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Inhibitory Effect of Artocarpanone from Artocarpus heterophyllus on Melanin


Article  in  Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin · October 2006

DOI: 10.1248/bpb.29.1966 · Source: PubMed


64 455

3 authors:

Enos Tangke Arung Kuniyoshi Shimizu

Universitas Mulawarman Kyushu University


Ryuichiro Kondo
Kyushu University


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1966 Notes Biol. Pharm. Bull. 29(9) 1966—1969 (2006) Vol. 29, No. 9

Inhibitory Effect of Artocarpanone from Artocarpus heterophyllus on

Melanin Biosynthesis
Enos Tangke ARUNG, Kuniyoshi SHIMIZU, and Ryuichiro KONDO*
Department of Forest and Forest Products Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University; 6–10–1 Hakozaki, Higashi-
ku, Fukuoka 812–8581, Japan. Received February 13, 2006; accepted May 29, 2006

In our previous efforts to find new tyrosinase inhibitory materials, we investigated 44 Indonesian medicinal
plants belonging to 24 families. Among those plants, the extract of Artocarpus heterophyllus was one of the
strongest inhibitors of tyrosinase activity. By activity-guided fractionation of A. heterophyllus wood extract, we
isolated artocarpanone, which inhibited both mushroom tyrosinase activity and melanin production in B16
melanoma cells. This compound is a strong candidate as a remedy for hyperpigmentation in human skin.
Key words tyrosinase; melanin; antioxidant; artocarpanone; hyperpigmentation; Artocarpus heterophyllus

Tyrosinase (EC; PPO) is known to be a key en- Indonesia in August 2003. The plant was indentified by
zyme involved in melanin biosynthesis in plants, microor- the Laboratory of Dendrology and a voucher specimen
ganisms and mammalian cells. This enzyme catalyses two (FHT.LA.13.1H) was deposited at the Laboratory of Wood
different reactions: the hydroxylation of monophenols to o- Anatomy, Forestry Faculty, Mulawarman University, Indo-
diphenols (monophenolase activity), and the oxidation of o- nesia.
diphenols to o-quinones (diphenolase activity), which, in Extraction and Bioactivity-Guided Fractionation
turn, are polymerized to brown, red or black pigments.1) Based on our screening, the sapwood extract was more po-
Many tyrosinase inhibitors have been tested in cosmetics and tent than the heartwood extract at inhibiting tyrosinase activ-
pharmaceuticals as a way of preventing overproduction of ity (IC507 and 125 m g/ml respectively). Thus, we focused
melanin in epidermal layers.2) Alterations in melanogenesis on sapwood for further investigation. The wood meal of sap-
may be responsible for some of the clinical and histopatho- wood of A. heterophyllus (2.3 kg) was extracted repeatedly
logical features unique to malignant melanoma,3) a cancer with methanol at room temperature. The methanol extract
with a rapidly increasing incidence.4) was concentrated in vacuo to yield a residue of 60.6 g (2.6%
These observations led us to focus on the exploration of of w/w). A portion of the extract (43.1 g) was suspended in
tyrosinase inhibitors from natural products. Several chemi- methanol–water (1 : 2) and partitioned with n-hexane, diethyl
cals of plant origin have been reported as tyrosinase in- ether and ethyl acetate. The tyrosinase inhibitory activity of
hibitors. Arbutin,5) ellagic acid,6) oxyresveratrol,7) chloro- the n-hexane, diethyl ether, ethyl acetate, and aqueous solu-
phorin and norartocarpanone8) have all been studied for ble fractions were 52, 94, 72, and 49% at 100 m g/ml concen-
their tyrosinase inhibition properties. tration, respectively. The diethyl ether soluble fraction
Tropical forests constitute 40—50% of the entire forested (16.3 g, 37.8% of w/w) was applied to a silica gel column
area of the world. Indonesia has an extraordinarily rich flora (Wakogel C-200, 1190 cm) and eluted with n-hexane/ethyl
and great diversity of vegetation types that parallel the di- acetate (8 : 2, 7 : 3, 6 : 4, 5 : 5, 4 : 6, 3 : 7, 2 : 8, 1 : 9, 0 : 10 and
verse physiography of the land, which is largely covered by methanol, each 800 ml) to give sixteen fractions (Fr 1 to Fr
evergreen rain forest. The great diversity of tropical plants is 16). Fraction 7 (2.10 g, 12.9% of w/w) which inhibited ty-
reflected in the qualitative and quantitative diversity of plant rosinase activity by 97% was repeatedly chromatographed
extracts, or, from a chemical point of view, of their compo- over silica gel (Wakogel C-200, 650 cm) and eluted with n-
nents, which have been used increasingly as medicines in re- hexane/ethyl acetate (8 : 2, 7 : 3, 6 : 4, 5 : 5, 4 : 6, 3 : 7, 2 : 8, 1 :
cent years. In Indonesia, several plants are used in a tradi- 9, 0 : 10, and 5 : 5 of ethyl acetate/methanol, each 600 ml and
tional medicine called “Jamu”. The uses of Jamu can be dis- methanol 1200 ml) to give nine fractions (Fr 7-1 to Fr 7-9).
tinguished into four categories of medicine: health care, Thus, Fr 7-3 (400 mg, 19.0% of w/w), which inhibited tyrosi-
beauty aids (cosmetics), tonics, and protection (a prophylac- nase activity by 99%, was applied to preparative HPLC, elut-
tic against various kinds of disease).9) Such traditional me- ing with a flow rate of 10 ml/min of aqueous/methanol (0.1%
dicinal knowledge as that in Indonesia offers researchers an trifluoroacetic acid) to give compound 1 which was identified
excellent opportunity to find new bioactive components for as artocarpanone (13.5 mg, 3.4% of w/w) by comparing with
medicines. published NMR and MS data.10,11) The [a ]D24 of this com-
In this paper, we evaluate the effects of artocarpanone iso- pound was 18° (MeOH, c0.09) measured using a DIP
lated from extracts of A. heterophyllus on melanin biosynthe- 370 Digital Polarimeter (JASCO, Japan).
sis (mushroom tyrosinase activity and melanin production in Tyrosinase Enzyme Assay The sample was first dis-
B16 melanoma cells) and its antioxidant activity. solved in DMSO and used for the actual experiment at 30
times dilution. The assay was performed as previous de-
MATERIALS AND METHODS scribed by Shimizu et al.8) with minor modification.12) First,
333 m l of 2.5 mM L-DOPA solution was mixed with 600 m l of
Plant Material The wood (sapwood and heartwood) of 0.1 M phosphate buffer (Na2HPO4 · 12H2O–NaH2PO4 · 2H2O)
Artocarpus heterophyllus was collected at Samarinda city, (pH 6.5), and incubated at 25 °C. Then, 33 m l of the sample
∗ To whom correspondence should be addressed. e-mail: © 2006 Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
September 2006 1967

solution and 33 m l of the aqueous solution of mushroom ty- Shimizu et al.16) with minor modification. The reaction mix-
rosinase (1380 units/ml) were added to the mixture and the ture contained 967 m l of 60 m M DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-
initial rate of linear increase in optical density at 475 nm was hydrazyl) in ethanol and 33 m l of sample solution in DMSO.
immediately measured on the basis of the formation of After the reaction was carried out at room temperature for 20
dopachrome. The data was calculated with the following min, the free radical scavenging activity of the sample was
equation: quantified by the decolorization of DPPH at 514 nm.
tyrosinase activity (%)(Atest sample /Acontrol)100
[Where, Aabsorbance (average value)]

The extent of inhibition by the addition of samples is ex- Compound 1 (Fig. 1) was isolated and identified as arto-
pressed as the concentration necessary for 50% inhibition carpanone by comparing its data with published NMR and
(IC50) MS data. The [a ]D24 value of 18° was different from pub-
Melanin Biosynthesis Assay This assay was performed lished data.11) The CD spectrum was measured using a J-
as previously described by Dooley et al.13) and Virador et 720W Spectropolarimeter (JASCO, Japan) and the result in-
al.14) with slight modifications.15) dicated that this compound was optically inactive. It was con-
Cell Culture A mouse melanoma cell line, B16, was ob- cluded that this compound is a racemic mixture.
tained from RIKEN Cell Bank. The cells were maintained in The melanin biosynthesis activity (mushroom tyrosinase
EMEM supplemented with 10% (v/v) fetal bovine serum enzyme activity and melanin production in B16 melanoma
(FBS) and 0.09 mg/ml theophylline. Cells were incubated at cells) of artocarpanone is shown in Table 1. Artocarpanone
37 °C in a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2. inhibited both mushroom tyrosinase enzyme activity and
Inhibitory Effect of Melanin Biosynthesis Using Cul- melanin production in B16 melanoma cells with IC50 values
tured B16 Melanoma Cells Confluent cultures of B16 of 80.8 and 89.1 m M, respectively. Arbutin as a positive con-
melanoma cells were rinsed in phosphate-buffered saline trol showed a lack of mushroom tyrosinase enzyme in-
(PBS) and lysed with 0.25% trypsin/EDTA. Cells were hibitory activity (IC50104000 m M) but strongly suppressed
placed into 24-well plastic culture plates at a density of melanin production (IC50111 m M). On the other hand, kojic
1105 cells/well and incubated for 24 h in media prior to acid inhibited mushroom tyrosinase activity potently
treatment with sample. After 24 h, the media was replaced (IC5015.5 m M) but weakly suppressed melanin production
with 998 m l of fresh media and 2 m l of DMSO with or with- (IC503521 m M).
out (control) the test sample at various concentrations was The antioxidant activity of artocarpanone was studied
added. The cells were incubated for an additional 48 h and using DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl). Artocarpanone
then the media was replaced with fresh media. After 24 h, the showed antioxidant activity at 135.8 m M (IC50), which was
remaining adherent cells were assayed (see below). Thus, the weaker than that of the positive control, quercetin (10.3 m M
cells were continuously exposed to the test samples for 3 d of IC50).
Determination of Melanin Content in B16 Melanoma DISCUSSION
Cells The melanin content of cells after treatment was de-
termined as follows. After removing the media and washing In Indonesia, some plants are used in a traditional medi-
the cells with PBS, the cell pellet was dissolved in 1.0 ml of cine called “Jamu”. The uses of Jamu can be distinguished
1N NaOH. The crude cell extracts were assayed using a into four categories of medicine: health care, beauty aids
micro plate reader (Bio-Tek, U.S.A.) at 405 nm to determine
melanin content. Results from samples were analyzed as per-
cent of control culture. Arbutin (100 ppm, Tokyo Kasei
Kogyo Co.) was used as a positive standard. The data were
analyzed with the two-tailed Student’s t-test against control.
Cell Viability Cell viability was determined using a
micro culture tetrazolium technique (MTT). The MTT assay
provides a quantitative measure of the number of viable cells
Fig. 1. The Structure of Artocarpanone
by determining the amount of formazan crystals produced by
metabolic activity in treated versus control cells. Culture was
initiated in 24-well plates at 1105 cells per well. After incu- Table 1. Effects of Artocarpanone on Mushroom Tyrosinase, and Melanin
bation, 50 m l of MTT reagent [3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)- Biosynthesis and Cell Proliferation of B16 Melanoma Cells
2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide in PBS (5 mg/ml)] was Melanin Cell
added to each well. The plates were incubated in a humidi- Tyrosinasea)
inhibition viability
Compounds tested
fied atmosphere of 5% of CO2 at 37 °C for 4 h. After remov-
ing the media, formazan crystals were dissolved in 1.0 ml of IC50 (m M) IC50 (m M) (% vs. control)b)
0.04 N HCl, and the absorbance was measured at 570 nm rel-
Artocarpanone 80.8 89.1 90
ative to 630 nm. The data were analyzed with the two-tailed Arbutin (positive control) 104000 111.0 90
Student’s t-test against control. Kojic acid (positive control) 15.5 >3521c) 90 at 3521 m M
Antioxidant Assay The sample was first dissolved in
a) substrate: L-DOPA. b) cell viability (%) at the concentration of IC50 for melanin
DMSO and used for the actual experiment at 30 times dilu- production in B16 melanoma cells. c) 40% inhibition of melanin production at 3521
tion. The assay was performed as previously described by m M.
1968 Vol. 29, No. 9

(cosmetics), tonics, and protection (disease prevention). radiation. Artocarpanone showed potent antioxidant activity,
Based on our screening data on 44 medicinal plants from In- but it was weaker than the positive control, quercetin (135.8
donesia that are commonly used in “Jamu”, we found that and 10.3 m M of IC50, respectively). The potency of arto-
Artocarpus plants showed potent tyrosinase inhibitory activ- carpanone as an antioxidant might be related to the presence
ity which is useful in anti-browning and whitening agents of hydroxyl groups in the form of a resorcinol moiety. It was
(cosmetic materials).11) Among the Artocarpus plants, A. het- reported by Ko et al.,20) and Cao et al.,27) that the number of
erophyllus was one of the most potent and this result led us hydroxyl groups in flavonoids increases the antioxidant abil-
to focus on this plant. A. heterophyllus has been reported as ity, however, the most important is the presence of a catechol
having some parts that are functional for medicines: the pulp moiety. The presence of a resorcinol moiety also seems to
and seed for cooling, tonics, and pectorial; roots for treating play a role in the antioxidant activity.
diarrhea and fever; wood for a sedative during convulsions; In conclusion, artocarpanone is a promising compound
leaves for activating milk production in women and animals, that could be useful for treating hyperpigmentation, as a
antisyphilic treatment and vermifuge; and leaf ash for treat- skin-whitening agent, and as well as an antioxidant. How-
ing ulcers and wound.17) Some scientists have reported the ever, it should be noted that safety is a primary consideration
isolation of compounds with biological activities such as an- for its practical use in humans. Still, our findings are in line
tibacterial,18) antiplatelet,19) antioxidant,20) antidiabetic21) and with the traditional uses of medicinal plants in Indonesia for
recently, antiinflammatory22) properties. their beauty aid (cosmetic) functions.
To date, research on regulation of melanogenesis has fo-
cused on factors that affect tyrosinase, the rate-limiting en- Acknowledgements We are very grateful for the techni-
zyme in the melanogenic pathway, including research on cal assistance of Dr. Koki Fujita (FAB-MS measurement); to
chemicals that inhibit tyrosinase function. Considering the Mrs. Nani Husein and Dr. Rudianto Amirta for identifying
importance of counteracting oxidative stress caused by ultra and registering the voucher specimen of A. heterophyllus;
violet (UV) radiation as a means of preventing skin damage, and to Dr. Hiroshi Furuno, Dr. Masanori Inagaki, and Dr. To-
it is also important to find a multifunctional skin-whitening mofumi Miyamoto for their technical assistance with the
agent with antioxidant properties able to inhibit melanin [a ]D24 and CD spectra measurements.
biosynthesis. Artocarpanone, which we isolated from A. het-
erophyllus, has several biologically activities, including an- REFERENCES
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