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Verb patterns: love, like, hate and want

Ican use the correct verb forms after love, like, hate, and want or would like to talk
about preferences and desires.

Verb + -ing form

When we use two verbs together, the
second verb is sometimes in the -ing form -Jl
IL o
and sometimes in the to + base form.
Verb 1
He likes
He wants
Verb 2
riding his bike.
to ride his bike.

We make the -ing form like this:

I IWant to ride my bike nowl J
Most verbs Verbs ending in -e (ride, dance) Verbs ending vowel + consonant (get, swim)
+ -ing remove -e, + -ing double the final consonant, + -ing
read —ÿ reading ride —ÿ riding get —ÿ getting
wait —> waiting lose —> losing swim —> swimming

We often use the -ing form after the verbs love, like and hate. V I
love playing computer games.
Love, like, don't like and hate express our general preferences. / like reading in bed.
We often use love, like, don't like and hate + -ing to talk about X Idon't like being late for things.
our feelings for hobbies and everyday activities. XX I
hate tidying my bedroom.

*1 Write the -ing forms.


7 win
8 run
S3 O 6.1 Complete the 'You' column with V, /,
X and XX. Then listen to Amy and Fred, and
complete the table.
2 sit _ 9 get
V = love X = don't like
/ = like XX = hate
3 have 10 tidy
4 chat _ 11 find You Amy Fred
5 go _ 12 lose
6 do _ 13 clean paint / XX
Í2 Complete the text with the -ing form of the
verb in brackets. Í computer
My sister Daisy and Iare very different! She likes
doino (do) sports, but Ilike 1 _ (make)
things. Ilike 2_ (draw), 3_ (paint) basketball
and4 _
_ (cook). Ilike 5_ _ (write)
stories too. Daisy hates 6_ _ (be) inside
the house. She loves 7 _ (swim) in summer games
and 8_ (ski) in winter.
Unit 6 29
£4 Write the correct verb in the -ing form S6 -A How do you, your family and friends
next to each noun. Work in pairs. Tell * / feel about the activities below? Write
your partner what you like and don't sentences.
like doing.
do do go draw get up listen to swim
read speak
chat online listen
play play read swim take watch write letters/emails/text messages
ÿ listening to_ music
1 _ in the sea
run jump swim ski play golf
2 _ early
3 jigsaw puzzles House work
4 crossword puzzles cook clean tidy shop for food
5 pictures
6 magazines
paint draw sing act play watch
7 films
8 to thesupermarket
9 photos
10 board games Ilike chatting on the phone. [Ay
mum lik es Writino letters. I¿on t like
11 football
Writing letters. Ilike Writing emails.
f Ilike Watch ing fit mS. Ihate ...
Idon't like ¿oing crossword puzzles. *ÿ7
Work in pairs. Take turns to make
*/ sentences about the people. The name
J 5 Write the sentences.
They / love / take / photos
and a word in the activity start with
the same letter. How many lines of
They love taking photos. three can you get?
1 I/ like /chat /online
Carla hates making cakes.
2 She /like /run
George Aoesn't like going shopping.
3 I/not like /be /late /for school
Leo loves' listening to music.
4 Tom / love / write / stories
We've got a line of three!
5 I/hate /dance

Alison Betty Carla XX Dave Edward

6 He /not like /go /to the dentist V
/ / V
Emma S Frank George Jill Jenny
7 Sally and I/love /act y X X XX
8 They / not like / sing Isabella Katy Leo Libby Molly
/ y V XX /
9 I/ like / be / outdoors Mike Oscar Polly Pat Robert
X / X V XX
10 She/ hate /do /sport Sally Tanya William Tony Yasmin
30 Verb patterns: love, like, hate and want
Verb + to + base form
We use want + to + base form to talk
about a specific wish, desire, goal or IWant to eat but I¿on't Wantto
cook and Idon't Want to go out
ambition for the future. We don't use it V.
to talk about our general preferences and
He wants to be a doctor.
I don't want to go home.
We can also use would like + to + base form
Do you Wantto order
to talk about our hopes and desires. We
often use it when we think about the future.
a takeaway pizza?
I'dlike to live in the mountains.
Where would you like to go?

*8 ©6.2 Listen and tick / the correct answer. O 6.4 Complete the conversations with
the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
ÿ Sam _ to go to the supermarket.
a 0 doesn't want b [_] wants
_ this evening.
Then listen and check. Act the
conversations with a partner. O
1 Jenny wants ÿ O I'dlike to go (go) to the beach.
a Q to go out b 7H t0 st°y a* home O Me too but Idon't want to go (go) in the
2 The woman _ to sit down. sea.
a [J doesn't want b ÿ wants 1 Do you want _ (stop) for lunch?

3 Charlie would like to be __Q No, I'm OK, thanks. But I'd like _
(have) a cold drink.
a O a teacher b an astronaut
2 £Z) Idon't want _ (go) to school
4 Ben _ like to work in a hospital. tomorrow.
a n would b ÿ wouldn't O Nor me. Idon't want _ (do) that
5 Alex doesn't want __ exam.
a ÿ to be rich b to be famous 3 CO _ (have) lots of money!
6 Sue _ speak to the teacher. O Me too! I'd like (be) rich and
a \~\ wants to b doesn't want to
What do you want to do? Write
59 ©o 6.3 Listen to these sentences. Answer the
sentences with (don't) want and
question about pronunciation. Listen again
and repeat the sentences.
Idon't Want to go to bed.
O would(n't) like. Then talk about
your sentences in small groups.
invent something travel around the world
IWant to Watch a fil m.
Idon't Want to sit ¿oWn. be famous go to university go to the moon
Do you Wantto go out? live in another country
IWouldn't like to live here.
VJou\d you like to be a doctor? IWantto go to university.
How do we pronounce to in the sentences above?
a /t u :/ IWouldn't like to go to the moon.
b /to/

Unit 6 31
12 «h «| ÿ O 6.5 Read and listen. Match the pictures to words in the song. Listen again and repeat.
He loves jumping.
He loves climbing.
He doesn't like lying around.
He'd like to be a pilot
or a high skydiver.
He doesn't want to stay on the ground.

She likes thinking.

She likes doing puzzles.
She doesn't like running about.
She'd like to be a scientist or maybe a spy.
She wants to help and sort things out.

They both love winning.

They both hate losing.
They don't like getting things wrong.
They want to win a trophy,
a gold medal or a cup.
And they don't want to wait
very long!

Work in pairs. Underline all the 514 Read the notice. Write a text for the
activities and situations in the song. * competition.
Circle all the jobs and ambitions.Talk
with a partner. Do you feel the same or Competition: 'My goals in life'
different to the people in the song?
What are your goals?
/")e ¿oesn't like lying aroond What would you like to do? Why?
bc/tl like lying around! Write and tell us about:
Your study goals
fAe too. Would you \ Your job goals
like to be a pilot? J Other goals
Big prizes for the winners!
No. Ar¿ IVJou\¿r\'t
like to be a fkydiver.
fAy qoa\$
I'd love to be a vet. Ilike animals and
Ilove helping people. IWontto ...

32 Verb patterns: love, like, hate and want

*1 5 Complete the emails with the -ing or to + base form of the verb in brackets.

Hi Kim Dear Kim
It's a beautiful day today. I really want to cook Would you like 6 _ (go) on holiday with me
(cook) a nice meal this evening. What would you like this year? I like 7 _ (travel) to different cities
1_ (eat)? and I love 8 _ (visit) museums. How about you?
Dad What do you like _ (do) on holiday? And
where would you like _ (go)?


Hi Kim Dear Kim
Do you like 2. _ (watch) films? I want I have two tickets for a piano concert on Saturday
(see) a film this evening but I hate evening. Would you like 11 _ (come) with
(go) to the cinema alone. Do you want me? I love 12_ (listen) to piano music.
(come) with me? Do you?
Mandy Jenny

*16 f You are Kim. Reply to the emails in 1

* exercise 15. Self-evaluation Rate your progress.
Dear Dad 2
Thank you. I'd like to eat fish and salad tonight. I love
sitting in the garden and ... 4
Work in pairs. What do you like doing? 7
What do you want or what would you 8
like to do now? 9
sleep play football eat pizza be outside 10
talk to my brother be at home 11
Ilike eating pizza bet I¿ont 13
Want to eat pizza now!

c I'd like to be out$i¿e now. 15


Unit 6 33

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