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17.3 Academic writing—7 verbs should be made into passive forms. Find them and correct them.

Inflation can be defined as a general rise in prices. Such rises are measured by the cost of an agreed group of
products and services over a period of time. It has been argued that moderate inflation is the sign of a healthy
economy, but from a political point of view, there are two dangers. Firstly, there is the simple fear in ordinary
members of the public when they see the value of their savings being reduced by inflation. In this situation,
politicians are blamed, even when the causes of price rises are global rather than national. Secondly, as prices rise,
people naturally tend to shop less and the economy is damaged further. Once more, political parties can expect to
be criticized, as shops and businesses suffer or close. This is why governments fear inflation and will do almost
anything in their power to avoid it.

 17.4 Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

1. I confirm the reservation.

The reservation is confirmed.

2. We will deliver the goods immediately.

The goods will be delivered immediately

3. We arranged a meeting this morning.

A meeting was arranged

4. You can cancel the contract within five business days.

The contract can be canceled within five business days

5. They execute all orders carefully.

All orders are executed carefully

6. You have made a mistake.

A mistake has been made

7. We are processing your order.

Your order is being processed

8. Jane had booked a flight.

A flight had been booked

9. He has not answered our letter.

Our letter has not been answered

10. She did not sign the contract.

The contract was not signed

11. The supervisor will review this report.

This report will be reviewed by the supervisor

12. I have attached the current status report.

The current status report has been attached

13.We should follow the recommended guidelines.

The recommended guidelines should be followed.

14.Sarah Connor welcomed the new employees.

The new employees were welcomed by Sarah Connor

15. The auditor was reviewing the accounting records.

The accounting records were being reviewed by the auditor

16. The trainers will announce the test results tomorrow.

The test results will be announced by the trainers tomorrow

17. We have to take a shuttle bus.

A shuttle bus has to be taken

18. The company offered us childcare vouchers.

We were offered childcare vouchers.

17.5 Translate these sentences into English.

1. Hãy cho chúng tôi biết nếu có bất kỳ điều gì cần thay đổi.

Let us know if anything that needs to be changed.

2. Bản vẽ không cần phải chỉnh sửa.

The drawing does not need to be edited.

3. Dữ liệu bạn gửi không thể tìm thấy trong bản vẽ.

The data you sent could not be found in the drawing.

4. Tôi muốn cho bạn biết công việc đã được làm lại.

I would like to let you know the work has been re-done.

5. Thông tin đã được cập nhật trong email gần đây nhất.

The information has been updated in the nearest email.

6. Những vấn đề khác có thể được thảo luận trong cuộc họp sau.

Other issues can be discussed in the next meeting.

7. Một mục mới đã được thêm vào chương trình họp.

A new section has been added to the meeting agenda.

8. Công việc của chúng tôi đã hoàn thành.

Our works have been finished.

9. Nhiều người hơn cần được cho quyền truy cập vào phần mềm.

More people need to be given access to the software.

10. Các cây kèo mái đã được chỉnh sửa theo yêu cầu.

Roof trusses have been modified to require.

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