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Amazon Online Application - Reference Guide

Always refer to this guide in case you encounter any issues


Before you take the assessment, we need to gather some basic information first which will only be used for data entry to
the system if you pass and complete all the hiring process.
 Please observe proper capitalization in all of the Proper Nouns. (Example: Juan Dela Cruz)
 Password should contain 8 characters with at least 1 number and one of the special characters (!#$%-=+_<>)
 When you are asked to upload a document, skip it by clicking “Continue without Document”
 In ‘Address 1’, you are limited to 30 characters only. Just put the street address there
If you live in a subdivision, condo, townhouse and ETC. put them on ‘Address 2’ instead
No need to enter the City/Town, Province and Postal Code as you will have another option to enter them
 It’s okay to leave the alternate phone number blank
 In the national ID, look for ‘Philippines SSS’ in the drop down
Then enter your Social Security Number WITHOUT dashes. (Example: 3412345678)
If you do not have a Social Security Number yet, it’s okay to just enter ‘0000000000’
 When entering your birthdate, you can’t just simply enter the date. It has to be selected from the calendar.
If you need to go back a few months or years back, click the Month and or Year on the Calendar.
 In the question ‘How did you hear about this Job?’, select ‘Referral’ in the first dropdown.
‘Current Employee Referral’ on the second dropdown. Then enter the complete name on the blank field below.

General Questions

After completing your Online Registration, you will undergo our basic screening questions which will help us identify
whether your profile fit to what we are looking for in a candidate. These are auto-fail questions which is answerable by
YES or NO. Example: Are you medically fit and willing to get a pre-employment medical check?

Tell Us About Yourself

Some of the questions here are also auto-fail. Read the questions carefully before answering.


You will also be asked for some information about your educational background
 You need to enter your highest educational attainment earned from the dropdown
 List down all the schools you attended starting from your Secondary High
 Click ‘Add Row’ if you have multiple entries
 Don’t forget to always select the date from the calendar instead of just entering the date
If you need to go back a few months or years back, click the Month and or Year on the Calendar
 You have the option to delete an entry in case it is wrong by clicking ‘Remove’

It will ask you of your gender where you can either answer or skip without answering
Amazon is an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action Employer – Minority / Female / Disability / Veteran / Gender Identity / Sexual Orientation.


After completing all this data gathering, you will finally start our three-part assessment which is composed of:
Versant Writing Test - Screener
 Sentence Completion – Fill in the blank questions where you will answer under time pressure. You only have 25
secs but it doesn’t mean that answering it faster than that is better. You can maximize all the time given
 Passage Reconstruction – You will read a sentence then will be given time to put them in your own words
 E-mail writing – You will be given a scenario and create an email based on the scenario
Cultural Assessment
You will answer questions that will let us gauge your character which is important for us to see if you are aligned with
the different sets of principles and culture that we live up here in Amazon
Virtual Job Try-Out
This is the most important part of the assessment. It will gauge how well you complete multiple tasks at once as well as
gauge your level of navigation skills. It is a simulated call scenario where you will assist an automated customer.
 You can replay the scenario if you are not confident with what you heard and or of your answer
(Example: The customer gave her address and you are not sure with the Zip Code. Press the button
 You have an internal knowledge base within the test. You can use this to search for the issue of the customer
 There is no time limit on this test – You are scored based on the accuracy of your answer and how well you
navigate the system but not how fast you completed the test
NOTE: If you are routed to Section 7: Review & Submit without completing all the 3 tests, it means you already did not
get enough score from the last test to move forward to the next test.

When ready, you will have the option to click ‘Take Assessment’ as seen below:

Review & Submit

After completing the Virtual Job Try-out, you will be asked to review everything. You will also have the option to edit
them. If you are sure with all the information provided, you will enter your complete name then click submit as your
E-signature. It will load the result and you know that you are done and complete if you see the message below.

This is the only indication that you are done. If you see a different message, it only means you’re maybe done with one
particular test and you need to continue until you get here.

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