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Stroke is a disease type which is the second most frequent cause of death worldwide in
2011, accounting for 6.2 million deaths. In 2010, approximately 17 million people had a
stroke and it was 33 million people have stoke and were still alive. Stroke occur when the
supply of blood to the brain is either interrupted or reduced. Strokes occur due to
problems with the blood supply to the brain either the blood supply is blocked or a blood
vessel within the brain ruptures.When this happens, the brain does not get enough oxygen
or nutrients which causes brain cells to die. Stroke is also one of the dangerous diseases
that require prompt treatment so that disease does not spread.

There are three types of stroke which is ischemic, hemorrhagic and TIA. In 2006, the
research was made by the American Heart Association (AHA) that the US has
approximately 40% of stroke deaths are in males, with 60% in females. Stroke is also
more likely to affect people if they are overweight, aged 55 or older, have a personal or
family history of stroke, do not exercise much, drink heavily or use illicit drugs and many
else. This disease can be reduce by some treatment which is tPA (tissue plasminogen
activator), surgery and non-surgical procedures.


The causes of the stroke disease occur when the supply of blood to the brain is either
interrupted or reduced. The brain cells will die when this happens because the brain does
not get enough oxygen or nutrients. The different forms of stroke have different specific

Firstly the Ischemic strokes are the most common form of stroke disease, with around
85% of strokes being of this type. They are caused by the arteries that connect to the brain
blocking or narrowed, resulting in ischemia which is severely reduced blood flow. These
blockages are often caused by blood clots, which can form either in the arteries
connecting to the brain, or further away before being swept through the bloodstream and
into narrower arteries within the brain. Clots can be caused by fatty deposits within the
arteries called plaque. The common ischemic strokes which is thrombotic strokes and
embolic stokes. Thrombotic stroke happens when a blood clot which is called as
thrombus forms in one of the arteries that supply blood to the body. Blood clot caused by
fatty deposits called as plaque that build up in arteries and also cause reduced blood flow
called as atherosclerosis. While, embolic stroke is occur when a blood clot or other debris
forms away from brain but normally in heart. It also swept through blood stream to lodge
narrower brain arteries called as embolus.

Hemorrhagic strokes are caused by arteries in the brain either leaking blood or bursting
open. Brain hemorrhages can result from many conditions that affect the blood vessels,
including uncontrolled high blood pressure called as hypertension, over treatment with
anticoagulants and weak spots in blood vessel walls called as aneurysms. Blood vessels
can burst or spill blood in the middle of the brain or near the surface of the brain, sending
blood into the space between the brain and the skull. Hemorrhagic stroke is caused the
rupture of an abnormal tangle of thin-walled blood vessels which is arteriovenous
malformation present at birth.

Transient ischemic attack (TIA) are also known as a ministroke. Transient ischemic
attack occur when the flow of blood to the brain is only disrupted temporarily for a short
time. Transient ischemic attack should be regarded as medical emergencies just like the
other kinds of stroke, even if the blockage of the artery is temporary. They serve as
warning signs for future strokes and indicate that there is a partially blocked artery or clot
source in the heart. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
over a third of people who experience a Transient ischemic attack go on to have a major
stroke within a year if they have not received any treatment, between 10 until 15 percent
will have a major stroke within 3 months.


Strokes occur quickly and as such their symptoms often appear suddenly without
warning. It depends on the area of the brain affected. The main symptoms are such as
confusion, including trouble with speaking and understanding. Besides that, headache and
possibly with altered consciousness or vomiting. Next, numbness of the face, arm or legs,
particularly on one side of the body. Trouble with seeing in one or both eyes and trouble
with walking, including dizziness and lack of coordination was a symptoms of stoke.

Stokes also can lead to long-term problems but depending on how quickly it is diagnosed
and treated. The patient can experience temporary or permanent disabilities in the
aftermath of a stroke. In a addition to the problems listed above continuing, patients may
also experience problems in bladder or bowel control problems. Patients will depression
and also pain in the hands and feet that gets worse with movement and temperature
changes. Besides that, patients will paralysis or weakness on one or both sides of the
body and also trouble controlling or expressing emotions.

To simulate proper weight shift while strengthening hip and pelvis muscles
aStand facing a countertop or other firm surface for support.
b. Shift your weight onto your right leg and lift your knee straight.
c. Return to center with both feet on the floor
d. Shift your weight onto your left leg and lift your right leg out to
the side keeping your back and knee straight.
e.Repeat several times, alternating lifts.


Smoking gradually will increase your risk of having stroke. This risk shown when
smoke narrow your arteries and it make your blood more clot.

If you stop smoking, you will decrease the risk of suffering stroke in your body. Stop
smoking also will give your health better and reduce others disease such as lung cancer
and heart disease. It also will improve your inhalation and exhalation of breathing.

Excercise is the best way to get away your stroke disease. It also can maintain your
body weight, lower your cholesterol level and keep your blood pressure in normal

A healthy human often do exercise 3 times a week. For example, 150 minutes ( 2
hours and 30 minutes) of exercise such as cycling, fast walking and jogging slowly. This
excercise is recommended every week.

With this excercises, your blood will always pumps to all your body and and get rid
the blockage of the blood vessels. This will make you easier to breath and reduce the

If you are recovering from stroke, you should takes advice from doctor on how to do
excercise after recovering from stroke. Regular excercise may not suitable for patient that
have stroke in the first weeks or months following but you be able to do excercise like
usual after your rehabilitation has progressed.


Eating too much an unhealthy diet can cause your chances of having stroke will
increase because it may lead you to high blood pressure and in your cholesterol levels.

Therefore, a Therefore, a low-fat, high-fibre diet is usually eat by the healthy person
including plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables (five portions a day) and whole grains. You
also can eat diet food with referring the pyramid food.

You also need to limit the food that have high quantity of salt such as cheese, salt fish
and nuggets. This food may increase your blood pressure and you may increase the stroke
disease in your body.


Stress may increase your blood pressure and make your mental unstable. If you have
many problems or having many works, you also can stress and faint.

To prevent the stress, you should do something that make you feels release stress such
as listening to music, get on vacation and sleep. This way make you release tension and
make your body calm. You also can do exercise because when you do exercise you will
enjoy and have fun.
From the discussion can conclude that stroke are the main of the dangerous disease ,also
in technology moden,all the disease can be solved with using technology moden.people
nowadays can choose for keep health or others because there are many ways for solving
the health problem with advise from doctor or someone professional about it.

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