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a topic of interest

engender several valid concerns regarding ….

People are facing the dilemma of whether or not
Given that .... is a perennial problem of public concern, … has been a matter of debate
long-standing (a)

To what extent do agree or disagree?
Do you agree or disagree?
1. While a school of thought holds that …. , I would not give my consent to this viewpoint since
some assert that …., I wholeheartedly subscribe to this viewpoint
(strong opinion)

There are a plethora of reasons why people advocate ... The key rationale in favour of this view is that ....

Another compelling reason why is that

All the aforementioned points lead me to a firm conclusion that ...

2. A school of thought holds that … While this thinking is valid to a certain extent, I would contend that
(balanced opinion)

There are a plethora of compelling reasons why people subscribe to the view that …
It is justifiable/understandable ....
- Firstly,
- The key rationale in favor of this view is that
- Another reason to advocate sth/doing sth; favor sth

Despite the aforementioned benefits, I would contend that ….

However, (given ....), it is absurd/ imprudent (avoid extreme words in balance essay) to (downplay the
importance of)

do a disservice to sb/sth
take a toll on

To recapitulate, while there are admittedly several benefits of …, I believe that

it seems that …, I am convinced that
there are some justifications for …, I would contend that

Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

1. While there are admittedly several benefits to N, I would contend that the drawbacks (of this growing
development) are more glaring. (disadvantages > advantages)

On the one hand, …. is advantageous/beneficial to a certain extent

has several noteworthy positive effects
- First,
- Furthermore, …

On the other hand, I am convinced that the aforementioned advantages pale in comparison with the
significant disadvantages of …
- A major drawback is that
- In addition to this,

To recapitulate, while …. is not without certain benefits, I believe that these advantages are
overshadowed by the drawbacks.
2. While there are admittedly several drawbacks for N, I would contend that they are overshadowed by
the benefits. (advantages > disadvantages)

On the one hand, when S+V, several problems can be anticipated.

Despite the aforementioned drawbacks, I would contend that

On the other hand, I am convinced that the aforementioned drawbacks pale in comparison with the
significant benefits of …

To recapitulate, while …. may have some negative aspects/ potential dangers, I believe they are
overshadowed by the given advantages.

Discuss both views and give your opinion?
While a school of thoughts holds that …, others assert that …. Both viewpoints are justifiable;however, I
would give my consent to the latter/ former.

It is understandable for some people to be in favour of/advocate

On the one hand, the option to … is attractive for several reasons.

Despite the aforementioned arguments, I would contend that

On the other hand, it is justifiable why some people hold an opposition to / opponents of ...
- Firstly,
- Furthermore, advocates for … emphasize the importance of ...
- Another compelling reason why

To recapitulate, it seems to me that ...

it is my personal conviction that…
(as long as …)


Although several consequences such as … have resulted from this trend, they should be tackled by a
number of effective solutions from

…. can result in some negative effects being anticipated.

- The main issue is that
- Another negative impact is that
… has already had some damaging impacts both on … and on …
- In environmental terms, ... For instance
- In social terms,

Since such issues are pressing, the governments and individuals should take steps to mitigate these
potential problems/, several measures should be implemented to ...
- The first measure could be …
- Another remedy is that
To recapitulate, serious repercussions of … vary, and appropriate steps, namely … need to be taken to
combat these issues.


The reasons behind this phenomenon/ tendency/ view vary and several solutions such as ... should be
adopted (by …) to mitigate these potential problems.
This worrying/ongoing trend can be ascribed to/ driven by a host of factors and there are several
solutions such as should be adopted (by…) to address it.

There are two primary reasons why …

- The first-and-foremost reason is that
- main culprit (used for something bad)
ex: In terms of the principal reason behind the rise in beverage drink consumption, sugar and
caffeine, which are the most addictive properties found in sugar-containing beverages are the
main culprits.
- Furthermore, the problem is accentuated by/with

Fortunately, several viable measures could be taken to alleviate this potential problem.
Several measures can be implemented to ...
- The first solution would be
- Another remedy is that

To recapitulate, there are numerous reasons for …, and steps such as … should be taken to combat this


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