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NOTE:- Each question carries 10 Marks.

1. Explain
a) ISP
b) Web Servers
c) Web Browser
d) Scriptlet
f) HTTP Request
g) XML and Characteristics of XML
h) Java Object
j) Operators in PHP
k) Web Applications
l) AJAX server script
m) Operators available in JavaScript.
n) Types of statements in PHP.
o) Concept of Polymorphism, Inheritance and Exception Handling in
p) CSS, Types of CSS
q) HTML5
r) Cookies and types of cookies.
s) Various types of Internet Connections.

2. Which JavaScript operator calculates the remainder by dividing two

integers? Explain with example.
3. How can a cookie be created using JavaScript? Explain with code.
4. Write short note on HTML Lists with sample code.
5. Give example of Dialog Boxes in JavaScript.
6. Explain Exception Handling.
7. Explain tools for Website creation.
8. Explain Functions and Events available in JavaScript.
How tables and graphics are created in HTML? Show with sample code.
9. Discuss with the help of an example, the use of stylesheet.
10. Differentiate cookies from session variables.
11. Differentiate between ‘GET’ and ‘POST’ methods in PHP.
12. Explain Form GET and POST methods with syntax.
13. Write a JavaScript to print “Good-Day” using IF-ELSE condition.
14. What are the major advantages and disadvantages of AJAX?
15. Explain HTML Formatting tags with example and produce output.
16. Write a JavaScript that scrolls a text message in the status bar of the
browser window.
17. Explain the Frame tag and Table tag in HTML. Write sample code and
show output.
18. Write a PHP program to print reverse of any number.
19. Illustrate Servlet Life Cycle in detail.
20. How cookies are used by web application to increase response time.
21. How AJAX works? Demonstrate the used of the open() and send()
methods of the XMLHttpRequest object.
22. Summaries various features of React.js
23. What are the advantages of using React?
24. What is the virtual DOM? How does react use the virtual DOM to render
the UI?

1. Design HTML document to create your class timetable.
2. Design HTML CSS document to show your own profile page
3. Implement simple calculator using React

4. Design a simple calculator which performs addition, subtraction,

multiplication and division as per user's choice and display answer on html
page. Use appropriate JavaScript control statement
5. What is JavaScript DOM, use simple DOM object to change the content of
the html element?
6. Write a JavaScript Program to Check if entered a number is Positive,
Negative, or Zero.
7. Implement the Solution for Following Scenario by using try catch error
handling block of JavaScript:
8. Design a web page where user types characters in an input field and it will
show appropriate suggestions for city name based on input characters
entered by user .use PHP and AJAX to show suggestions.
9. Design a web page by using AJAX for following scenario :
When a user clicks on the "Get CD info" button above, the loadDoc()
function is executed. The loadDoc() function creates an XMLHttpRequest
object, adds the function to be executed when the server response is
ready, and sends the request off to the server. When the server response
is ready, an HTML table is built, nodes (elements) are extracted from the
XML file, and it finally updates the element "demo" with the HTML table
filled with XML data.
10. Make a text box and button. Enter any number between 10 and 20 in text
box, after click of button If the value is wrong, less or greater than 10 and
20 or not entered in text box then an exception (err) is thrown in form of
text message accordingly.
11. Use PHP to create simple calculator.
12. Write a PHP program to check Armstrong number.
13. Write a PHP program to reverse given string.
14. Apply the knowledge of React.js to create weather app

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