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Unlimited Bad Limited Good Unit 3 section 1

Unlimited government characteristics Examples: Hitler Germany, Stalin’s Russia,

Power to one person or small groups of Kim Jong-un North Korea, Saddam
people, citizens Freedoms are eroded or Hussein’s- Iraq
taken away, no controls over a ruler’s
powers, Ruler abuses power, Different set of
rules for the ruler and the people
Limited Government, Leaders are elected by
the people and the people can vote leaders
out of office, citizens can form political
parties (democrat, Republic, etc) Freedom
of speech, freedom of religion, free press,
own property, private ownership

No because it violates our 4th amendment to

no search without a warrant, which was
created in the bill of rights by the founders
of our country purely to prevent something
like this.

What I learned today I learned the difference between limited

and unlimited power and that unlimited
power is bad and limited power is good
Questions I have
Why aren’t more people concerned about
this, honestly.

How it relates to me It relates to my privacy as a US citizen as the

government has records of my
conversations on my phone
Themes Life, liberty, personal freedom, common
good, justice, truth, rule of law, checks and
balances, individual rights, federalism,

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