changed every
line each time. I constantly faced accidentally dragging the wrong object when layered
or close with another. The most common was when I wanted to move a text and would
accidentally adjust a rectangle, and vice versa. The obstacle was overcome by
enlarging the view zoom to precisely select objects. PowerPoint afforded to make
adjustments easy. Objects and texts could be edited after creation, whereas they are
permanent in programs like Paint. It was easy to duplicate tables, seating, and text.
The zoom feature made it easy to adjust line length and object centering.
Felicia Carvalho


Your Classroom

Seating charts help teachers accommodate students’ individual needs. Students with
visual impairments can be placed closer to the front of the classroom to aid their ability
to see texts and images. Students with hearing impairment can be placed closer to the
teacher or audio outputs. Students who have autism, ADHD, or learning disabilities may
also benefit from being placed closer to where the teacher is stationed for additional
instruction or redirection. Seating charts can be customized for specific classroom
layouts. It is easy to edit if student replacement is needed and to share digitally with
colleagues or substitute teachers. School bus seating charts can be planned ahead of
time for field trips rather than assessing seating arrangements at the time of an event.
Special events such as class performances and end-of-year programs can be designed
on PowerPoint.

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