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Materials Science and Engineering, 42 (1980) 233 - 244 233

© Elsevier Sequoia S.A., Lausanne -- Printed in the Netherlands

The Intergranular Fragility Index -- a n E n g i n e e r i n g M a t e r i a l s P a r a m e t e r *


Division of Chemical Standards, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington (Gt. Britain)


Residual elements affect the performance
o f engineering alloys through their ability to Common experience demonstrates that
concentrate at grain boundaries, and this in clean grain boundaries in polycrystalline ma-
turn may lead to certain forms o f intergranular terials are intrinsically strong. However,
failure in various metallurgical situations. various forms of intergranular weakness occur
In order to identify the m o s t p o t e n t residu- in engineering alloys and these are associated
als occurring in alloys o f commercial purity, with the presence of residual elements and
an evaluation exercise was conducted on a their accumulation at interfaces such as grain
range o f commercial engineering alloys which boundaries, cavity surfaces or phase boun-
had exhibited various forms o f intergranular daries. This has been inferred through indirect
failure in service. The results were assessed metallurgical observations over many years
according to several behaviour categories: and the effects have been studied quantita-
high temperature (e.g. creep, stress relief tively through interfacial energy measurements
cracking), low temperature (e.g. temper brittle- as an indication of this accumulation or
ness) and reaction with the environment segregation behaviour. In recent years, with
(e.g. intergranular stress corrosion cracking). the development of direct surface analytical
For each such distinguishable category there techniques, the segregating species have been
exists a different hierarchy o f effective unequivocally identified and located at frac-
elements. ture surfaces. The experimental application of
Here we introduce a generalized engineering these new surface spectroscopies to materials
parameter, the fragility index, which allows a problems involving intergranular weakness has
rapid assessment o f the quality o f a steel cast also stimulated theoretical advances and a
in relation to the above specific behaviour fuller understanding of phenomena relating to
categories and in terms o f an assessed domi- segregation.
nant impurity equivalent. Thus for the above Among the available surface analysis tech-
behaviour categories this index is expressed as niques, Auger electron spectroscopy (AES)
a tin or phosphorus or copper equivalent has proved to be the most useful and produc-
depending on the p h e n o m e n o n . A n o t h e r tive for the analysis of segregation. For grain
engineering parameter, the relative fragility, boundary phenomena, measurements have
forms the basis o f a screening test for identify- been made on fracture surfaces formed in situ
ing the most probable embrittling elements. by low temperature impact or tensile failure.
These parameters may be derived either from This necessity for fracture in ultrahigh vacuum
metallurgical test data or from the appropriate is a major disadvantage, especially for the
model presented here which requires only a diagnosis of service failures. Where such a
knowledge o f the bulk composition and failure is caused by creep embrittlement or
segregation data. intergranular corrosion there may be insuf-
ficient low temperature brittleness in the
material to propagate an intergranular failure
within the spectrometer; however, a simulated
*Presented at the International Chalmers Sympo-
sium on Surface Problems in Materials Science and in situ creep or corrosion test is generally
Technology, GSteborg, Sweden, June 11 - 13, 1979. impracticable.

In an alternative approach, and in order to that suggests an efficient means of material

circumvent the difficulties in obtaining a specification for both steel production and
fracture surface for analysis, the more readily the proposed end use of the steel.
accessible experimental measurements of
segregant accumulation at free surfaces have
been made [1]. Such data are directly relevant 2. THE CATEGORIES OF I N T E R G R A N U L A R
not only to segregation at the inner surfaces FRAGILITY
of cavities {such as those formed in creep) but
also as a guide to segregation at a grain boun- The segregation levels of impurities at
dary in materials in which the boundaries grain boundaries or cavity surfaces depend
cannot be exposed for direct analysis [2]. upon the heat treatment and mutual inter-
At the National Physical Laboratory, fol- actions between segregants and alloying ele-
lowing a long interest in segregation phenom- ments. For a given steel or class of steels the
ena initially pursued through interfacial energy level of segregation can be expressed in terms
measurements and the application of Gibbsian of the enrichment factor ~, the ratio between
adsorption thermodynamics, AES has been the concentration of the element at an inter-
used in recent years to evaluate the under- face and that in the bulk. However, the various
lying laws of segregation in binary and multi- forms of intergranular failure differ mechan-
c o m p o n e n t systems so that predictions can be istically and thus each element has a different
made and remedial measures proposed for position in the hierarchy of embrittling sensi-
segregation-induced metallurgical problems. tivities. Here four important categories of
Data have been collated from a wide range of intergranular failure in low alloy steels are
industrial components, commercial materials considered in each of which the segregation
and laboratory melts. In this survey the ele- phenomenon plays a dominant role.
ments arsenic, boron, copper, chromium,
molybdenum, nitrogen, nickel, phosphorus, 2.1. Temper brittleness
sulphur, antimony, silicon, tin, tellurium and Here the grain boundary segregation of
zinc have all been reported to be segregated in residual elements takes place in close associa-
steels. By using argon ion sputtering to peel tion with alloying elements during heat treat-
away successive atomic layers from the sur- ment or slow cooling through a particular
face, with simultaneous recording of Auger temperature range. R o o m temperature grain
electron spectra, it has been found that these boundary cohesion is reduced; this is mani-
segregants (except nickel) are localized at the fested by an increase in the ductile-to-brittle
grain boundary within one or two atomic transition temperature and the onset of an
depths. (In certain low alloy steels nickel intergranular fracture mode.
appears to extend up to 20 monolayers into
the grain interior [3] .) 2.2. Stress relief cracking
Clearly then, a wide range of impurities This occurs in the heat-affected zone of
enrich interfaces significantly from commonly weldments in creep-resistant materials either
accepted bulk levels and thus contribute to during welding or during the post-weld stress
embrittlement problems. However, since there relief annealing. Impurities segregate to the
exist various forms of intergranular embrittle- internal surfaces of nucleating grain boundary
ment which operate for different systems, cavities and increase the rate of cavity genera-
service conditions and temperatures and tion. After annealing, the boundaries fail or
which owe their property change to different are severely weakened by a high density of
basic mechanisms, it is obvious that the above small intergranular cavities.
list of segregating elements cannot apply to
the same degree in all circumstances. 2.3. Creep embrittlement
In this paper it is our purpose to categorize By impeding grain boundary mass transport
the more important expressions of inter- during typical low strain rate creep around
granular fragility encountered in practice in 550 °C, the segregation reduces the growth
terms of the role of segregating elements and rate of grain boundary cavities. This again
in a hierarchical order of embrittling suscepti- leads to a high density of small intergranular
bility. This is presented in a general format cavities and a reduced rupture ductility.

2.4. Intergranular stress corrosion The sum of the relative fragilities for all
In an aggressive environment the chemistry active impurities gives the fragility index for
of the grain boundary delineates a preferential the cast. In this context the fragility index is
fracture path through changes in the electro- an engineering parameter which depends on
chemical potential at the crack front. This the commercial material composition and, for
increases the rate of crack growth and reduces a fixed material specification and heat treat-
the service life. m e n t (a), will define its quality in relation to
the effect of impurities for the fracture process
a. Because the calculation of S~(a) usually
gives only relative effects with accuracy, the
fragility index becomes an absolute parameter
From the point of view of the material's only by normalizing against the effect of one
integrity we require a useful quantitative element in the series. If we choose the most
engineering parameter that measures the like- deleterious element in the sum, the inaccuracy
lihood of the material failing through the in the largest term is removed. Thus the
presence of naturally occurring concentrations fragility index is defined by
of p o t e n t impurity elements. Thus we must E~(a)
distinguish clearly between the intrinsic em- fragility index - (2)
brittling power of an element and its ability ~m(a)S~n(a)
to embrittle in practice: the former is a funda- where the element m is the one which has the
mental property relating to the effect on highest relative fragility. The fragility index
atomic cohesion whereas the latter is a func- thus has the dimensions of weight concentra-
tion of the concentration of the element in tion and, as will be shown later, is an expres-
the locality of the fracture event and hence sion of phosphorus, tin or copper equivalent.
of the concentration of the element in the Thus the final representation of the fragility
bulk. In general we can define a parameter index is one which is readily understood in
¢~(a), the relative fragility of the alloy for the the fields of quality control and materials
element i: specification.
For certain engineering situations, general
~ ( a ) ~ Zi/~(a)S~(a ) (1)
overall parameters are available to specify the
where Xi is the bulk concentration of element suitability or otherwise of a batch of material.
i and ~ ( a ) is its enrichment factor, i.e. the For instance the conventional fracture tough-
ratio between the molar fractional concentra- ness parameter is used in this manner. The
tion at the interface and the bulk concentra- fragility index would normally be included in
tion by weight of the element i for the mate- a fracture toughness determination but in an
rial (a) and appropriate to the fracture process unspecified form. Here we show how one
a. S~(a), the embrittling sensitivity of element important c o m p o n e n t of such parameters,
i per unit area of interface, can be expressed that due to impurity concentrations, may be
most easily as a relative materials parameter. measured separately so that the overall para-
The relative fragility is n o t expected to be meter may be more effectively optimized.
linear with bulk concentration for long-term The introduction of the p a r a m e t e r / ~ ( a )
isothermal heat treatments [4] but will into eqn. (1} simplifies considerably the pre-
approximate to this for normal commercial dictive application of this equation because
heat treatments over a wide range of concen- it allows an estimate of the a m o u n t of segrega-
trations [ 5]. tion. The extensive studies on grain boundary
It is thus clear that a species to which the and surface segregation have led to a consider-
interfacial atomic cohesive force is highly able understanding of the segregation pheno-
sensitive will n o t necessarily be responsible menon and allow predictive correlations to be
for a high value of the relative fragility if its made so that, simply from the use of tabulated
bulk concentration is very low; conversely, a bulk parameters and a knowledge of the heat
relatively unaggressive element present in large treatment of the sample, fairly precise esti-
quantities may constitute the most dangerous mates may be made of grain boundary and
element in the system because of a high value free surface segregation levels throughout a
of ¢~(a). wide range of materials. The grain boundary

segregation propensity of different elements treatment and alloy composition, denoted by

in binary metallic systems was first put into a the material function (a), and are n o t simple
quantitative form, from which predictions constants for an impurity in any ferrous alloy.
could be made, by Seah and Hondros [6]. AES has been used to study the above depen-
The theory of grain boundary segregation had dences, giving a more detailed knowledge of
until then assumed a fixed number of adsorp- segregation mechanisms. Seah and Hondros
tion sites up to one monolayer, akin to the [6] have measured the effect of isothermal
Langmuir isotherm in gas phase adsorption. heat treatment temperature and solute con-
Seah and Hondros invoked a solid state ana- centration on grain boundary segregation,
logue of the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET} while Seah and Lea [ 1] have made equivalent
isotherm [7] which, in the dilute case, approx- measurements of the effect on the free surface.
imates to a very simple proportionality be- During segregation, interactions can occur
tween the grain boundary enrichment factor between co-segregating species [4, 9, 10];
~ ( a ) and the inverse of the solid solubility thus we need data in addition to the binary
Xc0 of the dilute component. correlations of eqn. (3) to analyse multicom-
Many values of the grain boundary enrich- ponent systems.
ment factor ~ ( a ) measured by AES and other In each of the four categories of materials
techniques are to be found in the literature. failure chosen for elaboration, we present
Figure l(a) shows a plot of these results firstly estimates of the relative fragility for a
against the solubility. The results fit the BET n u m b e r of impurity elements as deduced
prediction very well and show that directly from mechanical test data acquired
either as part of this programme or from
/3~(a) = 5/Xco (3)
previously published studies at other labora-
(with a standard deviation of x+2.5). Note that tories. These values of¢~(a) are then compared
the theoretical basis for this correlation re- with values predicted by eqn. (1) by sub-
quires ~ ( a ) to be a ratio of atom concentra- stituting the quantities Xi, ~ ( a ) and a value
tions, whilst in eqns. (1) and (2) the ratio of of S~(a) estimated from a theoretical model.
weight concentrations is used in accord with To illustrate the way the relative fragilities
c o m m o n metallurgical practice. and the fragility index work in practice, typi-
In binary systems Xc0 is generally available cal impurity contents will be used. These have
from the constitutional phase diagram, allow- been published for U.K. low alloy steels [11]
ing ~ ( a ) to be estimated directly. The low and such typical values will be used to quantify
solubility solutes such as sulphur in iron or the above parameters.
bismuth in copper have the strongest propen-
sity to segregate, b u t in steels sulphur is usually
killed by manganese while tramp elements
like bismuth in copper are currently at toler- 4. THE FAILURE MODES
able bulk levels consistent with a low value of
¢~(a) in eqn. (1). 4.1. Temper brittleness
In a similar way, there are now sufficient Temper brittleness is the intergranular
experimental data on surface segregation levels failure problem most conventionally associated
for a model to be constructed which enables with grain boundary segregation and with
predictions to be made of the equilibrium bulk impurity contents. The degree of em-
level of segregation to a free surface in binary brittlement is measured with some precision by
metallic systems. This prediction is made in monitoring the temperature of the ductile-to-
terms of t h e surface energies of the alloy brittle transition in Charpy impact energies.
constituents, their enthalpy of mixing and the Temper brittleness occurs in low alloy steels
strain energy released on segregation [8]. The because the impurities couple with the alloy-
effectiveness of this prediction is shown in ing elements and so give rise to high segrega-
Fig. l(b) in which the theoretical surface tion levels. From earlier work [12, 13] it has
enrichment ratio is compared directly with been shown that most of the problems occur
that measured experimentally. in groups of steels for which 3 ~ N i - C r and
The equilibrium enrichment factors for a 2 ¼ C r - l M o may be taken as archetypal
grain boundary or free surface depend on heat systems.
I I , - , I
I I I ,/ ,/

10 ¢ - - 10 4
. * Ni-B/

• Fe -AS
Cu-Sb ~Fe-Co •Fe~P
.4. •6Fe-P
• ~Fe PJI •
/•~Fe pl~~Fe'Sb
• ~eBFe-sn
@.Fe-Sn/~l" @.Fe-As
c 10 2 -- 10 2
-g O.Fe-Cu
~' FeSi • Pt-Au -
• YFe-Cr • / CuSb
• YFe"Mr~Fe S~/ *
E _ /
N • - P Ni-Cu
Cu-Au ~_
x _~Fe-SJ • / . -o
LU AueAg CuAu/~ PICu
Au-Ni • •Fe-Cr /
A -Au /Au-Ag
/ Pt-Cr
• ~ /•••Pt - Ni

I •Cu-Pt p d / P d _ N i •
t/ •Au

I /;u-N•• Au-Cu•
/ I J J J I i ~ J i
1 10-2 10-4 I 102 104
Atomic solid solubility Xc Predicted 13 (surface)
(a) (b)

Fig. 1. Correlations o f the equilibrium segregation enrichment ratio ~ ( a ) : (a) for grain boundaries after Seah and H o n d r o s [6] ; (b) for free surfaces after
Seah [ 8 ] . The solid lines s h o w the upper and lower quartiles o f the results, and data published since the original papers are included as stars. The ~ ( a ) here, in
line with the theory, are ratios o f a t o m concentrations and should be m u l t i p l i e d by the ratio o f atomic weights for use in eqns. (1) and (2).


4.1.1. Temper brittleness in A I S I 3340 importance of tin and antimony in relation to

The U.S. steel AISI 3340 is the only exam- phosphorus is much lower than in steels con-
ple of the 3½Ni-Cr group for which sufficient taining nickel [12].
data are available on the relative shift ADBTT This typical result may be tested against
in the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature the model of eqn. (1) very simply. Much
after step-cooled embrittling heat treatments. experimental work has been completed and
An average for all the sets for AISI 3340 published in the literature concerning AISI
(3.5% Ni, 1.7% Cr) with constant microstruc- 3340. The material exhibits temper brittleness
ture gives from direct fracture data readily and, in this state, the grain boundaries
may be easily exposed for the analysis of the
segregation levels by AES. The quantitative
= (0.28P + 0.16Sn + 0.38Sb + 0.048As) K data of these enrichment levels, together with
with other elements making only small con- the grain boundary enrichment ratios appro-
tributions. Here the element symbols represent priate to the step-cooled temper embrittling
solute concentrations in parts per million by heat treatment, have been compiled by
weight. For different steels and different hard- Hondros and Seah [ 15]. Table 1 shows these
nesses the absolute magnitude of the tempera- values and the c o m p u t e d relative fragilities
ture shift will differ but the relative coeffi- for comparison with the above experimental
cients of the elements should remain unaltered. measurements. In obtaining the calculated
For a typical U.K. commercial purity steel relative fragilities the theoretical relative em-
of the composition shown in Table 1 the brittling sensitivities S~(a) are required. These
relative fragilities from the direct fracture data values are taken from the thermodynamic
are as follows. theory of Hirth and Rice [16] based on the
numerical analysis of Seah [14] using pair
Element P Sn Sb As
bonding theory. The main aspect of this
¢~(a) 6 2~1 1~1 1
theory concerns the energetic surfaces formed
They show that phosphorus and secondly tin by bond breaking at the grain boundary,
are the main cause of temper brittleness in shown schematically in Fig. 2. The closeness
this low alloy steel. These values are also of the experimental and calculated relative
approximately correct for 3 ½ N i - C r - M o - V fragilities is remarkably good, thus giving
steel but, as will be shown below, they do not strong support to the model which may now
apply to plain Cr-Mo steels where the relative be used predictively. The fragility index

Temper brittleness of AISI 3340 (3.5Ni-1.7Cr) and 2 1 C r - l M o

Element Typical U.K. Grain boundary Theoretical Relative fragility ¢~(a)

composition enrichment ratio embrittling
(wt.%) (ratio by mass) ~ ( a ) sensitivity S~(a) Theory Experiment

AISI3340 a
P 0.017 1800 8 6 6
Sn 0.012 950 10 3 2~1
Sb 0.003 950 11 1 1•
As 0.016 300 8 1 12
P 0.017 2000 4c 14 11
Sn 0.012 200 10 2~1 3
Sb 0.003 300 11 1 1
As 0.016 75 8 1 1

aThe temper brittleness fragility index of this cast is 0.031 wt.% Peq (theoretical value 0.030 wt.% Peq)-
bThe temper brittleness fragility index for this cast is 0.025 wt.% Peq (theoretical value 0.022 wt.% Peq ).
CThe embrittling sensitivity of phosphorus in molybdenum steels is approximately halved because of simultaneous
molybdenum segregation which improves the grain boundary cohesion [ 14 ].

on commercial stock and a regression analysis

on these by Seah [11] has demonstrated that
impurity effects are as important as micro-
structural effects. The role of impurity content
may be represented by
. . . . ~!iii¸ ! iiii~....
i li!(!!!~i!}ill A (cracking susceptibility) = 0.8P + 4.0Sn +
+ 6.5Sb + 2.4As + 0.37Cu + 0.12Ni
Fig. 2. Temper brittleness: a schematic model of the
effect of segregants on grain boundary cohesion. where, as before, the element symbols repre-
sent solute concentrations. Hence for average
expressed in terms of the d o m i n a n t impurity impurity contents in U.K. commercial ½Cr-
phosphorus is 0.031 wt.% Peq -- this is the Mo-V steel the relative fragilities from direct
phosphorus equivalent of the cast. crack growth data are as follows.
Element Sn Cu As Sb P Ni
4.1.2. Temper brittleness in 2~Cr-lMo
~(a) 3 2½ 2 1 <1 <I
The analysis may be repeated for 2¼Cr-lMo
steel which is a c o m m o n pipe steel susceptible In order to test these data against the model
to temper brittleness. The DBTT fracture data of eqn. (I) we note that the enrichment factor
of Bruscato [17] applied to typical U.K. com- /~(a) now refers to free surfaces for which in
mercial impurity levels give the following general there is no simple correlation with
experimental relative fragilities. grain boundary enrichment [2]. Accordingly,
Element P Sn Sb As samples of commercial quality ½Cr-Mo-V
were fractured within the high vacuum of the
~(a) 11 3 1 1
Auger electron spectrometer after the produc-
These show once more the dominance of tion of cracks by stress relaxation tests at
phosphorus and, to a lesser extent, tin. By an 700 °C [11]. Highlycavitated regions offering
analysis identical with that for AlSl 3340 the surfaces for AES examination of the internal
relative fragilities for 2 ¼ C r - l M o after a step- cavities were found one or two grains ahead
cooled embrittling treatment were computed of the crack front. These measurements, to-
and are shown in Table 1. The agreement is gether with a bulk analysis of each sample,
again remarkable if the remedial effect of yield the enrichment ratio for each observed
segregated m o l y b d e n u m is taken into account. element (Table 2). Furthermore, the segrega-
The relative fragilities may be summed to give tion levels measured on the cavitated surfaces
a fragility index in terms of a phosphorus are in agreement with free surface segregation
equivalent: for this cast it is 0.025 wt.% Peq. measured on uncavitated surfaces heated to
Thus in both these steels phosphorus is the 700 °C in situ in the AES apparatus. These
d o m i n a n t impurity but for the nickel-bearing measurements, being far more easily obtained
AISI 3340 tin is also important. For these experimentally, may therefore be used as a
two archetypal low alloy steels, AlSl 3340 good guide to the composition of cavity
and 2¼Cr-lMo, the experimental and pre- surfaces.
dicted relative fragility parameters agree very In order to assess the embrittling sensitivity
closely. S~(a) we adopt the model depicted schemati-
cally in Fig. 3 of a nucleating cavity and we
4.2. Stress relief cracking consider the competition between the ten-
Here we refer to a typical weldable creep- dency for the cavity to sinter out through
resistant steel of the C r - M o - V series, ½Cr- capillarity forces and the opposing tendency
Mo-V, and we consider the effect of impurity for it to grow under the action of the applied
segregation in the heat-affected zone of the stress.
weld. The phenomenon of interest is segrega- Because of adsorption of the impurity ele.
tion to the inner surfaces of the nucleating ments on the cavity walls the surface energy
cavities formed along grain boundaries under 7s is reduced, and since the critical radius rc
rapid strain conditions. above which cavities at the grain boundaries
Primary metallurgical data of crack length become stable and start to grow is related to
in a fixed strain bend test are available [18] ~'s by

Stress relief cracking in 1M C r - M o - V

Element Typical U.K. Grain boundary Theoretical Relative fragility ~b~(a)

composition enrichment ratio embrittling
(wt.%) (ratio by mass) ~ ( a ) sensitivity S~(a) Theory Experiment

Sn 0.012 3100 1.1 3 3

Cu 0.12 120 1.9 2 2=1
As 0.016 950 1.25 1~1 2
Sb 0.003 4500 1.0 1 1
P 0.017 240 1.9 ! 1
T h e stress relief cracking fragility index for this cast is 0.036 wt.% Sneq (theoretical value 0.032 wt.% Sneq).

(5) and are given in Table 2. In stress relief

cracking, surface segregation is important and
acts through the cavity generation rate; for
iii!it!iiiii!i!i!iiii!iiiiiiii!iiiii!i!!!!ii!iiiiiii!i!!iii.iiiiiiiii . ii!iiiiiiiiii
' present impurity levels in U.K. steels tin,
copper and arsenic have the greatest effect.
A comparison between the predicted values
~i~!i~i~:'i~i!~i!~!~!i~i~i~i~i~i~i!~i~i~i~!ii!i!ii!i!i~i!~i~i!ii~i!ii!ii!i!ii!~ of ¢~(a) based on this model and given in
%~ii~!~i!~i!i!~!i!i!i!i~i!~i!i!i!i~!~i!~!i~i!ii~.i.ii.!i.i~.ii~iiiii~ii~ Table 2 and the values quoted earlier from the
(a) (b) regression analysis on the metallurgical data
shows good agreement and confirms the
Fig. 3. (a) Stress relief cracking: surface segregation
dominant effect of tin and then of copper,
on the cavity walls affects the cavity nucleation rate.
(b) Creep embrittlement : grain boundary segregation arsenic and antimony, in that order, on stress
affects diffusion along grain boundaries with a c o n - relief cracking in these steels. The fragility
s e q u e n t effect on the cavity growth rate. index in this case is expressed as a tin equiv-
alent: 0.036 wt.% Sneq for this cast.
rc = 2~,/a
4.3. Creep embrittlement
re is also reduced by surface segregation. Here This phenomenon, as it pertains to ½Cr-
o is the local tensile stress across the grain M o - V , is distinguished from stress relief
boundary. The reduction in 7, as the fraction- cracking by lower strain rates and lower
al surface monolayer coverage X, increases is service temperatures (550 °C). In terms of
given by a combination of the Gibbs' adsorp- mechanisms the rate-determining step is the
tion theorem and the Langmuir isotherm: transport of matter or vacancies along grain
boundaries to feed the growing cavity.
7, = 70 + FORT ln(1 - - X , ) (4)
A regression analysis of the effects of im-
where 7 ° is the grain boundary energy without purities on the rupture ductilities and rupture
segregation and F ° is the monolayer coverage lives during creep at 550 °C on all available
of adsorbate in moles per square metre. tested ½ C r - M o - V samples has shown [11]
The increased cavity nucleation rate N that impurities are more important than
resulting from the impurity-induced reduction microstructural changes in their detrimental
in surface energy reflects the relative em- effect, and both rupture ductility and rupture
brittling sensitivity. This may be quantified in life show approximately the same relative
terms of the rupture life tr and the rupture dependence upon impurities (rupture ductility
strain er referring to the equations derived falling and rupture life increasing): this is
from Skelton's [11, 19] analysis: represented by
tr = Db -215N-3/5 --A (rupture ductility) = 1.5P + 0.36Cu +
er cc D b l / S N ~ l / 5 (5) + 1.6Sn + 1.2S
The embrittling sensitivities of the segregating where the element symbols represent solute
elements can be calculated from eqns. (4) and concentrations. For the typical commercial

purity the relative detrimental importance is where Dv is the lattice diffusivity, d is the
as follows. interatomic spacing and 5 the width of the
grain boundary. This equation together with
Element Cu P Sn S
eqns. (4) and (5) allows the relative em-
~(a) 2~1 1~1 1 1
brittling sensitivities in Table 3 to be calculated
In order to compare these values with pre- as a change in tr or er concomitant with a
dicted performance, we adopt the model of change in segregation level, from which values
Fig. 3 and consider the effect of segregation of ¢~(a) can be computed.
on grain boundary transport. A comparison of the predicted relative
The appropriate enrichment factors for fragilities with the experimental values shows
grain boundaries in eqn. (1) may be assessed a clear agreement that phosphorus, copper
from solid solubility data in the manner dis- and tin are the dominant elements. The hier-
cussed earlier; here, however, they were mea- archies are different however. The measured
sured experimentally for improved accuracy. effect of sulphur, which was n o t predicted, is
At 550 °C equilibrium grain boundary seg- very probably due to sulphide precipitates
regation is attained after a very small fraction and not segregation, while the phosphorus
of creep life. In this alloy, while the grain dependence is somewhat lower than that
boundary segregation is sufficient to exacer- predicted by this model and may involve the
bate the creep problem, nevertheless it does contribution of phosphorus to alterations in
n o t provoke temper brittleness and so the microstructure [21]. Nevertheless it is clear
grain boundaries cannot be exposed easily by that copper and phosphorus are the most
low temperature fracture for AES examina- important elements, followed by tin.
tion. However, on the few samples where par- Both stress relief cracking and creep em-
tial failure on uncavitated boundaries occurred, brittlement are thus impurity sensitive, but
grain boundary enrichments were measured the vastly different strain rates cause differ-
and these are presented in Table 3. ent forms of segregation to be important and
Under the applied stress, cavities nucleate are thus dominated by different elements.
along the boundaries and grow by grain boun- Phosphorus is relatively much more active at
dary vacancy transport, leading inevitably to grain boundaries than surfaces and hence, in
intergranular creep rupture. this form of creep embrittlement, it is a major
The effect of segregation on the grain troublesome element along with copper and
boundary diffusivity D b may be measured tin. Here the fragility index, expressed in
through the attendant effect on the grain terms of the experimentally observed
boundary energy ~'b; these terms are linked dominant element copper, is 0.24 wt.% Cueq.
through the equation due to Borisov et al.
[20] in the form 4.4. Intergranular stress corrosion
The change in chemistry of the grain boun-
D b _ d exp/27ba2 ~ daries by impurity segregation, without any
| ] (6)
Dv 5 \ kT microstructural changes, can in some service

Creep embrittlement at 550 °C in ½Cr-Mo-V

Element Typical U.K. Grain boundary Theoretical Relative fragility ~b~(a)

composition enrichment ratio embrittling
(wt.%) (ratio by mass) ~ ( a ) sensitivity S~(a) Theory Experiment

Cu 0.12 70 1.9 2½ 2½
P 0.017 900 1.9 4½ 1½
Sn 0.012 500 1.1 1 1
As 0.016 270 1.25 1 -
Sb 0.003 350 1.0 <½ -

The creep embrittlement fragility index for this cast is 0.24 wt.% Cueq(theoretical value 0.44 wt.% Cueq).

conditions affect markedly the propensity for ined. The grain boundary enrichments of the
cracking in the presence of a combination of observed elements are given in Table 4.
stress and an aggressive environment. The The importance of a corrosion process in
effect of impurities on stress corrosion crack- this environmentally assisted crack propaga-
ing is illustrated here by mild steel in a nitrate tion is shown by the fact that it can be con-
solution, where failure of commercial quality trolled electrochemically. This has led to the
material is invariably intergranular. association of cracks with pre-existing active
In extensive recent work at the National paths, defined by grain boundary segregants
Physical Laboratory [22] the relative harm- or precipitates, which are anodic to the main
fulness of tramp elements was analysed from volume of material. Either the active paths
mechanical test data on laboratory melts of formed by the presence of segregants at grain
high purity mild steel, each containing a single boundaries are intrinsically anodic, or the
impurity at a dilute level comparable with zones next to the grain boundaries, being
that found in commercial material. Following depleted of segregant, are anodic with respect
an equilibrium segregation heat treatment, to the grain boundaries. If the corrosion pro-
samples were tested at constant strain rate in ducts are soluble, intergranular corrosion
a hot nitrate solution and at the free corroding occurs in the unstressed state, but often a
potential. The time to failure of samples was stress is required to open cracks and to expose
used to derive a ratio R for each melt, this new surfaces to the action of the corrosive
being the ratio of the time to failure in the environment. For example, the surface of
corrosive nitrate solution to that in an inert mild steel in nitrate solution becomes covered
paraffin environment at the same temperature. with a magnetite layer which is protective and
It was found that after an equilibrium the function of the stress is to fracture this
segregation heat treatment the reduction in R magnetite layer to allow the reaction to
from its value for the high purity steel could proceed.
be expressed by [22] The capacity of segregants at the grain
b o u n d a r y - o x i d e interface to operate as a
--AR = 700 S + 1A1 + 0.4As + 27Ca + 1.9Cu +
local cell, enhancing the localized attack,
+ 0.2Ni + 20P + 0.95Sb + 1Sn + 0.3Zn
depends upon a very large number of factors,
where the element symbols are the bulk con- among them the local pH, the potential dif-
centrations and apply only to very dilute ference which exists within the crack, and the
levels. All these residual elements are detri- change in solution composition during disso-
mental, although several of the elements lution. Despite this, good theoretical pre-
become beneficial at levels only slightly higher dictions of stress corrosion crack growth rates
by acting through microstructural changes. In have been made from bulk electrochemical
commercial steels the sulphur, aluminium and properties by Doig and Flewitt [23].
calcium are stabilized as precipitates and The preferential dissolution of the grain
would not be detected as grain boundary boundary in an aqueous oxidizing environment
segregants. Thus at the typical impurity levels is shown schematically in Fig. 4. The em-
encountered in U.K. steels the relative harm- brittling role of hydrogen is not considered
fulness of the elements as derived from direct here because of the anodic nature of the crack
mechanical test data is as follows. tip in relation to its oxide-covered walls. To a
first approximation the rate of dissolution of
Element P Cu Ni Sn As Sb
the grain boundary is directly dependent on
¢~{a) 3 2 0.2 0.1 0.1 <0.1
the electrochemical potential set up between
As in the case of creep embrittlement, it is it and the bulk crystallites [24], and here we
normally difficult to expose the grain boun- assume that this reflects the term S~(a} in
daries for direct analysis. However, on stress- eqn. (1). In Table 4 the difference IAE0$
corroded samples where intergranular fracture between these two potentials is given, from
had been initiated following impact in the which ¢~(a) is calculated. In this case phos-
spectrometer, fresh grain boundaries were phorus and copper are important and to a
occasionally exposed just ahead of the crack lesser extent arsenic, tin and nickel. It should
front. In these instances the chemistry of the be noted that there is still uncertainty about
uncorroded grain boundaries could be exam- the appropriate dissolution reaction equation

Stress corrosion cracking of mild steel in nitrate solution

Element Typical U.K. Grain boundary Theoretical Relative fragility @~(a)

composition enrichment ratio embrittling
Theory Experiment
(wt.%) (ratio by mass)/~i (a) sensitivity S~(a)

P 0.017 950 0.5 1.2 3

Cu 0.12 140 0.8 2 2
As 0.016 130 0.6 0.2 0.1
Sn 0.012 270 0.3 0.1 0.1
Ni 0.12 30 0.2 0.1 0.2
Sb 0.003 260 0.6 <0.1 <0.1

The intergranular stress corrosion fragility index for this cast is 0.031 wt.% Peq (theoretical value 0.052 wt.% Peq).

meter, the relative fragility, is defined. This

parameter gives the order of the effect due to
each element and arising from the bulk residu-
tO __ _
al levels in a given cast of steel. In the cate-
gories of intergranular failure treated here,
boundarY ,fM--~-M÷ - - -~ - - - - - --
the parameter has been computed by reference

to a model and in each case there is general

agreement with the quantity as measured by
metallurgical test data. The value of this
approach lies in the ability to predict with fair
accuracy the nature and order of the potent
Fig. 4. Intergranular stress corrosion: grain boundary
segregation affects the electrochemical dissolution species, given the bulk composition levels,
rate of a grain boundary under stress at a crack tip. w i t h o u t recourse to lengthy metallurgical test
procedures. This allows the steel maker a
in the case of phosphorus dissolving from a more economic control of the condition of
grain boundary in nitrate solution. This leads his product to meet a given impurity limit set
to a large error in S~(a) in Table 4. In view of by the overall fragility index. The fragility
the approximate form of this model it is in index sums the effects of all elements, with
surprisingly good quantitative agreement with appropriate coefficients defined by the rela-
the experimental data. This shows that a tive fragilities, to give an overall impurity
reduction in the tolerance levels of phosphorus equivalent for a given cast of steel. Thus the
and copper would make a substantial step fragility index of a cast of steel provides the
towards increasing the i m m u n i t y of mild quality specification in relation to the effect
steel to stress corrosion. Because of the domi- of impurities on the designed use of the
nance of phosphorus the fragility index is material.
expressed here in terms of a phosphorus
equivalent, 0.031 wt.% Peq for this cast.

1 M.'P. Seah and C. Lea, Philos. Mag., 31 (1975)
In the more important categories of inter- 627.
2 C. Lea and M. P. Seah, Scr. Metall., 9 (1975) 583.
granular weakness considered here, two or
3 A. Joshi and D. F. Stein, A m . Soc. Test. Mater.,
three residual elements in the steel dominate Spec. Tech. Publ., 499, 1977, p. 439.
the fracture properties through equilibrium 4 M. Guttmann, Surf. Sci., 53 (1975) 583.
segregation. The order of p o t e n c y of the 5 G. C. Gould, A m . Soc. Test. Mater., Spec. Tech.
important elements and their relative effects Publ., 407, 1968, p. 59.
6 M. P. Seah and E. D. Hondros, Proc. R. Soc.
vary markedly from one metallurgical situa- London, Ser. A, 335 (1973) 191.
tion to another. In order to quantify this 7 S. Brunauer, P. H. Emmett and E. Teller, J. Am.
hierarchy of potency an engineering para- Chem. Soc., 60 (1938) 309.

8 M. P. Seah, J. Catal., 57 (1979) 450. 17 R. Bruscato, Weld. d., Res. Suppl., 49 (1970)
9 C. Lea and M. P. Seah, Surf. Sci., 53 (1975) 272. 148-s.
10 M.P. Seah, Acta Metall., 25 (1977) 345. 18 R. C. Miller and A. D. Batte, Met. Constr., 7
11 M.P. Seah, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London, to be (1975) 550.
published. 19 R. D. Skelton, Met. Sci., 9 (1975) 192.
12 E. D. Hondros, M. P. Seah and C. Lea, Met. 20 V. T. Borisov, V. M. Golikov and G. V. Scher-
Mater., (January 1976) 26. bedinskiy, Phys. Met., Metallogr. (USSR), 17
13 M. P. Seah, P. J. Spencer and E. D. Hondros, Met. (1964) 80.
Sei., 13 (1979) 307. 21 P. Hayes and P. Grieveson, Met. Sci., 9 (1975)
14 M. P. Seah, Acta Metall., to be published. 332.
15 E. D. Hondros and M. P. Seah, Int. Metall. Rev., 22 C. Lea, Corros. Sci., to be published.
22 (1977) 262. 23 P. Doig and P. E. J. Flewitt, Proc. R. Soc. London,
16 J.P. Hirth and J. R. Rice, Metall. Trans., to be Set. A, 357 (1977) 439.
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