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9/8/22, 10:45 AM About Jupyter Notebooks (Optional) | Coursera

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About Jupyter Notebooks (Optional)

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0:06 In all our quizzes so far, we've been working with code blocks. Code blocks are a great tool for
writing small snippets of code, but now we're tackling more complex problems so we need a
more powerful tool. We're going to start using a new tool called Jupyter Notebooks, kicking off
with the next quiz. A Jupyter Notebook is a special kind of document that can contain pieces
of programming code. We can execute these pieces of code inside the notebooks one piece at
a time, and the notebooks can also contain other things like text, images, interactive widgets,
and a whole lot more. These extra elements allow us to tell an interactive story with our code
exercises. Like Code Blocks, Jupyter Notebooks lets us edit and run our code in the web
browser. The difference is that we can add explanations and between the code, and also the
pieces of code are related to each other. Jupyter Notebooks are an open-source technology
that you can use outside this platform, so if you're interested, you could even run it locally on
your computer. Without further ado, let's check out how a Jupyter Notebook works and what
you can do with it. We'll first click on Open Notebook and wait until the notebook loads. Now
that it's loaded, you can see some explanatory text and a bit of code. We can execute the code
by clicking the run button in the toolbar, or we can also run it by pressing Shift-Enter on our 1/1

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