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Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Escárcega

Ingeniería en sistemas computacionales

Asignatura: Fudamentos de programación

Alumno (a): Mariana Margarita Hernández Cruz
Grupo: ISVB-1
Actividad: Mapa conceptual sobre la sintaxis, funcionamiento y
aplicación de las estructuras de control de un lenguaje de
Java program structure
Control structures A typical structure of a Java
In java we will use control program contains the following
structures to modify the elements:
sequential flow of a Documentation section
program. That is, the order package declaration
in which its instructions are Import declarations.
executed. control statements

Decision-making Loop structures It allows programmers to write
structures computer instructions using
english commands instead of
If structure Structure for having to type in numerical
If-else structure while structure codes.
create and develop web-based
do-while structure applications.
If-else if structure

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