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Reading is very fundamental in the process of learning and intellectual growth. The
quality of one's life can be seen from how one can maximize its potential. One of the efforts
to be able to maximize one's potential is, among others, by reading. By reading, we can
increase knowledge, analyze a problem to make decisions correctly and well. The indicator of
low interest in reading can be calculated from the number of books published which are still
far away. Under the publication of books in Malaysia, Singapore, especially India, or other
developed countries.
The analysis of the lackluster reading interest, Indonesians are particularly
uninterested in reading compared to people in other countries, including those in Asia. Data
from the IEA Study (International Association for the Evaluation of Education Achievers) in
East Asia support Yardi's (2008) claim that the reading interest of the Indonesian people is
still very low. The Indonesian state has the lowest level of reading for children with a score of
51.7, below the Philippines with a score of 52.6, Thailand with a score of 65.1, Singapore
with a score of 74.0, and Hong Kong with a score of 75.5. Additionally, just 30% of
Indonesian kids are able to comprehend written text. Unfortunately, Indonesian children's
reading environment is quite distressing. Because the lack of access to reading materials
contributes to the low interest in reading, it is a problem for our country that needs to be
Children's reading abilities are lacking The lack of a reading culture in Indonesia is
due to the reading abilities of its youth. Given that our parents did not instill a love of reading
in us, this is not surprising. According to experts, a passion for reading or an interest in books
usually begins at home. If parents or other adults who live with them are voracious readers,
then it is practically a given that their children will follow suit. Children who can read around
the age of five will turn to books as a source of pleasure when they are bored since they have
gotten used to looking at them. Children with limited interest in reading can be actively
encouraged to read by parents and the environment.
The first strategy for dealing with mental changes is to start early with family and
environment, the second strategy is the role of libraries in reading culture because they are a
source of fundamental knowledge and skill-planting, and the third strategy is to increase
interest in reading in Indonesia to increase the allocation of funds in line with technological
advancements. As a result, enthusiasm in reading in Indonesia will be effectively managed.

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