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1. Why universal values important for business?

A value is a universal value if it has the same value or worth for all, or almost all, people.
Our values are important because they help us to grow and develop. The decisions we make are a
reflection of our values and beliefs, and they are always directed towards a specific purpose. That purpose
is the satisfaction of our individual or collective (organizational) needs.
For a vehicle to do its job, it needs both an engine for power and a steering system so it can be guided. An
organization is no different: its purpose is the engine that propels it forward, and its values are the steering
system by which it is guided.
Purpose defines why you do what you do, and values define how you act in service of that purpose.
Values are a key component of a healthy workplace culture because they clarify how your organization
and its staff should behave. They provide the framework within which you can test decisions, accomplish
tasks, and interact with others.
Universal values help organizations determine a range of acceptable behaviors, defining for leaders and
employees alike which actions are encouraged and which are unacceptable. Values tell staff what is good
for the organization and what is unhealthy.
Just as it is important to be able to identify with an organization’s purpose, it is also important to align
with its values. Organizations that authentically define their values show employees how to align their
behaviors with the things that matter to the organization.

2. Using Virtue ethics as your basis of action, say something about the following situations.

a. Your mother is seriously sick and you have exhausted everything to maintain her
medicine. Would you suggest to your father to rob the bank or to find any means such
as stealing in order to support your mother?
No. Suggesting my father to rob a bank will worsen the situation we are in. First, robbery is a
crime. If they will catch him, he will definitely go to jail and that will leave me alone with my
sick mother. Second, it is against my conscience, values and beliefs and that stealing is not
morally right whatever the situation you may be in. Third, stealing is not the solution to the
problem. There are a lot of government and non-government programs that can help in the
medication of my mother such as PhilHealth and the Universal Healthcare Law. My father and I
can also apply for part-time jobs to support her medication. Solving a problem with a wrong
solution will not solve the problem.

b. You know that the police were looking for your father who committed murder. Is it
better to tell the truth telling them where your father is but by doing so, makes your
father go to jail?

I will tell the police where my father is. If he really did the crime, hiding him means
tolerating what he did and it is wrong and unjust not just for the victim’s family but ours too.
If he has a warrant of arrest, then there is a strong reason or evidence directing to him that he
did the crime. Moreover, we have our justice system to decide whether he is guilty or not. Let
it be the judge.

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