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CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The world is currently undergoing a transition from a fossil fuel based economy to one based on the
implementation of a cleaner and renewable energy mix. Within this development, Lithium?ion batteries are projected to take an even more
prominent position as the primary electric energy storage device, which in turn will drastically increase the demand for the active redox
materials used in the electrodes. Traditional Lithium-ion battery technology is based on inorganic elements that are manufactured through
energy-intensive synthesis routes and include extraction operations that might release harmful compounds into the environment, which is
problematic from a sustainability standpoint [1]. Organic active electrode materials (OEMs) for lithium batteries have emerged as potential
alternatives by combining several critical characteristics. For starters, they can be made from plentiful basic materials derived from
renewable resources such as biomass. Second, synthetic pathways are extremely adaptable and work at relatively low temperatures. Third,
the prospective chemical compositions are very adaptable, resulting in adjustable properties that could cater to the needs of certain end-
users. This is a significant trait that has the potential to lead to significant technological improvements in this industry. Finally, OEM
development opens opportunities for simple end-of-life treatments and recycling pathways, such as combustion procedures, which create a
closed materials lifecycle loop. [2] Background of the Study In everyday life, batteries are used to power a wide range of electrical devices,
including flashlights, cell phones, electric cars, and more. When a battery is supplying electric power, the positive terminal is the cathode,
and the negative terminal is the anode. [3] Two or more single cells make up a battery (although single cells are commonly referred to as
batteries). There are three primary varieties of battery/cell: a wet rechargeable cell that contains lead and acid, and a dry rechargeable cell
that contains lead and acid (used in cars), non-rechargeable dry cells containing zinc, carbon, manganese, or mercury, lithium (used in
flashlights, clocks, radios, and toys), rechargeable dry cells containing nickel, cadmium, and lithium (used in flashlights, clocks, radios, and
toys) (used in mobile phones, portable power tools). [4] Sustainable energy production is already playing a big part in the energy
environment, but storage technologies are lagging. This is especially true in the creation and storage of electrical energy. Wind and
hydropower turbines, solar panels, biomass conversion, and geothermal power plants are all gaining ground in terms of (direct) electrical
energy production. [5] Banana is a year-round marketable fruit indigenous to the Philippines. Banana being a bountiful agricultural crop, the
Philippines was rated second in the world in terms of exports in 2019, after only Ecuador. Food processing accounts for 25% of the
country's net banana production, or around 2 million metric tons in 2019, according to the most recent Philippine census. According to
preliminary investigations, the waste generated after processing is around two-thirds the weight of the raw material. Given the volume of
trash generated during processing, which is often disposed of in landfills, the use of banana peels to build high-value items such as
batteries makes sense. [6] Objectives of the Study This study focus on determining the potential of using banana peel as components in
making organic battery. Specifically, this study must achieve the following: 1. To determine the electrical parameters and the optimal
composition of the organic battery. 2. To determine which type of banana peel can produce the most efficient electrolyte. 3. To obtain the
capacity of an organic battery using banana peel. Significance of the Study This research will prove that our proposed product, Organic
Battery Using Banana Peel, is a good alternative to conventional batteries that is both cheaper and more easily manufactured locally. This
will provide the users, especially household owners and also commercial and industrial owners the knowledge such as; ? The economic
benefits of the Organic Battery Using Banana Peel on a long-term basis and an eco-friendly basis. ? The basic principle of the Organic
Battery Using Banana Peel. ? The components and construction of the Organic Battery Using Banana Peel ? The functions of the Organic
Battery Using Banana Peel To electrical and electronic enthusiasts, students, and degree holders; ? The principle and characteristics of
Organic Battery Using Banana Peel ? The construction of the Organic Battery Using Banana Peel, its chemical properties and components
? The formulas and calculations. Scope and Limitation The study will only look at the product's environmental and human consequences on
its users, particularly household owners, as well as its economic effects on them, as well as its design. The study will only focus on the most
accessible type of banana, the saba banana peel. The experiments will not exceed one liter of mixture. To get a consistent result, the
necessary testing and experimentation of its voltage output and charge (current flow over time, in mAh) were carried out in a controlled
environment. All data and information will be obtained through extensive testing, as well as through electrical and chemical and electronic
books, periodicals, journals, and newspapers, as well as primarily from credible sources of current and relevant studies on the internet.
Conceptual Framework Figure.1 shows the overall process of how organic battery using banana peel is developed. It is divided into three
parts; input, process and output. The inputs are the variety of banana peels which turns into an activated carbon, Sodium hydroxide,
manganese oxide IV, distilled water, kalamansi juice and fermented banana peel and is then process by experimentation, to figure out what
variety of banana peels and composition that gained a higher output to develop an organic battery.

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