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Name:_______________________________ Score:________________

Grade/ Section: _______________________ Date: ________________


Quarter 1
A. Direction: Read and understand each item and write the letters of the correct answers on the
space provided before each number.
__________1. It is an information in the form of visual representations that includes
images, videos, graphs and infographs.
A. Pictures B. Visual Media C. Movies D. Play

__________2. It is any characteristic that we can see, including line, symbol, gaze, colour,
framing , social distance, and value.
A. Visual elements B. Visual Representations C. Visual arts

_________3. It is the presentation of visual elements in an image, especially the placement of the
subject in relation to other objects. It can make an image more aesthetically pleasing
and keep the viewer's focus on the object/s.
A. line B. space C. framing D. distance

_________4. It refers to the gap between a viewer's conscious reality and the fictional reality
presented in a work of art.
A. distance B. line C. framing D. space

________5. It is a set of points extending in both directions. It is used to create shapes, forms
and textures. It can vary in direction, length, and width. It maybe horizontal, vertical,
diagonal, straight or curved. It can also be thick or thin.
A. space B. distance C. color D. line
______6. It means to stare, suggest looking fixedly at something, to look steadily and intently at
something, especially at that which excites admiration, curiosity, or interest:
To stare with eyes wide open, as from surprise, wonder, alarm, stupidity, or impertinence.

A. distance B. gaze C. color D. line

_____7. It instantly makes people think of traits or message that they want associated with
company, group product or service. Through them, people find it easier to recognize, identify,
or recall images than texts. It can be remembered and identified with greater ease than a
thousand words describing a company.
A. space B. color C. symbol D. line

8. What are values?

A. These are the standards or principle of good and bad, right and wrong, important and trivial.
B. These are the basis of our life lessons
C. These are what we say, hear and do in our community.
D. These are not important.

9. What is an example of a moral value?

A. Anomaly B. Honesty C. Creativity D. Serendipity
10. How can we properly identify the values relayed in the visual media?
A. By using our ears to hear the values
B. By reading the text messages.
C. By viewing them with critical eyes or questioning and interpreting visual texts
D. By looking without analyzing

A. Directions: Study the image. Interpret the meaning and decide on what visual element is
suggested in each picture. Choose your answer from the list.

Gaze ________11. 12. _________



_________13. 14. _________
Social distance


__________15 16. _________

B. Directions: Analyze and interpret the following images by answering the questions.
Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
(Use image at the right to answer questions 1-2)

_______ 17. How much space is shown between the characters?

A. The children are far away from each other
B. They are close to each other
C. They are very long way away from each other

________ 18. What is suggested by characters who are close to each other?
A. They are connected, and as a viewer we feel involved with what these children are doing.
B. There is no social connection possible.
C. There is less connection felt, and subjects therefore appear like strangers.

(Refer to the picture below to answer question no. 19-20)

___________19. What kind of gaze does the image show?

A. direct gaze B. no gaze? C. both A and B
___________ 20. Does the subject acknowledge you as a viewer?
A. Yes, because the subject looks directly to the viewer
B. No, because she is not looking directly at me as a viewer
C. Yes, because the subject is not directly looking at the one taking picture
D. No, because he looks directly on me as a viewer
(See image ot the right to answer items 21-23)
_________21. Who created these lines
A. The lines are formed by natural objects
B. The lines are created by the image
C. Nobody created the lines
D. The lines were not created

_________22. Where do the lines take your eyes?

A. The lines take me to the end of the road.
B. The lines take me to the side pf the road
C. The lines take me to the starting point of the line
D. The lines take me nowhere

_________ 23. What information does this use of straight lines give the audience about
the circumstances of this situation?
A. The straight line informs the audience that in a traffic situation, vehicles should go straight ahead.
B. These lines do not give a clear information at all
C. The straight lines inform the audience that they should not cross along that lines

(Refer to the image below for items 24-27)

__________ 24. What does the picture show?
A. The picture shows a sunset. B. The picture shows mountain
C. It shows a rough sea D. This shows a rice field

__________ 25. What might this picture mean?

A. It means that the weather is good B. It means that the lake is rough.
C. It means a bad weather D. It means a fearful day

_________ 26. What symbolizes this situations?

A, This symbolizes peace B. This symbolizes unhappiness
C, This symbolizes fear D. This symbolizes freedom

__________27. What do you feel with this situation

A. I feel worry B. I feel relax and calm. C, I feel happy and proud D. I feel disgusted

(Refer to the image at the right for items 28-29)

___________28. What colors do you see in this image?

A. I see different colours. B. I see dark colors

C, I see light colors D, I see only white color

__________29, This colorful banners might mean?

A. Feast Day B. Mourning C. Freedom D. Loyalty

__________30. Which value is shown in this visual medium?

A. Cooperation B. generosity

C, Patriotism D. deligence

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