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Preparedness for emerging infectious diseases


Source: Epidemiology and Infection , JULY 2015, Vol. 143, No. 10 (JULY 2015), pp. 2043-
Published by: Cambridge University Press

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to Epidemiology and Infection

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Epidemiol. Infect. (2015), 143, 2043–2058. © Cambridge University Press 2014

Preparedness for emerging infectious diseases: pathways from
anticipation to action


M. P. WARD 1 , 4 *
Faculty of Veterinary Science, The University of Sydney, Camden, NSW, Australia
Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia
Essential Foresight, Canberra, ACT, Australia
Marie Bashir Institute for Infectious Diseases and Biosecurity, The University of Sydney, Camperdown, NSW,

Received 2 August 2014; Final revision 16 October 2014; Accepted 31 October 2014;
first published online 12 December 2014

Emerging and re-emerging infectious disease (EID) events can have devastating human,
animal and environmental health impacts. The emergence of EIDs has been associated with
interconnected economic, social and environmental changes. Understanding these changes is
crucial for EID preparedness and subsequent prevention and control of EID events. The aim
of this review is to describe tools currently available for identification, prioritization and
investigation of EIDs impacting human and animal health, and how these might be integrated
into a systematic approach for directing EID preparedness. Environmental scanning, foresight
programmes, horizon scanning and surveillance are used to collect and assess information for
rapidly responding to EIDs and to anticipate drivers of emergence for mitigating future EID
impacts. Prioritization of EIDs − using transparent and repeatable methods − based on disease
impacts and the importance of those impacts to decision-makers can then be used for more
efficient resource allocation for prevention and control. Risk assessment and simulation
modelling methods assess the likelihood of EIDs occurring, define impact and identify mitigation
strategies. Each of these tools has a role to play individually; however, we propose integration of
these tools into a framework that enhances the development of tactical and strategic plans for
emerging risk preparedness.

Key words: Environmental scanning, foresighting, horizon scanning, prioritization, risk assessment,
simulation modelling, surveillance.

Introduction that influenza pandemics have occurred regularly for

at least 500 years (an estimated 50 million people
Historically, emerging and re-emerging infectious dis-
died during the 1918 pandemic), and at least 35 million
ease (EID) events have had devastating health impacts,
people might be currently infected with HIV [1, 2]. The
particularly on human populations. Records suggest
majority of EIDs are caused by pathogens of animal
origin [3-5]. For example, recently emerged viral dis-
eases of animal origin that have caused high case-
* Author for correspondence: Professor M. P. Ward, Faculty of fatality rates in humans include coronaviruses (SARS
Veterinary Science, The University of Sydney, Camden, NSW,
and MERS-CoV), influenza A (H5N1 and H7N9),
(Email: henipaviruses (Nipah and Hendra), and Ebola

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2044 V. J. Brookes and others

haemorrhagic disease (World Health Organisation This review describes tools currently available for
Global Outbreak and Response Disease Outbreak detection, prioritization and investigation of EIDs
News, and debate continues and threats to human, animal and environmental
about the animal origins of antimicrobial resistance, health (One Health), and how these tools might be
for example meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus integrated to form a systematic approach for directing
[6, 7]. The emergence of antimicrobial resistance is EID preparedness. A range of tools that have appli-
considered to be one of the greatest current threats to cation in this field have been developed during the
global human health [8]. Many drivers of EID events past century: mathematical models of infectious dis-
have been proposed, including interconnected econ- eases were first created in the early 1900s (the models
omic, social and environmental changes that allow mi- of malaria created by Ross for example) to explore
crobial adaption through mutation, geographical how infectious diseases persist in populations and
spread, and altered host range [9, 10]. Risk factors how they might be controlled, and extended to simu-
for EIDs include climate change, ecological changes lation models in the 1980s and 1990s with the increas-
such as intensification of agriculture and deforestation, ing power of modern computers and availability of
changes in human demographics such as population appropriate data; risk assessment methods were devel-
growth and migration, and globalization of trade and oped in the 1970s and 1980s in response to disease
travel [9, 11, 12]. In a review of the occurrence of risks associated with hazards in the environment and
EIDs between 1940 and 2004, the number of reports food and in the 1990s as import risk assessment in re-
was found to be increasing [3]. This trend is expected sponse to increasing travel and trade and risk of global
to continue, particularly with an increasing global spread of infectious diseases; formal disease prioritiza-
human population ( tion tools were first developed in the 1990s and have
national/data/idb) and increasing trade and travel. been extended during the past decade; and more re-
Therefore, preparedness is essential to mitigate the po- cently, environmental and horizon scanning methods
tential risk of high-impact EIDs [4]. have been developed as broad, risk mitigation tools.
EID preparedness encompasses a range of activities Some of these tools have been developed specifically
to enhance prevention and control of high-impact for infectious diseases (disease modelling) or more
EID events, in which the benefits of preventing or re- broadly within other disciplines and fields of study
ducing the impact of the event far outweigh the invest- (risk assessment and prioritization) and adapted for
ment required in such activities. Traditionally, these use in infectious disease research. Overarching these
activities have been focused around tactical (immedi- tools is disease surveillance, which has been underta-
ate and short-term) planning. Surveillance has been ken in one form or another since the beginnings of
the mainstay of EID preparedness, both for early recorded history. Given this history of tool develop-
identification of spatial, temporal and demographic ment and adaptation, the integration of such tools
clusters of adverse health events indicative of an to address emerging and re-emerging infectious dis-
EID, and for prevention of re-emergence of known in- eases requires a framework so that the sum of efforts
fectious diseases via the early application of control are effective. Current approaches which rely on the
measures. Consequently, preparedness is currently tar- application of just a single tool can be successful;
geted at known emerging and re-emerging infectious but with increasingly complex, multifactorial health
diseases and the responses required should they be problems − typified by EIDs – such approaches can
detected. However, with increasing recognition of be inadequate. For example, the emergence of West
the greater occurrence of EID events and the broad Nile virus (WNV) in the United States in 1999 was
range of risk factors associated with this phenomenon, unanticipated despite data on air traffic movements
the scope of preparedness has widened. Through fore- (‘globalization’), niche modelling and risk assessment
sight programmes, information is now collected by en- [13]. Since then (after the fact), risk assessment model-
vironmental scanning to detect and assess events and ling has been applied to determine the likelihood
trends that are not specific to health events – but are of disease emergence elsewhere [14, 15]. Similarly,
related to these known risk factors – allowing antici- the emergence of pathogenic bluetongue and
pation of future needs for EID prevention and miti- Schmallenberg viruses in northern Europe was unanti-
gation [4]. Therefore, directing activities for EID cipated, even though the spread of bluetongue viruses
preparedness now encompasses strategic (long-term) in southern Europe as a result of climate change was a
as well as tactical planning. well-established phenomenon [16, 17]. Avian influenza

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Preparedness for emerging infectious diseases 2045

Fig. 1. The relationship between information type and collection method, and the projected time-frame of activities for
emerging infectious disease preparedness.

H1N1 is thought to have emerged in Mexico, a coun- Environmental scanning is the process of collecting
try that was not predicted by various tools to be a and assessing information to identify events and
‘hotspot’ for zoonoses emergence [3]. In this review, trends in the global environment (for example, demo-
initially methods to collect and assess information graphic, social, technological, behavioural and econ-
for identification of EIDs and their drivers − including omic changes). This type of scanning is an input
environmental and horizon scanning and surveill- component to a group of activities known as ‘strategic
ance−are discussed. This is followed by a review of foresight’, in which a vision of plausible future scenar-
methods used to prioritize and investigate require- ios can be developed for the purpose of long-term
ments for EID preparedness, including disease priori- (strategic) planning in organizations [18]. The basic
tization, risk assessment and simulation modelling. steps of a foresight programme are shown in
We then discuss current uses of these methods – indi- Figure 2. Foresight programmes, and hence environ-
vidually and as integrated pathways – as well as meth- mental scanning, are not techniques that are specific
odological and external constraints that limit to disease identification and investigation; they are
identification, prioritization and investigation of used by many organizations to improve or secure
EIDs and future human and animal health threats. their future positions in the global environment.
However, during the last decade environmental scan-
ning has been used to collect and investigate infor-
Information collection and assessment mation about the drivers of infectious disease
Information is a fundamental requirement to detect emergence with a view to enhancing long-term pre-
the presence of EIDs in a timely manner and antici- paredness for EIDs through foresight programmes
pate future potential human, animal and environmen- [4, 19, 20]. The definition of ‘long-term’ is subjective;
tal health risks. Characteristics of the information for example, a projection of 10 − 25 years was selected
regarding its volume, scope (both geographical and within the UK foresight programme for the detection
disciplinary), disease specificity and degree of cer- and identification of infectious diseases (
tainty, are related to how information is collected government/publications/infectious-diseases-preparing-
and assessed – using surveillance, or horizon and en- for-the-future). Although ‘horizon scanning’ is a term
vironmental scanning – and ultimately the projected often used synonymously with ‘environmental scan-
time-frame for the use of the information to direct ac- ning’, in the context of identification and investigation
tivities for EID preparedness (Fig. 1). For example, of EIDs horizon scanning is also used to describe in-
surveillance applications tend to have a narrow geo- formation collection that is targeted at health-specific
graphical and temporal scope, whereas environmental sources. Therefore for the purposes of this review we
scanning is broad. separate the two terms: environmental scanning refers

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2046 V. J. Brookes and others

Fig. 2. Steps of a foresight programme, modified from Horton [18] and Voros [23].

to information about the global drivers of infectious issues, as well as intangible benefits through increased
disease emergence, and horizon scanning refers to in- collaboration within and between disciplines and orga-
formation collection about adverse health events. nizations. Information collected from environmental
Systematic methods for environmental scanning to scanning is used in foresight activities such as scenario
enhance EID preparedness are not well established, planning, causal layered analysis, and backcasting [18,
in part because environmental scanning is developed 20, 23]. These activities aim to enhance strategy plan-
on an ad hoc basis to meet current and anticipated ning by developing future scenarios that are plausible
needs specific to the organization [21]. In addition, given current information, then assessing requirements
the drivers for emergence of infectious diseases include to achieve or mitigate the chances of reaching those
economic-, social-, environmental- and pathogen- scenarios. Strategy plans can include policy changes
associated factors that interconnect to form a required today or research to develop systems and
continuously evolving global milieu. Therefore, en- technology to meet future requirements. Established
vironmental scanning collects information with little foresight programmes include the Australian De-
or no disease specificity, very broad geographical partment of Agriculture’s strategic foresight pro-
and disciplinary scope, and usually a high degree of gramme (
uncertainty (Fig. 1). Consequently, there is both a animal/strategy), Foresight for Canadian Animal
wealth of information available at any point in time Health [19] and the UK foresight project for detection
and uncertainty forces collection over a relatively and identification of infectious diseases (
long time period in order to recognize topics of inter- government/publications/infectious-diseases-preparing-
est and detect trends – selecting the relevant infor- for-the-future). In a report published in 2006, the UK
mation and assessing its quality is challenging, and a foresight programme identified future scenarios in
potential limitation of environmental scanning [22]. which the threat of emerging infectious diseases in
Information sources that are scanned in this process the UK, China and sub-Saharan Africa increased
include a wide range of literature (peer-reviewed and over the next 10–25 years; drivers that were consist-
grey literature, government reports and web-based in- ently considered to be important were increased travel,
formation; for example blogs, list-servers and other in- migration and trade, increased exposure to exotic
formation networks) and informal data sources such plants and animals, and adulterated or incorrectly
as public opinion polls and media reports, as well as used drugs leading to drug-resistant organisms [4].
expert opinion elicitation and industry workshops. Climate change was expected to influence disease dis-
Environmental scanning can be organized, or supple- tribution in both the UK and Africa. Factors that
mented, by commercial services such as ‘Shaping were particularly important in Africa were poverty,
Tomorrow’ (, that also conflicts, systems of governance, urbanization, inten-
provide database systems for storage of scanning hits sification of agriculture, and lack of a disease preven-
(relevant information). Tangible outputs include in- tion and control capacity. Drivers of future risk of
formation about disease drivers and emerging global disease in China also included increased amounts of

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Preparedness for emerging infectious diseases 2047

animal waste, changing sexual lifestyles, changing pub- Risks and Surveillance (HAIRS) group in the UK
lic attitude to risk perception, loss of genetic diversity [25–27]. The GDD Operations Center is a centralized
in agriculture, and increased levels of wealth and edu- electronic reporting system. Data from horizon scanning
cation. Improved cross-disciplinary collaboration and is collected and aggregated with information from GDD
threat detection, identification and monitoring systems partners worldwide, and analysed to identify require-
were required to meet the challenges posed by these fu- ments to provide operational and financial support to
ture threats. Since this report was published, activities strengthen global public health surveillance and re-
for EID preparedness have included research to de- sponse capacity via the Global Outbreak Alert and
velop surveillance systems and improve the diagnosis Response Network (GOARN) and the WHO [28]. By
of infectious diseases, an example of which is the devel- contrast, the HAIRS group is an inter-departmental
opment of a bio-security chip that can identify 1132 and cross-disciplinary group of people that meet on a
different viruses. This biochip was used in the diag- monthly basis to assess the zoonotic and EID risk to
nosis of equine encephalosis virus in Israel, a virus pre- the UK population of hazards identified through
viously unreported north of Southern Africa [24]. horizon scanning by organizations such as the Depart-
In the context of detection and identification of ment for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
EIDs, horizon scanning is used to describe surveil- (Defra) and Public Health England. Using qualitative
lance activities that collect and assess a broad range algorithms to estimate risk, potential hazards are clas-
of data associated with adverse health events to com- sified according to the level of response required. This
pliment traditional disease surveillance for early warn- systematic process ensures that hazards are consistently
ing of EIDs [25–27]. Information collected for this assessed so that actions are justified and therefore de-
type of horizon scanning is not necessarily disease- fensible. Importantly, knowledge gaps are identified
specific, but still has broad geographical scope and and lack of evidence of risk is differentiated from
comes from a large range of sources; it can be used evidence of no risk. Recent reports from the HAIRS
in short-term activities such as improving time to dis- group include a qualitative assessment of the risk
ease outbreak detection and identification, as well as presented to human health by cats infected with
enhancing medium- to long-term strategy planning Mycobacterium bovis, and an assessment of the zoonotic
as an input to foresight programmes (Fig. 1). potential of Brucella species in marine mammals
Horizon scanning has been facilitated by advances (
in technology and the development of internet-based HPAweb_C/1317138638591).
disease outbreak reporting systems such as the Surveillance methods for the systematic collection
International Society for Infectious Diseases’ Program of information about specific diseases or syndromes –
for Monitoring Emerging Disease (ProMED-mail, for example, data from laboratory submissions, sur-, the Global Public Health veys and health records – are well established and de-
Intelligence Network (GPHIN, Centre for Emergency scribed in both human and animal health contexts
Preparedness and Response, Canada), HealthMap [29–31]. Surveillance data can be collected locally or
(, BioCaster (www.biocaster.nii. regionally – The European Surveillance System, EMPRES-i ( (TESSy;
ws3g/), and Aquatic Animal Health (www.aquatic.ani- veillance/TESSy/Pages/TESSy.aspx) is an example of Other sources of information for a regional system in which data from about 50 com-
horizon scanning include reports of disease outbreaks municable diseases is collected from multiple surveil-
from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the lance sources. This type of data is likely to have a
World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), peer- relatively high level of certainty and be applicable to
reviewed and grey literature, media reports and surveil- disease-specific control measures in the short-term,
lance reports (such as laboratory data). Formal horizon such as outbreak response and tactical planning
scanning programmes include the Global Disease (Fig. 1). In the context of EID detection it is recog-
Detection (GDD) Program (Centers for Disease nized that traditional surveillance based on collection
Control and Prevention; and analysis of disease or syndrome-specific data has
gdder/gdd/default.htm), the Threat Tracking Tool used limitations due to the logistics and funding required
by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and to systematically collect and report this type of data
Control ( and the risk analysis in a timely manner or over sufficient time periods to de-
framework used by the Human Animal Infections tect trends. This is even more difficult in countries

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2048 V. J. Brookes and others

constrained by limited public or animal health systems settings, and reporting time for events was reduced in
and transport infrastructure, or political and cultural some instances compared to existing traditional surveil-
constraints that limit reporting [32]. While some sys- lance systems. However, validity was difficult to assess
tems have been developed at very low cost and with and sustainability was potentially limited through tech-
wide coverage, routine analysis remains problematic nical, geographical, political and social barriers.
and a barrier to application for EID detection [33]. Recently, a mobile phone reporting system has been
There is also a spatial mismatch between surveillance developed in Indonesia, primarily as a means to assist
systems and the areas in which infectious diseases stakeholders involved in animal health in the field
emerge. Jones et al. [3] suggest that the risk of an (farmers, veterinarians, veterinary technicians), and
EID event is greater in South and East Asia, not as a tool to gain information for regional or
sub-Saharan Africa and South and Central America, national disease surveillance [40]. Initial reports indi-
for all pathogen types except zoonotic pathogens cate that this system is likely to be a comprehensive
from wildlife and drug-resistant pathogens (which are and sustained animal health information system
as likely to occur in Europe and some areas of North ( The ease of implementation
America) [11]. This is supported by a more recent of the system indicates that designing animal and
study that found that over 50% of WHO-confirmed human health information systems for the benefit of
infectious disease outbreaks between 1996 and 2009 those who submit data might be an effective way to de-
occurred in Africa [34]. However, a review of surveil- sign syndromic surveillance systems to provide early
lance systems for emerging zoonoses (212 peer- warning of adverse health events.
reviewed articles describing 221 emerging zoonoses’ The divisions between environmental scanning,
surveillance or monitoring systems) found that nearly horizon scanning and surveillance are not distinct –
70% of these systems were based in Europe and they are a spectrum of information collection methods
North America [35]. Although most EIDs are of an- across a spectrum of information types, and infor-
imal origin, more than 50% of systems evaluated data mation from one area inherently supplements and
solely from humans and 70% targeted known patho- influences collection of other types and sources of in-
gens. Moreover, despite the existence of guidelines formation. These methods have been developed in re-
for evaluation of surveillance systems [31, 36], only sponse to the need to rapidly respond to emerging
8% of the articles reported evaluation of the systems; infectious diseases as well as understand and antici-
this is a critical requirement to ensure accuracy of pate drivers of emergence to mitigate the impact of fu-
reports. ture EID events. The time to detection and public
Syndromic surveillance has been facilitated by communication of EID events has improved within
advances in technology, and can supplement traditional the last decade [34], but it is unknown whether this
surveillance data to reduce time to EID detection and is the result of improvements in scanning and surveil-
identification. These methods include ‘infoveillance’ – lance, or the requirements of the International Health
collection of data via web-based sources and crowd- Regulations that came into force in 2007 in which
sourcing – and mobile phone reporting (reviewed by member countries must immediately notify the
Walker [37]). Current infoveillance examples include WHO if an event might constitute a public health
Google Flu Trends which uses aggregated Google emergency of international concern [41]. Evaluation
search terms data as an indicator of influenza-like of scanning and surveillance systems is essential to de-
illness (, velop accuracy and assess benefit. A recent study sug-
which invites people to complete a weekly online survey gested that information from Google Flu Trends
for influenza surveillance (, could be unreliable as surveillance for influenza pan-
and Flu Detector which infers incidence of influenza- demics [42]. Although infoveillance is currently con-
like illness for England and Wales using Twitter feeds sidered supplementary to traditional surveillance,
( Examples of this study highlights the need to develop guidelines
mobile phone reporting systems include syndromic sur- and methods to evaluate electronic information col-
veillance for adverse health events in humans in Papua lecting and reporting systems as well as traditional
New Guinea, and veterinary syndromic surveillance in surveillance systems. In the face of an increasing rate
Sri Lanka [38, 39]. The authors reported similar advan- of emergence of infectious diseases and scarce
tages and limitations. Mobile phone-based surveillance resources for information collection and assessment,
appeared to be acceptable and feasible in low-resource it is likely that reliance on electronic reporting

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Preparedness for emerging infectious diseases 2049

systems – either formal or informal – will increase The main purpose of disease prioritization in the
across both scanning and surveillance. context of EIDs has been to direct surveillance.
Collection and assessment of information is just the These studies have prioritized either EIDs alone
first stage in preparation for EIDs. As threats emerge [45, 46], or together with zoonotic [47–49] or com-
or EID events unfold, prioritization is required to al- municable diseases in general [50–53]. More recently,
locate resources, and further investigation using risk prioritization has been used as a tool to direct
analysis and simulation modelling is needed to design resources for a broader range of activities to improve
the most appropriate prevention and control strate- EID preparedness, including assessment for immedi-
gies. The following sections discuss these tools and ate response and research (such as risk assessment
their links to EID preparedness. and disease spread modelling), as well as surveillance
[54–56]. Most prioritization studies have been under-
taken in North America, Europe and Australasia.
Until recently, disease prioritization used methods de-
Prioritization veloped on an ad hoc basis. However, driven by
Understanding the importance to those affected of the requirements for transparency and repeatability [57],
range of potential impacts of emerging threats and the methodology for prioritization has evolved to fol-
EIDs is essential to develop tactical and strategic low decision-science methodology using multi-criteria
plans appropriate to the social, cultural, economic decision analysis (MCDA).
and environmental context in which prevention and The steps for disease prioritization using MCDA
control activities take place. Resources (capital items are shown in Figure 3, and are briefly described as fol-
and consumables, and availability of the time and ex- lows. Once the purpose of the prioritization is estab-
pertise needed to deliver effective prevention and con- lished, the relevant stakeholders and decision-makers
trol) are also limited, and this is compounded by the are defined and diseases to be prioritized are selected.
increasing occurrence of EIDs that provide competing A group of criteria are chosen that describe the disease
interests for resource allocation. Therefore, following impacts on which the prioritization decision is based,
detection and identification of emerging threats and and objective measurements for each disease are col-
EIDs, prioritization is required to direct resources lected according to the criteria. Stakeholder or
for prevention and control, taking this complex back- decision-maker preferences are evaluated to weight
ground – against which the success of prevention and the criteria to reflect their importance to the stake-
control is judged – into consideration. Defining the holders. Separation of objective disease measurements
highest priority emerging threats and EIDs is prob- from the subjective criterion weights is a key point in
lematical. Diseases cause a variety of tangible and in- ensuring transparency of the prioritization process,
tangible economic, social and environmental impacts because it removes bias due to decision-makers’ opin-
and it is recognized that the perception of the import- ions and level of knowledge about named diseases. It
ance of these impacts varies between stakeholders [43]. is important that preferences are evaluated using
For example, it has been suggested that the general mechanisms that force stakeholders to make trade-offs
public’s perception of EIDs is disproportionately between criteria presented within the scale and context
large compared to their actual impact, and that the of the prioritization. This ensures that criterion
opportunity cost associated with focusing on EIDs weights validly reflect opinion about the importance
exceeds the benefit achieved in their control [44]. of disease impacts; Keeney [58] and Steel et al. [59]
Focusing on tangible economic impacts and neglect- provide further information regarding this, and
ing the many intangible social impacts of disease Dodgson et al. [60] describe different methods for
might explain this mismatch between priorities and evaluating stakeholder preferences. Aggregation of
impacts. Therefore, prioritization of EIDs and disease measurements with criterion weights produces
human, animal and environmental health threats an overall score for each disease, and diseases can be
must account for both the scale of disease impacts ranked according to median or mean score.
as well as the importance of those impacts to decision- Prioritization is an iterative process; as new infor-
makers. Further, the prioritization method must be mation becomes available (regarding either new
rapid, transparent and give consistent and repeatable threats, or changes in stakeholders values), or the
results, so that resource allocation is timely and understanding of impacts is refined through simu-
justified. lation modelling, prioritization should be repeated to

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2050 V. J. Brookes and others

Fig. 3. Flowchart of steps for disease prioritization using multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA). Modified from
Brookes et al. [56].

ensure that resources are justifiably allocated. MCDA implement, making these methods more suitable for
used in disease prioritization has developed two dis- use with small groups of experts. Del Rio Vilas
tinct methods to evaluate stakeholder preferences; tra- et al. also noted that limitations of e-THiR included
ditional MCDA in which criteria are weighted potential lack of comprehensiveness of criteria
directly, and MCDA in which criteria are weighted (a trade-off for simplicity, to increase acceptability
indirectly. of the tool within the organization), subjectivity of cri-
An example of prioritization using traditional terion measurements due to scarce or poor quality
MCDA is the decision-support tool known as data, and over-estimation of priority due to biased
e-THiR, developed for Defra’s Veterinary Risk reporting of some threats. However, these limitations
Group in the UK [55]. This tool prioritizes emerging are not specific to this tool; balancing the complexity
animal health threats identified by horizon scanning required to achieve useful information outputs against
or surveillance, and uses criteria that reflect public the simplicity needed to ensure that the process does
opinion, potential impacts of the threat, and capa- not become intractable, as well as dealing with in-
bility for response as part of a decision support frame- sufficient or uncertain data and biases in data avail-
work for the management of emerging and existing ability, are challenges common all forms of disease
animal health threats. Del Rio Vilas et al. [55] describe evaluation.
the use of this tool with real case examples. The ben- Disease prioritization using indirect weighting fol-
efits of e-THiR – and MCDA in general – include the lows the same steps as traditional MCDA (Fig. 3).
ability to systematically and consistently evaluate However, instead of asking stakeholders to directly
threats weighted according to the values of decision- evaluate criteria, stakeholders are asked to evaluate
makers. Therefore, the process provides auditable out- realistic disease scenarios. Mathematical techniques
put that can be used as a decision aid to justifiably are then used to infer weights for the criteria; techni-
direct tactical and strategic planning. A particular ad- ques for this include probabilistic inversion and con-
vantage of e-THiR − and other traditional MCDA joint analysis, both recently used in prioritization of
methods for disease prioritization − is that threats EIDs in Canada, The Netherlands and Australia
can be rapidly assessed, both at initial implementation [46–48, 56]. Although these techniques are complex
and during on-going use of the tool. A general limi- and slower to implement than traditional MCDA,
tation of traditional MCDA is that evaluation of the disease prioritization using indirect weighting
opinion of large groups of stakeholders is difficult to allows web-based survey administration in which

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Preparedness for emerging infectious diseases 2051

non-technical terminology can be used to describe sce- usually require a substantial amount of high-quality
narios. This makes the prioritization process access- data. Often these essential data are lacking, in which
ible to a wider range of stakeholders, including case justified assumptions are needed. Threats and
people who are not disease experts − such as the gen- EIDs (‘What can go wrong?’) need to be initially iden-
eral public and farmers [47, 61]. Once implemented, tified as part of the risk analysis process and depend-
prioritization of newly detected threats and EIDs is ing on the aim of the risk analysis, identification of
as rapid in MCDA frameworks that use indirect these threats and EIDs will follow different methodol-
weighting as those that use direct weighting methods ogies. The decision-maker will generally have a well-
such as e-THiR. defined objective which will drive identification of
The greatest value in using MCDA for disease these threats and EIDs [69].
prioritization comes from its ability to quantify the One of the main applications of risk analysis in an-
importance of disease impacts. In particular, ‘public imal health is the assessment of the potential risks
perception’ – the value that the public places on dis- linked with the international trade of animals or animal
ease impacts – is recognized as an important products. Since the creation of the World Trade
driver of policy in animal and public health [62]. Organization (WTO) in 1995, trade in live animals
However, what constitutes ‘public perception’ is and food of animal origin between different countries
poorly understood and has previously been considered has substantially increased, which delivers benefits to
intangible [63]. MCDA, especially using indirect both importing and exporting countries. The agreement
weighting of criteria, enables quantification of public on the application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary mea-
perception. sures (SPS agreement), which came into force with the
Although this section has discussed the use of creation of the WTO, sets out the legal framework for
MCDA solely for disease prioritization, methods all international trade to protect human, animal and
from decision science (such as MCDA) are used exten- plant life or health, while guaranteeing that these mea-
sively as decision aids in other fields including en- sures are not more restrictive than those applied at a
vironmental science and homeland security [64, 65], national level. The agreement establishes that measures
and also have current limited use to direct resource al- applied must be based on international standards and
location in health settings [66, 67]. These diverse appli- recommendations; however, when these do not exist,
cations of decision-science demonstrate that there is a science-based risk assessment must be conducted to
potential further extension of these methods to en- set the trade measures. Risk analysis has since facili-
hance the development of tactical and strategic plans tated international trade, as well as protected human
for emerging risks and EIDs that are acceptable ac- and animal health in the importing countries, through
cording to current social, cultural, economic and en- the assessment of the risk posed by potential hazards
vironmental values. associated with a specific commodity and the measures
that could be applied to reduce this risk to an acceptable
level [70]. The World Organization for Animal Health
Risk assessment (OIE) sets the standards for risk analysis in relation to
Risk analysis methods in animal and public health animal health [71]. Import risk analyses, which are con-
have been used in the last decades to investigate how ducted by government agencies, are an important tool
likely an undesirable event would be, the broad scale for biosecurity protection. The initial phase of an im-
potential consequences of the occurrence of this port risk analysis is the hazard identification process,
event and the mitigation strategies to reduce the oc- during which the pathogenic agents that could be pres-
currence of this event. These methods provide objec- ent in the imported commodity and are exotic to the
tive, transparent and repeatable assessments. As importing country are identified for further in-
MacDiarmid & Pharo [68] described, risk analysis vestigation during the subsequent risk assessment.
methods are used to help decision-makers answer Some examples of recent import risk analyses conduc-
the questions: ‘What can go wrong?’, ‘How likely is ted by the Australian Government Department of
to go wrong?’, ‘What would be the consequences of it Agriculture – Biosecurity Risk Analysis are the import
going wrong?’, and ‘What can be done to reduce the risk analyses (IRAs) for freshwater ornamental finfish
likelihood or the consequences of it going wrong?’. (with respect to gourami iridovirus and related viruses)
However, accurate assessments of the potential risk and for prawns and prawn products. These IRAs are
associated with specific health events or diseases conducted to classify potential quarantine risks and

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2052 V. J. Brookes and others

develop policies to manage them ( Another recent example using a risk analysis frame-
au/ba/ira/final-animal). work for investigating the emergence of EIDs is the
Although increased international trade has proven one developed by Ward & Hernández-Jover [80].
to benefit the economy of trading partners, a conse- This framework was used to understand the emerg-
quence of this increased trade is that the potential ence of rabies in the eastern islands of Indonesia, so
risk of spread of pathogens affecting animals and that scarce resources can be targeted to surveillance
humans between countries has expanded. According activities and the sensitivity of surveillance systems
to Brown [72], in the last two decades at least one increased. By integrating information on the historical
new emerging disease has been identified every year. spread of rabies, anthropological studies, and the opi-
An example was the introduction and establishment nions of local animal health experts, eight critical
of WNV into the United States in 1999 and sub- parameters defining the potential disease spread path-
sequent spread across North America, Central and ways were identified. Focusing on these key compo-
South America and the Caribbean, causing severe nents can allow the identification of areas (islands)
neurological disease and many fatalities in humans, most at-risk of an emerging rabies event, a form of
horses and birds [73]. A WNV-infected mosquito in spatial risk mapping.
an intercontinental plane landing at New York air- Risk assessment supports EID preparedness by pro-
port was considered to be the most likely entry viding tools to accurately assess the potential likeli-
route into the United States [74, 75]. Risk assessment hood of introduction and the spread of previously
can also be used to understand why infectious dis- identified EIDs, resource allocation and identification
eases emerge. For example, since the introduction of of mitigation strategies.
WNV into the Western Hemisphere, risk assessments
have been used to investigate the potential introduc-
tion of WNV in several countries, such as the Disease simulation modelling
Galapagos [76], Hawaii [77], Barbados [78] and Disease simulation models aim to represent reality in
Australia [15]. The main aim of these assessments a simplified form so that the behaviour of a disease
was to predict the likely introduction of the virus system can be better understood. Although based on
through different pathways, thus providing some mathematical models, disease simulation models
guidance for directing resources for the prevention tend to focus more on estimating the impact of a dis-
of this introduction. Hernández-Jover et al. [15] also ease on a population and therefore have a natural ap-
investigated the potential spatio-temporal spread of plication when combined with risk assessments to
WNV to susceptible species and the impact of the define infectious disease impact at a finer and more
resulting outbreak on human and animal health. dynamic scale [81]. Such models – if developed cor-
This study developed a generic framework that rectly and appropriately validated – can then be used
could be applied to assess the potential introduction to guide policy development and decision-making
of other mosquito-borne diseases via international with a view to reducing the impact of a disease
aircraft movements. event, such as the spread of an emerging infectious
Risk analysis methods are also being applied to in- disease [often in veterinary medicine, exotic and trans-
vestigate situations involving wildlife disease. The boundary diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease
International Union for Conservation of Nature and (FMD), highly pathogenic avian influenza and classi-
the OIE have recently published specific guidelines cal swine fever (CSF)]. Key requirements for develop-
for wildlife disease risk analysis (DRA) [79]. These ing such simulation models are a description of the
guidelines aim to provide decision-makers (such as population at-risk – the structure of herds and flocks,
wildlife managers, government and industry represen- their geographical distribution and how they come
tatives) with the information on how to incorporate into contact through networks and spatially – and
the wildlife DRA process into their day-to-day activi- the factors that influence disease transmission events.
ties, supporting the identification of risk mitigation In livestock systems, complex models have been devel-
strategies. Overall, the DRA process provides a frame- oped for FMD [82] and CSF [83]. Impact is often
work to investigate how to reduce the potential disease measured as number of herds infected, animals culled,
risks associated with wildlife affecting species conser- vaccine used, and time to control an outbreak.
vation, animal and human health, agriculture and Epidemiological simulation models have been linked
ecosystems. with economic models to measure the impact of

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Preparedness for emerging infectious diseases 2053

disease outbreaks and associated control efforts, in- of people who perceive the risk or impact on them to
cluding vaccination and traceability systems [81]. be low or negligible. By contrast, in the event of an
Such models have also have also incorporated ca- EID measures can quickly be criticized as inadequate,
pacity and resource constraints to allow realistic particularly by those who are directly affected. For
evaluation of control strategies [81, 82]. An advantage example, the UK government was widely criticized
of simulation models when used to explore EIDs is the for its handling of both the bovine spongiform en-
inclusion of a broad range of drivers of disease spread. cephalopathy (BSE) epidemic in the 1980s and
These can include population immunity, population 1990s, and the 2001 FMD outbreak. Responses to
turnover, environmental, economic and behavioural both were considered inadequate and subsequent
drivers. The effect of modifying one or more of inquiries found that the lack of a systematic, science-
these drivers on disease emergence can be investigated. based mechanism for assessing and effectively manag-
Traditionally, disease spread models have been de- ing risk resulted in insufficient mitigation measures for
veloped for emerging (transboundary and epidemic) BSE, and inadequate preparation due to prioritization
diseases that have a priori (even if qualitatively) been of resources to mitigate the impacts of BSE was a fac-
determined to have high impact. In these situations, tor in the under-resourced response to FMD [84, 85].
the focus is on determining the most effective (gener- There can also be unexpected events following the de-
ally cost-effectiveness) approach to minimising im- tection of emerging risks that complicate effective con-
pact. Thus, within a framework for emerging trol. Panic due to the perceived risk of a suspected
infectious diseases, disease spread modelling is gener- pneumonic plague outbreak in India in 1994 caused
ally seen as the ‘final’ step in a linear process. mass migration of people, potentially spreading the
However, disease modelling – if approached as a gen- disease and hampering control efforts [86]. More-
eric tool – can be used to investigate which scenarios over, mitigation strategies can be found simplistic
might have the greatest impact. For example, scenar- and inadequate once instigated. For example, complex
ios in which an EID affects only one animal species social and cultural constraints are major barriers to
with high morbidity/mortality versus another scenario control of the current outbreak of Ebola virus disease
in which a similar disease affects many species but in West Africa requiring increased collaboration
with lower morbidity/mortality could be explored between anthropologists, politicians and health
with respect to impact and thus guide the process of professionals and their organizations [87, 88].
scanning, prioritization and risk assessment. If certain Mechanisms must be in place to rapidly update tacti-
scenarios are predicted to have substantially larger cal plans in the event of unexpected challenges. In ad-
impacts, then these should be the focus of future dition to achieving an appropriate level of prevention
scanning/prioritization/risk assessment efforts. Fur- and control and meeting unexpected challenges, tacti-
thermore, there has been little focus on modelling cal and strategic plans must be continuously updated
the presence of several pathogens within a population as the global risk landscape changes and new infor-
on the emergence of one of these as a disease event. mation arises.
Integrating disease modelling tools with other compo- The examples above illustrate some of the difficul-
nents of emerging infectious disease surveillance and ties encountered when implementing prevention and
response is a critical need in order to effectively man- control measures for emerging threats and EIDs. As
age these risks. already discussed, prioritization, risk assessment and
disease modelling can be used individually to assist
tactical and strategic planning following information
Discussion collection and assessment. However, when used
Developing appropriate tactical and strategic plans together, these tools can provide a comprehensive
for the prevention and control of emerging threats understanding of emerging threats and EIDs, not
and EIDs requires balancing control and prevention only about their potential impact and risk, but also
measures with the potential and actual risks of an the importance of the emerging threat or EID accord-
EID against a complex social, cultural and economic ing to current values of decision-makers and relative
background in a global environment. This balance to the myriad health concerns that compete for limited
can be difficult to achieve. For example, in the absence resources. Figure 4 illustrates how prioritization, risk
of an EID outbreak, mitigation measures can be criti- assessment and simulation modelling naturally inte-
cized as too stringent if they limit trade and the travel grate based on the flow of information from

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2054 V. J. Brookes and others

Fig. 4. Framework for the integration of surveillance, horizon and environmental scanning, prioritization, risk assessment
and disease modelling, to facilitate preparedness and response to emerging infectious disease events.

surveillance and scanning, and the cycle of infor- of resources or changes to policy, and further research
mation as it is refined by these tools into knowledge such as risk assessment and disease modelling can be
useful for tactical and strategic planning. instigated. Knowledge gained from this process is
Prioritization assesses information from surveillance used to update D2R2 (Disease briefing, Decision sup-
and scanning according to the values of decision- port, Ranking and Risk assessment database), which
makers, and research of high-priority emerging threats is used as a resource to refine the prioritization process
and EIDs using risk assessment and disease modelling (Rupert Hine, personal communication). In this
refine knowledge and provide more detailed under- framework, systematic assessment of information
standing of the impacts and their probability of occur- characterizes emerging threats and EIDs in the con-
rence. This knowledge in turn refines prioritization, text of existing health concerns according to the values
and as new information continues to arise, it can be of decision-makers who represent stakeholders. This
assessed in the context of a more thorough under- enables response and contingency planning to be well-
standing of existing health concerns. At each stage, in- directed, and as new information arises (from research
formation is systematically processed to deliver as well as scanning and surveillance) plans can be rap-
knowledge relevant to tactical and strategic planning. idly updated. The framework is science-based and
An example of a framework in current use is the Risk transparent; therefore, activities can be justified and
Management Cycle used by Defra [55]. Following the are defensible.
BSE and FMD crises in the UK, it was recognized Collaboration is essential to both collect and make
that a systematic process to identify and prioritize maximum use of information gained from scanning
emerging threats and EIDs was essential to underpin and surveillance. At the level of surveillance, a ‘One
EID preparedness through improved surveillance Health’ approach is the minimum requirement [90],
and contingency planning [89]. In the resulting frame- but as the scope of information collection widens
work developed to achieve these aims, information through horizon scanning and environmental scan-
from horizon scanning and surveillance is used to ning, increased cross-disciplinary collaboration is
identify emerging threats and EIDs. Depending on required that might include economists, social and en-
priority (assessed using the prioritization tool vironmental scientists, decision analysts, and experts
e-THiR [55]) and the current state of knowledge, in information technology, politics and logistics.
recommendations can be made regarding allocation Collection of information must also be global, both

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Preparedness for emerging infectious diseases 2055

geographically and in disciplinary scope, covering will emerge and we now know that some of these will
everything that affects the interactions between host be highly pathogenic (HPAI) in poultry, and some will
species, their pathogens and their environment. have low pathogenicity (LPAI). Both H7N9 and
However, geographical, cultural and political barriers H5N6 influenza viruses have recently emerged from
can all limit global collaboration and effective infor- poultry production systems [92, 93] that earlier led
mation gathering. Drawing on a greater diversity of to the emergence of H5N1. Based on recent history,
data sources and types is one way to improve infor- we also now know that some of these influenza viruses
mation collection and lead to a greater likelihood will cause fatal disease in humans and might be spread
that EIDs are identified and correctly assessed. It is globally via human-to-human transmission. Rather
also likely the current trend in increasingly scarce than detecting new cases of disease in humans quickly
resources for traditional surveillance will continue, (humans as a sentinel), within a framework for EID
placing greater dependence on novel data sources preparedness and response we should also be allocat-
and ways of collecting information. One new such ing resources to prevention – that is, to address some
data source that has been proposed is crowdsourcing of the drivers – as distinct from also allocating much-
[91]. Basing EID preparedness and response on a needed resources to public health and veterinary ser-
single data source is likely to result in EIDs being un- vices for disease surveillance and response activities.
detected or taking longer to be detected. Greater Knowing that the milieu that supports virus evolution
diversity in collection techniques and different foci and spread still exists will not prevent new viruses
will lead to greater diversity in information. This is from emerging – it requires action. However, taking
more a policy and political than technical issue. As preventive action within such animal production sys-
a consequence, programmes tend to focus on what tems still presents many challenges that cover the
emerges – not preventing what might emerge. broad spectrum of economic, social, technological
Currently, preparedness focuses on horizon scan- and behavioural drivers.
ning and surveillance for rapid detection and identifi- Integration of the tools described in this review
cation of EIDs, and control measures focus on aims to ensure that both the drivers of EIDs and
mitigating the impact of EIDs after they have emerged. EID events are recognised and reported in a timely
Anticipation of specific EIDs is not possible; the nature manner, resources are prioritised effectively, and that
of information from environmental scanning is non- maximum information is gained from risk assessment
specific and highly uncertain, and relates to the risk and simulation modelling to direct comprehensive tac-
factors that drive EID events which are not sufficiently tical and strategic plans. We propose that an inte-
understood to permit prediction. However, in terms of grated approach to EID preparedness through the
surveillance, there is value in focusing on areas under- coordinated application of available tools should pro-
going rapid change in either animal populations, pro- vide a greater overall benefit than individual tools ap-
duction systems or marketing systems, as well as plied in an ad hoc manner. Ultimately, the foundation
areas undergoing rapid socio-ecological change – for of EID prevention lies in anticipating, recognising and
example, land use change in combination with other taking action to alter the course of the drivers of
factors. Human population shifts – either due to civil EIDs. Addressing these drivers is a global challenge
conflict or economic drivers rapidly attracting or dis- required to achieve sustainable human development,
persing human populations – also are likely to be im- and health security is only one part of this. Until
portant to target in surveillance systems. Therefore, these drivers are addressed, the focus is preparedness
at a minimum, the use of information from environ- for EID events; horizon scanning and surveillance
mental scanning through foresight programmes can are the foundation for this, without which tactical
develop capabilities for early detection in the most and strategic plans fail. Although there is rapid devel-
likely areas. In this way, preparation for EIDs can be opment of electronic reporting methods and novel
diversified across both anticipatory activities − such methods for information collection and collation, re-
as where to focus research and surveillance − and pre- ducing traditional surveillance should be questioned
vention and control of known EIDs. unless the validity of these methods can be assessed.
An example is the case of preparation for pandemic Paradoxically, anthropogenic drivers of EIDs – for
influenza A; the emergence of pandemic strains of example, advances in technology and communication
influenza virus has received much attention during that have facilitated increased trade and travel – have
the past decade. We know that more influenza viruses allowed development of these information collection

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