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Objective: By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to express obligation, prohibition,

advice and absence of obligation appropriately.

Task 01:
Aim: To elicit information from pupils and make them draw conclusions.
Time expected:
Instruction: Consider these examples and do the following activity.
1) The Arabs………………………… collaborate to help Palestine.
2) Last year, the UNO………………………. Increase the number of soldiers in some areas.
3) UNO soldiers …………………………………use weapons to create peace.
4) Blue Helmets ……………………kill innocent people.
5) The Arab leaders…………………………… each time to discuss the problems of their countries.
a. Fill in the blanks using these words: should- must – don’t need to- mustn’t-had to.
b. What do these words express?
c. What words can replace the words in question ‘a’?
Expected answers: a.
1. The Arabs must collaborate to help Palestine.
2. Last year, the UNO had to Increase the number of soldiers in some areas.
3. UNO soldiers don’t need to use weapons to create peace.
4. Blue Helmets mustn’t kill innocent people.
5. The Arab leaders should meet each time to discuss the problems of their countries.
b –c

Obligation(present Obligation(past) Absence of obligation prohibition Advice


 Must+ stem  Had to +stem  Needn’t + stem Mustn’+ stem  Should(not)+stem

 Have to/  Don’t/doesn’t need to  Ought to/ought not
 Has to+ stem  Don’t/doesn’t have to to +stem

Task 02 (group work) p: 46

Objective: To practise the use of various structures learned above.

Time expected:
Instruction: Using the words in the table, write a list of school rules
Expected answers:

1. Obligation:

 Pupils must respect their teachers and classmates.

 Pupils have to come to school on time.

2. Prohibition
 Pupils mustn’t cheat at exams.
 Pupils mustn’t transgress school rules.

3. Advice

 Students should tolerate differences.

 Students ought to respect the opinion of one another.
 They should not insult others.
 They also should ask the teacher for clarifications whenever there is a problem.

4. Absence of obligation

 Pupils don’t need to wear a uniform in Algeria.

 We don’t have to agree always with others.

Objective: to complete a class charter.

Time expected:
Instruction: 1. Distinguish between the rights and the duties in the box
2. Complete the following class charter.
Remark: the teacher has to explain some new vocabulary.

Charter (n): an official written statement giving certain rights / principles.

Co-operate (v): to work together to achieve/realize something.
Promote (v): to help and give support to something to happen.

Expected answers:

Rights Duties/Responsibilities

Express opinions freely Work hard

Meet together to express views Respect the opinion of others
Free education Tolerate differences
Good working conditions Respect the rights of others
Health care Promote a culture of peace
Getting the reliable information Co-operate to solve problems

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