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Management Information System


Roll No : I068 Name : Harshita Rathore

Batch: - A3 Program/ Sem: MBA Tech-IT / V
Date of Submission: - 13-08-22

Topic: Enterprise social computing

Study the impact of social media on organizations

1. What is Enterprise social computing?

ESN, or enterprise social networking, connects employees, internal activities, and
corporate processes through social networking, social media, and other related technology.
Although ESNs and social media platforms are similar, the former is only available to
employees. Most ESNs are developed for corporations and organizations to promote safe,
seamless employee communication. ESNs include topic threads, direct messaging, status
updates, and comments for engagement. Company-wide notifications or alerts can also be
ESNs, however, shouldn't be compared to LinkedIn. While networks like LinkedIn can help
network helpful for networking with specialists, their public nature makes them less than
ideal for internal company talks. ESNs foster personal connections in the company.
If you simply use ESNs for socializing and communicating, you're missing out. Separate
technologies for task management, project management, collaboration, and
communication may hinder productivity due to context change. ESNs are most effective
when tightly connected with other corporate systems.[1]

2. Examples of Enterprise Social computing applications.

Workspace by Facebook: A commercial social network using popular interfaces. Work
and project groups can be formed and joined, and files and data can be shared.
Team messaging is the app's best feature. Employees can create profiles, connect via
instant messaging, and create interest or department-based groups.[2]
The app serves as a primary communication hub from which employees and management
can send new messages. Corporate presentations may be recorded or live-streamed.
Small businesses may afford Workplace by Facebook.[2]

Yammer: Yammer aids organizations in managing internal communications. Because of its

simple and user-friendly interface, users refer to it as "Business Facebook." Yammer is
appropriate for businesses because access requires a company email.[3]
The program allows collaborative document production and enhances collaboration across
several media. It transports easily, protects sensitive data, and easily communicates with
other systems. Synchronized sharing and live group editing are among the features
currently available.[3]

3. Impact of social computing on organizations.

In recent years, the field of social computing has significantly expanded. Social computing
has enabled numerous web- and mobile-based applications.[4]
These applications have led to the emergence of new web- and mobile-based business
models that have improved conventional brick and mortar companies, including the sharing
economy, peer economy, market economy, crowd corporations, and collaborative

4. How can organizations make use of social computing applications ?

Businesses commonly employ ESNs to address communication breakdowns within their
bigger teams. Particularly businesses with dispersed teams could benefit greatly from
utilising an ESN. Compared to using the phone or email, online communication
technologies make it easier to communicate with coworkers throughout the world.[4]
5. Challenges faced by the organizations ?
IT teams must deploy and sustain consumer social computing to increase productivity and
collective intelligence. Enterprise-ready products must be secure, compliant, and
controlled. Real worries. Malware, IP leakage, and productivity loss are prevalent. Many
consumer-focused social computing systems don't support enterprise uses. When
replicating the consumer Web in-house, companies must consider many issues.[5]
1) Adoption and deployment of social computing solutions focus on people—their
relationships, collaboration, communication, and business processes. Most solutions
use little technology. Understanding the organization's demands will increase the
likelihood that the technology meets its goals and that users embrace its benefits.[5]
2) Explore "weak" and "strong" social computing enterprise platforms. Gartner divides
social computing between "weak" and "strong" "Weak" social software can boost
connections and activity (e.g. e-mail, document collaboration, instant messaging).
"Strong" social software (Facebook, Digg, LinkedIn, SlideShare, Twitter, etc.) promotes
interaction between enormous numbers of people with looser social relationships. This
gap allows organisations to determine where their business demands sit between weak
and strong social software, allowing them to plan their investment in social computing
3) Start with "weak" social software to determine how "strong" software can meet
corporate needs.[5]
4) Plan long-term social computing expenditures to engage customers, partners, and
consumer-focused communities and services.[5]
5) Adapt the techniques and skills as government changes.[5]

6. Advantages
1. Streamlined communications
ESNs replace extensive email threads with conversation channels. ESNs allow you to have
private chats with team members while publishing company-wide information. This helps
employees track conversations and prevent losing important details.
Employees no longer need to find coworkers' email addresses with ESNs. ESNs let you
identify and contact colleagues in real-time, enhancing cross-team collaboration and
eliminating email problems.[1]
2. Databank
Employees can obtain project data, training tools, guidelines, research papers, and
industry news on enterprise social networks.
Cloud-based knowledge repositories simplify document management and enable team
members real-time file access. A common knowledge repository makes onboarding new
employees easier and faster because you can provide relevant information quickly.[1]

3. Collaboration centralised
Putting shared documentation, project data, and work assignments on one platform helps
team members stay organised. ESNs centralise distributed-team collaboration. A dedicated
ESN helps keep your remote workers updated.
A real-time, company-wide communication network promotes morale. Even when they
have little face-to-face interactions with employees, it offers them a sense of belonging.[1]

4. Social and informal communication

ESNs foster fun, informal employee camaraderie. Create virtual spaces to share interests
and milestones. Informal chats help faraway workers feel at home.[1]

5. Inclusion of workplace
ESNs can't make culture. Before deploying an ESN tool, establish your business culture.
An ESN can show new and remote employees your company's culture. Observing and
understanding coworkers' behaviors can help new employees grasp the corporate culture
and feel more comfortable speaking up.[1]

7. Disadvantages
1. Distractions online
Employees can only access enterprise social networks, yet they can be distracting. ESNs
increase teamwork and communication. ESN use may affect worker productivity and
Instant messaging boosts teamwork, but can be distracting. Without ESN guidelines,
keeping track is difficult.[1]
2. Strange-hour alerts
ESNs are real-time and quick. But that doesn't mean workers can call and expect a rapid
response. Strange work messages can frustrate and overwhelm workers. When staff is
busy, they should limit alerts.[1]

3. Separated conversations
Business social networking, collaboration, document management, and project
management silos. Employees can start a dialogue in project management and switch to
ESN. Your staff will search tool interactions for what they need.[1]

8. Read and write a short note about how social media plays a key role in Indian
Today, political parties aim to influence young people. Since most teens use social media,
they sometimes use it as a weapon. Social media gives voice to the media-ignored. Since
most voters are young, political parties utilise social media to learn about voters' likes and
dislikes and to control them, saving money, time, and resources. Some users prefer growth
services like Instagram growth service to boost the number of followers, and parties can
use it to promote themselves as it fosters an innovative discourse.
Before, only those who read newspapers or watched news channels discussed political
topics, but today social media allows youth to do so, which can affect administrative
Social media in Indian politics is being rapidly evaluated. It won't make a huge shift
immediately, but it helps disseminate awareness in developing countries.
Obama and Trump used social media to campaign during the president election.
Negative effects include: Americans utilised phoney social media profiles to influence
voters during the 2016 election.


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