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The fight for uncletopia tf2

our hero, astley rickett is in a fight agaisnt the greatest villain of all time...
richard nazi astley, his horrendous brother who threatens your life and your
dignity. astley brings out the fight so much so it keeps you up at night
thinking, rather than just nodding off. astley out-trains you so much it is hard
for our hero to keep up, even if he has the best training in the world and
never has an off-day. astley also plays on ricketts current lazy ways so much
so he keeps his lung size and lung volume at no less than 20 lung lung
capacity, but ricketts knows this, yet keeps himself healthy and strong. astley
is the best part of any movie you want to watch and needs to be seen. astley
is also of course the biggest fan of minecraft, which is a good thing, though
he can't play as he likes to play Minecraft in minecraft so well.

who would play astley as astley? astley himself, it would be easy to give it to
astley himself. astley is a huge part of minecraft, and in a world that has
apparently just been revealed to be 2% good and 1% evil we need more
good people, we can't have them dying for lack of oxygen, only the furue can

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