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“Stay on course”

Place: Volia Colony

Magistrate Zachary Phelps
Viscount Nikolas Zammer
Major Silva
Captain Zehlen
Emissary Hranik
Guard Captain Lem
Commander Toreg

Magistrate Zachary Phelps
Age: 53
From: born in Krav Terra Colony
Bio: Zachary Phelps was born in the colony of Krav Terra 53 years ago. He was
always meant to become a magistrate, thus, his parents made sure Zachary
obtained all the necessary skills in order to occupy such an important governmental
position. As a single child born to an influential family of politicians, Zachary
never felt any kind of need and knew no struggle aside from the usual things one
might go through while growing up. At some point in his life, Zachary was
appointed as Volia’s magistrate. Following in his father’s footsteps, Zachary is a
loyal servant of the Confederacy and its people. His devotion never wavers, and as
a result, he is willing to overlook certain... less admirable aspects of this
government and its civil servants. Even though Zachary holds a fair amount of
power and commands enough influence to impose his will, he rarely does so, for
he is not an ambitious person. Comfort, tradition and stability – those are the things
he values the most in his life and in his job.
Viscount Nikolas Zammer
Age: 37
From: Earth, Austria
Bio: Little is known about Nikolas Zammer’s life prior to his arrival to Volia, aside
from the fact that he was not born a colonist like the majority of the colony’s
current inhabitants. As a true earthborn, Zammer is somewhat condescending in
dealing with the “outworlders” regardless of their species. Regardless, he is a
capable assistant and manager, which is why Magistrate Phelps tolerates his
somewhat inapropriate behavior here and there. Nikolas is a fairly new addition to
the Volia Colony, and many people believe him to be the “eyes and ears” of the
Confederate government.
Major Silva
Age: 29
From: born in Volia Colony
Bio: Silva is the local Marshall, responsible for Volia’s security. He graduated
from the Confederate Militia Academy at the age of 23 following the five year
training course and was appointed Marshall by the Confederate government almost
immediately after, beating several other candidates mainly due to the fact that the
colonists viewed him much more favorably thanks to him being a native Volien.
Silva’s major rank was not earned in battle – a somewhat controversial subject –
but given to him due to Magistrate’s request. The reason for that is simple, though:
only a major can be appointed Marshall. Silva is usually calm and collected, if
somewhat indecisive. Just like Zachary Phelps, he enjoys peace and stability of the
region, focusing mainly on petty crimes and community relations.
Captain Zehlen
Age: 24
From: born in Volia Colony
Bio: “A guy next door” is a phrase that perfectly describes Janos Zehlen. He’s a
loyal officer trying his best to the his job right. A local, just like Silva, Captain
Zehlen takes pride in his home colony and often responds harshly to the Viscount
Zammer’s rude comments regarding colonists and their way of life.
Emissary Hranik
Age: about 45
From: Earth
Bio: Hranik is the Confederate Emissary appointed to oversee the colonization
process in this sector. Very little is known about Hranik’s lif. According to the
official database entry, Hranik is “an efficient manager with a variety of skills
ranging from public relations to stategic planning”.
Guard Captain Lem
Age: about 30
From: Earth
Bio: Lem is often seen by Hranik’s side. Judging by his uniform, he’s a Captain
with the Confederate Guard – a special regiment tasked with protection of
Confederate officials.
Commander Toreg
Age: 36
From: Teo Sara Colony
Bio: Toreg Stivsson is a well-known “freedom fighter” who managed to evade
Confederate patrols for years carrying out covert operations aimed at overthrowing
the government, or, at the very least, weakining its grasp over the colonies enough
for Toreg and his men to take over and “lead the people towards a brighter future
without oppression”. Stivsson served with the Confederate military in the past. For
his outstanding performance he was awarded the rank of a Commander. During
one of the skirmishes with the invading Zerg forces, Toreg saw an opportunity to
pursue his own agenda, turned his ship against the Confederate forces and fired his
cannons, successfully destroying his own escort, and then cutting off
communications with the rest of the fleet, taking his command ship and all its crew
with him. The official statement issued by the Confederacy was as follows: “It is
with the great sorrow that we must inform you of a tragic loss of one of our finest
commanders. Today, the Confederate Fleet has suffered a great casualty –
Commander Toreg Stivsson was killed in action over the colony of Teo Sara,
fending off the invading Zerg forces. Unfortunately, none of his men survived the
encounter.” Though officially, Stivsson is considered KIA, unofficially, he is
wanted throughout the Confederate space, and every Confederate officer knows to
shoot on sight to make the insincere statement a reality.
Age: 21
From: Volia Colony
Bio: Martin Hacek, also known as “Sharktooth”, is a petty thief infamous
throughout the colony for stealing jewelry and clothing, with an occassional grand
theft of a vehicle or two. In spite of the numerous transgressions, Hacek was never
arrested for longer than 48 hours, since the Magistrate uses him as an informant,
much to Silva’s disappointment.
Volia is a prosperous colony located far away from the sector’s central, established
75 years ago. It’s main resource is Vespin Gas, and most colonists are involved in
its acquisition and / or distribution in one way or another. The colony is governed
by a Magistrate appointed by the Confederacy, Zachary Phelps is currently in
office, with Viscount Zammer and Marhsall Silva taking care of daily routines and
maintaining security throughout the colony.
One day, the peaceful community is shaken by terrible news: Magistrate Phelps
hasn’t reported to his office and is nowhere to be found. According to Viscount
Zammer, his personal quarters are sealed and he doesn’t respond to communication
requests. The Viscount suggests informing the Confederate Emissary immediately,
but Silva urges him to wait until at least something is known. Since this is a very
serious matter, Marshall decides to investigate it personally and sets out for the
Magistrate’s apartment, accompanied by some militia officers...
Zammer: Come on, come on... link up faster!
Adjutant: Greetings, Viscount Zammer. You have reached Volia’s Security HQ.
Would you like to speak to the militia’s representative?
Zammer: I would very much like to do so.
Adjutant: One moment, please... connecting. Connection established, channel
Zehlen: Good morning, sir. Is there anything I can help you with?
Zammer: You bet there is. I’m afraid our dear Magistrate has finally had it.
Zehlen: What do you mean, sir?
Zammer: Good ol’ Phelps decided to not show up in his office today. Nobody
knows where he is, and he ignores my communication requests.
Zehlen: Are you saying that the Magistrate... has vanished?
Zammer: No, I’m saying he’s taking a relaxing walk. Yes, that’s what I’m saying,
you simpleton.
Zehlen: There’s no need for that, sir. Have you tried to contact the Magistrate?
Zammer: *sighs* Yes. Numerous times. I’ve got no response. That is why I’m
talking to you now.
Zehlen: I see. Perhaps, I should let the Marshall know. This seems important.
Zammer: Perhaps you should. Maybe he’d be at least somewhat more competent.
Zehlen: One moment, sir.
Adjutant: Channel closed. Re-routing. Connection established, channel opened.
Silva: Silva here. Go ahead, Viscount.
Zammer: The Magistrate is nowhere to be found, he doesn’t respond to my
communication requests. I’m afraid something might have happened to our
beloved governor. Care to investigate?
Silva: Of course, Mr. Zammer. We’ll do a wellfare check at once.
Zammer: You do that, Silva. It should be a nice change of scenery for you.
Silva: You could always join us, Mr. Zammer. This IS your boss we’re talking
about after all.
Zammer: With all due respect, Marshall, I’ve got a colony to run until our friend is
found. So, for the good of us all, please, do make haste. And report back to me as
soon as you find anything.
Adjutant: Channel closed. Connection terminated.
Silva: Here goes nothing.

1. Make way to the Magistrate’s quarters and peform a wellfare check.
2. Report the findings back to the Viscount.
Silva: Alright, boys, I’ve got some bad news. Phelps has gone missing, failed to
report to his post. We’ve gotta do a wellfare check. Since this is the Magistrate
we’re talking about, I’m coming with y’all. Captain, you’re in charge of the force
until I get back.
Zehlen: Understood.
Silva: Good. Let’s go.

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