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Experiential Exercise Using the Internet or library sources, select four organizations—two in the
private sector and two in the public sector. Find their mission statements. Complete the following
exhibit by identifying the stakeholders that are mentioned. Evaluate the differences between firms
in the private sector and those in the public sector.


What is a Private Sector?

The private sector is a section of the national economy that is not owned by the government. The
business conducted under this sector is carried out by companies or entrepreneurs who focus on
profit maximization and customer satisfaction.

Examples from the Private Sector, including their Mission Statement and Identification of

Software Developer


We are a highly competent yet ever improving team of talented software developers who are
committed to producing excellent software and to fostering an environment of collaboration and


These are the people who will be most directly affected by the software. Their buy-in is
essential. No matter how flashy or efficient software is, if end users don’t like it they
won’t use it. End users fall into three main groups:

 Direct users - Those who will use the software directly are usually most concerned with
how it will fit into their current workflows. They want to know that it solves a significant
problem or otherwise makes their job easier.

 Secondary users - Direct users interact with the software itself. Secondary users rely on
the products of the software. New software needs to produce results in a format that fits
into secondary users’ workflows. Forgetting about this group can cause one problem
while solving another, like suddenly generating reports in a format secondary users
can’t integrate into their analytics.

 Beneficiaries - These are all the people affected by the software’s products. The term
encompasses a huge base of customers and vendors who focus more on results than
process. Their input should revolve around the services or information the software will


Graphic Roots Design

Mission Statement

To provide high quality, professional and complete creative services in all design &
communication fields including: Graphic Design  / Printing  /  Advertising  /  Branding  / 
Packaging  /  Promotional Materials Design & Supply  /  Copywriting  /  Photography  / 
Strategic Marketing  /  Multimedia  /  Web Design, Development & Hosting  /  Interiors Design


 It is easier to reach organizational stakeholders, since they are members of the

organization that you are working with. There is no “elastic user” (Cooper, 1999); each
stakeholder is a flesh-and-blood person you can talk to.
 Stakeholder goals are typically concrete, and explicitly tied to particular business or
performance metrics for the purposes of compensation. As a result, stakeholders will
often be quite explicit about what their goals and what their objections to a given project
might be.

What is a Public Sector?

The Public Sector is usually comprised of organizations that are owned and operated by the
government and exist to provide services for its citizens. Similar to the voluntary sector,
organizations in the public sector do not seek to generate a profit.

Funding for public services are usually raised through a variety of methods, including taxes, fees,
and through financial transfers from other levels of government (e.g. from a federal to a
provincial or state government).

Different governments from around the world may employ their own unique method of funding
for public services.
Gas and Oil

Chevron Philippines


To provide products, services and solutions of the highest quality and deliver more value to our
customers that earns their respect and loyalty.


Customers, Workers and Other Staffs.



To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based, and
complete basic education where:

Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating environment.

Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner.
Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensure an enabling and supportive
environment for effective learning to happen.
Family, community, and other stakeholders are actively engaged and share responsibility for
developing life-long learners.


Parents, Learners, and Teachers

Differences between firms

We are a highly competent yet ever improving team of talented software developers
who are committed to producing excellent software and to fostering an environment of
collaboration and trust.


Graphic Design Mission Statements

Creativity is at the core of a great graphic design business team’s values. Success also depends on
a great mission statement that inspires the team to be focused towards its goals including increasing
shareholder value. Graphic design starts with GUI pages, but they should end with converting
website visitors into satisfied and loyal start customers. Your product and/or service specialties could
be in small business development , creating web presence at affordable prices, high-end value
added services that builds a loyal clientele.

Most of the businesses or organisations that we have looked at so far have been in the private
sector of the economy. These are any organisations owned, controlled and managed by private
individuals, usually for the purpose of making profit.

The public sector is the government sector of the economy - don't muddle this with the general
public - they are the private sector! This is referred to as public ownership. It was considered
that the government would act in the interests of the population by providing vital services, even
if there was no profit in this provision. Merit goods are goods, such as medical care and
education, which might not be provided to all of the population by the private sector as there
may be no profit here. Government may allow access to all people even if they cannot afford to
pay. This is because the government believes the provision of these goods is in the interests of
Public ownership is much less common these days as it is believed that businesses are much
more efficient if they are privately owned. In the past few decades (since the start of the 1980s)
many businesses around the world have been privatised. This means that they have been
changed from public ownership to private ownership. However, the balance between public and
private ownership varies considerably from country to country. In recent years, several
governments have begun to create partnerships with the private sector, which may run some
aspects of public sector services such as hospitals and schools, even though these services have
not been privatised. These are called public/private partnerships or enterprises, and are to be
found in areas such as education and transport. Here the state organises the delivery of the
service, while private companies provide some, or all, of the infrastructure

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