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Cuting/pemotongan :deduct or reduce the payment or amount received

Economic growth/pertumbuhan ekonomi :an increase in the ability of an economy

to produce goods and services.

Identifying/ mengidentifikasi :activities that seek, find, collect, research, register,

record data and information from field “needs”

Income/ penghasilan :the amount of money earned within a certain period of time
which has been deducted by other

Investment/ investasi :Investment is the activity of investing money or capital

(valuable assets) for the purpose of making a profit

Lending/ pinjaman :a type of debt provided by an individual or financial

institution, whereby a certain amount of money is provided to be lent to the
debtor, usually at interest.

Poverty/ kemiskinan :Poverty can be caused by the scarcity of basic necessities, or

the difficulty of accessing education and employment.

Prince/harga :an exchange rate that can be equated with money or other goods for
the benefits obtained from an item or service for a person or group

Process/proses :A process is a sequence of interrelated executions or events that

together convert inputs into outputs.

Productivity/produktifitas :production activities as a comparison between outputs

and inputs.

Banking / perbankan : Banking is one of the activities that carry out transactions,
payments, and other transactions via the internet

Considered / dipertimbangkan

Debit card / kartu debit : A debit card is a card that you can use for shopping in
addition to using cash from your bank account.
Ekonomic behavior / perilaku ekonomi : Behavioral economics encompasses the
study of psychology as it relates to individual economic decision-making

Economic sectors / sektor ekonomi : The economic sector is the grouping of the
economy into several parts.

Exceeded / melebihi

Loss / Kerugian : Loss is a condition in which a person does not benefit from what
they have spent

Popularion / populasi : Population is a group of individuals with the same

characteristics living in the same place

Supply / penawaran : Supply is the number of goods or services that are available
and can be offered by producers to consumers

Budget/anggaran : an estimate of income and expenses over a specified period of

time in the future and is usually compiled and re-evaluated on a regular basis.

Client's perspektif/perspektif klien : the client's point of view in choosing opinions

and beliefs about a matter.

Crussial issue/isu krusial : involving a final or supremely important decision or


Customers/pelanggan: people whose activities are buying and using a product.

Economic benefits/manfaat ekonomi: any benefit we can quantify in terms of the

money it makes.

Fake transaction/transaksi palsu: The fraudulent mode under the guise of fake
ATM receipts often stalks types of online-based transactions, such as buying and
selling goods or transferring money.
Hedonic/hedonis:a lifestyle that focuses on seeking unlimited pleasure and

Nominal cost/biaya nominal: a nominal fee is below the price of the service
provided or presumably easy for a consumer to afford.

Opportunity/peluang: positive factors that emerge from the environment and

provide opportunities for our organization or program to take advantage of them.

Perceived value/nilai persepsi: refers to consumer evaluations of products and


Policies/kebijakan: a series of concepts and principles that serve as guidelines and

the basis for plans in the implementation of a job, leadership, and way of acting.

Price/harga: the amount of money that consumers have to pay to the seller to get
the goods or services they want to buy.

Quality/kualitas : the level of good or bad or the level or degree of something.

Reliability/keandalan: consistency of a series of measurements or a series of

measuring instruments.

Requests/permintaan: a process of asking for something or a number of goods

purchased or requested at a certain price and time.

Risk belief/keyakinan resiko: Risk perceptions are beliefs about potential harm or
the possibility of a loss.

Satisfaction/kepuasan: a person's feelings of pleasure or disappointment arising

from comparing the perceived performance of the product (or outcome) to their

Trusting belief/kepercayaan: the perception of the trusting party (consumer) of the

trusted party (virtual shop seller) where the seller has characteristics that will
benefit consumers.
Access/Akses = entrance to reach the goal

Banking/Perbankan= financial institutions that play a role in trade and

development activities

Conventional/konvensional= common or commonly used habits

Dana/Dana = an amount of money provided for a specific purpose

Development/Pembangunan= a process of change that encompasses the entire

social and economic system

Economic/ekonomi= the science that studies how to fulfill human desired

Financial/keuangan= the science of managing money that affects life

Growth/pertumbuhan= quantitative size increase process

Inclusin/inklusi= an approach to building an open environment

Income/pendapatan= income arising from company activities

Infrastructure/infrastruktur= a physical system that is useful for fulfilling various

basic human needs

Investment/investasi= Investment activity to be withdrawn in the future at a

higher value

Imbalances/ketimpangan= imbalance in social life

Planning/perencanaan= determine a course of action to achieve the desired result

Poverty/kemiskinan= a condition in which a person is unable to fulfill his basic


Production/ Produksi= activities to produce a good or service

Productivity/produktivitas= how to measure the results that come from the work
Sector/sektor= environment of a business

Servis/pelayanan= an activity that occurs in direct interaction between a person

and another person

Statistics/statistik= the results of the data displayed in the form of tables to graphs

Transferred/ transfer= remittances received by you to be paid to customers

administration / administrasi :Administration is all activities, from setting up to

managing everything, which are carried out to achieve common goals.

banking / perbankan Banking is a business entity that collects funds from the
public in the form of savings.

business / bisnis Business is a series of businesses carried out by individuals or

groups by offering goods and services for profit (profit).

crisis / krisisa : any ongoing (or anticipated) event leading to an unstable and
dangerous situation that affects individuals, groups, communities or entire

customers / pelanggan : Customers are people whose activities are buying and
using a product, both goods and services continuously.

development / perkembangan : Development is a process that creates growth,

progress, positive change or the addition of physical, economic, environmental,
social and demographic components.

difficulties / kesulitan : the meaning of the word difficulty is a difficult situation.

dominant / dominan : dominant is very decisive because of power, influence.

economic / ekonomi : is a science that fulfills human needs to achieve unlimited

desires with limited tools.
excess / kelebihan : excess is the state of being too much.

financial / finansia: Finance is a field of economics that focuses on finance.

financing / pembiayaan :financing is funding support for the need or procurement

of certain goods/assets/services.

funds / dana : A fund is a collection of money provided for a specific purpose.

increase / meningkat : the word to increase is to rise (in various meanings, such as
to rise, to rise, to soar).

investment / investasi : Investment is one of the strategic factors in economic


lenders / pemberi pinjaman : Creditors are parties that play a role in providing
financial assistance, while debtors are the recipients.

lending / pinjaman : Loans are a type of debt that can involve all types of tangible
objects, although they are usually identified with monetary loans.

limitations / keterbatasan: A line or something that separates one thing from


outreach / diluar jangkauan : out of reach is a thing or something that is out of


period / periode : period is a period of time or circle of time (time).

sector / sektor : is a division of administrative areas commonly used in various


transactions / transaksi : transaction is an agreement or sale and purchase

agreement in a trade carried out by two parties, or settlement and payment

unlimited / tak terbatas : unlimited in the sense that sovereignty is not limited by
anyone or any power.
Account/Rekening : a series of unique numbers that serve as a transaction tool.

Bank/Bank : a business entity that collects funds from the public in the form of
savings and distributes them to the public in the form of credit.

Bank interest /Bunga bank : remuneration provided by banks to customers who

buy or sell products.

Cash/Tunai : payment using currency such as coins and paper.

Cash Salaries/gaji tunai : salaries given to employees in the form of; Provided
directly in physical form (envelope) to employees.

Debt card/Kartu debit : a card that you can use for shopping in addition to using
cash from your bank account.

Economic growth/Pertumbuhan ekonomi : the process of increasing the

production capacity of an economy which is manifested in the form of increasing
national income.

Financial/Keuangan : study how individuals, businesses and organizations

increase, allocate and use monetary resources over time, and measure the risks
involved in executing their projects.

Financial Institution/Lembaga keuangan : an institution that provides facilities and

products in the financial sector and rotates the flow of money in the economy.

Inclusion/Inklusi : an approach to building an environment that is open to

everyone with different backgrounds and conditions.

Loan /Pinjaman : a type of debt provided by an individual or institution, whereby

a certain amount of money is provided to be lent to the debtor, usually at interest.

Macroeconomic/Ekonomi Makro : the branch of economics that deals with the

economy as a whole, including performance, behavior, and the decision-making
Microeconomic/Ekonomi mikro : an economic science that analyzes, sees the
process of economic activities.

Money lenders/ lintah darat : person or entity that lends money.

Payment/Pembayaran : a system consisting of a set of rules, institutions, and

mechanisms used to carry out the transfer of funds, in order to fulfill an obligation
arising from an economic activity.

Productivity/Produktivitas : fundamental factors that affect the ability to compete

in a company.

Salaries/Gaji : a form of periodic payment from an employer to his employees

stated in an employment contract.

Services/jasa : any action or activity that can be offered by one party to another, is
essentially intangible (intangible) and does not result in the ownership of

Target/target : what actions or steps must be taken to achieve business goals.

Wage/Upah : the rights of workers/laborers that are received and expressed in the
form of money as an imbalance from the entrepreneur or employer to the
workers/laborers that are determined and determined according to a work
agreement, agreement, or statutory regulations, including allowances for
workers/laborers and their families.

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