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Stable inheritance would have an improved attraction

to olfactory cues if its parent was
Oliver Hobert and I [2] have
previously reported that olfactory
of an acquired imprinted. Intriguingly, this appears
to be the case: as shown in
imprinting involves at least
two classes of neurons, the
behavior in Figure 1A, a parental imprint was chemosensory neurons AWC and

Caenorhabditis inherited by F1 worms, but not

transmitted to F2 worms.
the interneurons AIY. Imprinting
inheritance suggests that neuronal
Jean-Jacques Remy Imprinted
4 Non-imprinted F1

Migration index (mean +/- s.e.)

Sensory imprinting produces life-long Non-imprinted F2
attachment to environmental features 3
experienced during a critical period
of early development. Imprinting
of this kind is highly conserved in 2
evolution and is an important form 1.5
of adaptive behavioral plasticity 1
[1]. The nematode Caenorhabditis 0.5
elegans undergoes such adaptation 0
to new environments through BA 1/900 BA 1/500 BA 1/300
imprinting: attractive odorants, odor
when present during the first larval
stage, produce life-long olfactory
imprints that enhance attraction
and egg-laying rates in the adults B
Number of generations grown in the presence of odours
[2]. Here I report evidence that the
olfactory imprint can be transmitted 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
N2 worms
to the next generation. If the imprint Modified sensory
is generated successively over environment
more than four generations, it is
not just transmitted through one
further generation, but rather, it
is stably inherited through many
First generation grown in Original odour-free
following generations. While the
the absence of odours environment
transient nature of the inheritance
suggests the existence of resetting
mechanisms, stable trans-
generational inheritance of the kind Second generation
reported here raises the possibility grown in the absence
that a behavioral alteration produced of odours
by an environmental change might
be genetically assimilated after a
limited number of generations.
All following generations
Behavioral plasticity is the ability
grown in the absence
of an animal to modify its behavior
of odours
so as to respond to an environmental Current Biology
change. C. elegans adapts to novel
olfactory environments by imprinting: Figure 1. Inheritance of an acquired behavior in C. elegans.
worms exposed to odorants during (A) Olfactory imprints are passed to the F1, but not to the F2 generation. N2 worms were im-
the critical first larval stage of printed independently with three dilutions of benzaldehyde: BA 1/900, BA 1/500, or BA 1/300
development (L1) keep life-long (Imprinted). F1 and F2 from imprinted parents were grown into the regular odor-free environ-
imprints that shape their behavior ment (Non-imprinted). The chemotaxis behavior of F1 and F2 were compared to that of imprint-
ed and naïve animals. Mean migration indices of non-imprinted F1 were significantly different
when they encounter the olfactory
from naïve (**, p < 0.01, n = 10), as determined by unpaired two tailed Student t tests using the
cues again as adults. In C. elegans, Kaleidagraph statistical analysis software. Chemotaxis of non-imprinted F2 was not different
olfactory imprinting increases from naïve animals (n = 10). (B) Transient or stable evolution of the C. elegans chemotaxis be-
attraction to imprinted odorants havior after iterated olfactory imprinting over generations. N2 wild-type worms were imprinted
and enhances odorant-induced independently with the five odors described in Table 1. One part of each progeny was grown in
egg-laying rates [2]. Such long-term the presence of the same odor (i.e. imprinted), another part was grown in the absence of any
odor for at least 10 generations. Population chemotaxis assays were performed at the adult
memory of favorable conditions
stage for every generation. Whatever their own history or history of their progenitors, worms
might be useful to subsequent display only one of the two levels of responses: while all ‘black’ generations behave as naïve
generations, so we therefore tested animals, all ‘red’ generations behave as imprinted. The same pattern of inheritance was found
whether a non-imprinted animal for the five odorants, imprinted independently (Table S1 in the Supplemental information).
Current Biology Vol 20 No 20

information is translated into a S1 (see Supplemental Information), discussed [10]. Our findings of
meiotically stable germ-line form. stable imprinting was odor-specific trans-generational inheritance of
An environmental change that and maintained over the course of olfactory imprinting in C. elegans
leaves a lasting impact on a worm at least 40 generations. One cannot, provide a simple experimental
may last longer than a single however, exclude the possibility that paradigm for studying the evolution
generation. We therefore investigated resetting of the imprinted behavior of adaptive behavior by assimilation
how imprinting the same olfactory will occur eventually. of an external change. Further
cues generation after generation Once parental imprints have been research on this system should
could influence adaptation of worm erased, worms recover their initial help to uncover the molecular
populations to new chemosensory plasticity and can be imprinted again mechanisms by which a reiterated
environments. We cultured up to with the same cue, but when they sensory experience over a fixed
nine generations of worms in five have become innately expressed, limited number of generations can
different sensory environments by worms have lost plasticity of be assimilated and stably alter
adding five different dilutions of response to the imprinted cues. In the innate behavior of an animal
attractive odorants (benzaldehyde that sense, it is a form of behavior population.
1/900, 1/500 or 1/300, or citronellol canalization, yet different from the
1/500 or 1/300) to the environment classically described phenotypic
during the critical early period of canalization [3], in which different Supplemental Information
Supplemental Information includes one
worm development. Part of the genotypes produce the same
figure and one table and can be found with
progeny from every imprinted phenotype. Importantly, imprinting
this article online at
generation was imprinted again with inheritance in C. elegans seems not
the same odorant while the other to be based on selection of individual
part was grown back into the original variations, as all members of a given
regular odor-free environment generation behave only according Acknowledgements
(Figure 1B). to its own or to its ancestor’s Thanks to INRA-Phase for funding, M.N. for
The behavior of each Figure 1B experience (not shown). support, and O. Hobert for comments and
discussion on the manuscript. The author
generation was compared to that It has been shown that learned
has no conflicts of interest related to this
of naïve worms. Every generation behaviors can be transmitted in
of worms has a different ‘history’, many animal species by cultural
being itself imprinted or descending means; through natural selection,
from imprinted or non-imprinted newly acquired behaviors that give References
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Traditions: Behavioral Inheritance in Evolution
at least five ancestral generations A lot of controversy still remains (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University
had been consecutively imprinted, regarding the concepts of innateness Press).
suggesting that a switch between and heritability, and the mechanisms
reversible and stable imprinting by which genetic assimilation
Neurobiology of Cellular Interactions and
occurred in all cases after four of external cues may influence
Neurophysiopathology, UMR 6184 CNRS,
consecutive generations have been evolution [6–9]. More specifically, the Mediterranée University, USC INRA-Phase,
imprinted (Figure 1B and Table S1). contribution of behavior plasticity to Marseilles, France.
As shown in Supplemental Figure animal speciation has been highly E-mail:

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