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In The Name of Allah,

The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful"

What is Research ?

What is research ?
• In common discourses , it is regarded that
research is needed for knowledge or systematic
efforts are needed to gain new knowledge.
• Postlethwaite (2005) argues that ‘Research is the
orderly investigation of a subject matter for the
purpose of adding to knowledge. Research can
mean ‘re-search’ implying that the subject matter
is already known but, for one reason or another,
needs to be studied again’ (p.1).
Is Research Indispensible to our Life ?
Is research indispensible ?
Research is the scholarly pursuit of new
knowledge, discovery, or creative activity in an
area with the goal of advancing that area's
frontiers or boundaries.
• With this definition, "research" is an integral
component of all disciplines including the arts
& humanities, business, education, as well as
medicine, sciences, mathematics, engineering,
Is research indispensible ?
• For instance, professionals have to rely on
• As healthcare professionals cannot afford to
take risks, research is needed.
• An engineer cannot afford to take risk,
research is needed.
Why do people conduct research ?
Man is explorer by nature
Our passion to explore matures with
our physical and mental growth
We conduct research because we have natural intellectual ambition to discover

• Because of intellectual ambition or immense

excitement for discovery
Why do we need Research ?
• We need research to stand informed.
• To make informed decision in business,
education , medicine, agriculture and other
fields. The purpose of research is to inform
Research is a Way of Life
‘Research is a way of life dedicated to discovery’ (as
cited in Rozakis 2007,p.3). It is a life-long passion .
Research is Communication
• Research is a form of communication ,
systematic communication, having its own
principles and style. Communication is sharing
meanings. Clarity and intelligibility are the
requirements of this communication.
Journals are platforms for Research
Conferences are Platforms for Research
Research can be Fun
Research can be Fun
• If you choose a subject that you genuinely like,
it can be fun. Research can be fun if you love
discovery . Interest can be discovered later as
well. Research into any subject leads to
• Cohen, L., & Manion,L.(1986). Research methods in
Education. Beckenham: Croom Helm Ltd.
• Kothari, C. R. (2005). Research methodology: Methods &
techniques. New Delhi: New Age International (P) Ltd.
• Nunan, D. ( 1992). Research Methods in Language Learning.
Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
• Postlethwaite. T. Neville (2005). Educational research:
some basic concepts and terminology. France: UNESCO
International Institute for Educational Planning
• ROZAKIS, L. (2007). Schaum's quick guide to writing great
research papers. New York, McGraw-Hill.
• Salkind, N. J. (2010). Encyclopedia of research design.
Thousand Oaks, Calif: SAGE Publications.
Thank you

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