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On the Spot Essay Writing

1. The Board of judges shall provide topic of the essay at the venue of the competition.
2. The contestants shall be given two (2) hours to develop the composition.
3. The contestants shall be provided with a pen and a long bondpaper marked with the assigned
number duly signed by the contest master. They are prohibited to write their names.
4. No printed materials, electronic gadgets, or storage devices shall be utilized.
5. Each contestant shall be assigned a number.
6. The result of the contest shall be posted on the tally board immediately after the judges have
finished rating the contestants’ manuscripts.
7. The judges’ decision is final.

Criteria for Judging

Content (Relevance to the theme, Comprehensiveness, Originality, Insights) 50%
Relevance to the theme – connection, significance of the issue being discussed

Comprehensiveness – how complete and detailed the writer’s exposition of the topic.

Originality – uniqueness, novelty and authenticity of ideas

Insights – a fresh way of looking at things, critical view of the subject

Organization (Clarity of Thoughts, Creativity, Unity and Consistency) 30%

Clarity of Thoughts – use of simple and appropriate words to convey ideas or issues.

Creativity – the use of appropriate devices and expressions in the exposition of the subject.

Unity and Consistency – ability to highlight the focal point

Mechanics (Punctuation, Spelling, Capitalization, Grammar) 20%

– the correct use of punctuation, capitalization and grammar

TOTAL 100%

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